Friday, June 21, 2024
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Pomegranate seeds: 6 health benefits

Red, juicy and bright, pomegranate is packed with many essential nutrients. This superfood, commonly known as anar, is extremely delicious and healthy. When it...

6 superfoods to reduce anxiety and stress

In a world where stress and anxiety seem to lurk around every corner, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find a little bit...

Try these 5 Indian superfoods instead of international superfoods

The term “superfoods” has garnered publicity on social media over the past decade but what does it mean? According to Merriam-Webster, superfoods are “foods...

Know the benefits of Cauliflower that make it a nutrition superstar!

Ever since the world started making healthier choices, people switched to nutritious food alternatives. So, if you are on a quest to find healthier...

Eat these 9 superfoods for better immunity in this weather change

Apart from other functions, our body maintains an army known as the immune system, that constantly fights infections to reduce the risk of several...

7 superfoods you can eat daily for longevity

Everyone promotes a balanced diet, but having meals with all the nutrients is not possible. One food might be a rich source of fibre...

5 winter superfoods for better digestion and immunity

Winter is almost here and you can feel it in the air! And this is the time when due to cold weather, eating unsafe,...

Diwali: 5 side effects of overeating dry fruits

Diwali and dry fruits go hand-in-hand! If we were to ask you to name one common item which is gifted during Diwali, included in...

9 superfoods to fuel your child’s brain development

A child’s brain development may be accelerated by several “brain meals”, which may also enhance cognition, memory and focus. The brain is a highly...

3 raita recipes for weight loss and better digestion

Chances are that raita or dahi is a part of your daily diet. From keeping your body cool to help in digestion—raita can strike...

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