Sunday, June 23, 2024

Is Vajrasana making your feet numb? Let’s tell you how you can avoid it 

We are conscious of the quite a few advantages of yoga. While it appears all easy, there are particular yoga asanas that the majority newbies can not actually apply the proper manner or maintain for too lengthy. One such yoga asana that the majority of us can not maintain for too lengthy is the vajrasana aka the thunderbolt pose because it can make your feet really feel extraordinarily numb.

What is a vajrasana?

It’s a kneeling pose which derives its identify from the Sanskrit phrase Vajra, which implies diamond or thunderbolt, and asana, which implies pose. The pose is helpful in activating the Vajra Nadi and obstructs blood circulation to thighs and legs and will increase circulation to the pelvic space and abdomen.

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Vajrasana is extremely useful for your physique. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

It promotes good digestion and aids liver capabilities and relieves situations of sciatica, nerve points. In reality, vajrasana is the one yoga asana that can be accomplished on a full abdomen and needs to be practiced proper after having a meal.

Why do most of us really feel numb whereas holding vajrasana?

While vajrasana has umpteen well being advantages, as talked about, most of us discover it troublesome to carry this pose for even 5 minutes. Either our feet grow to be numb, or we find yourself with a sprain. Clearly, that’s not a very good signal.

Himalayan Siddha Akshar, Founder, Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre, tells Health Shots that it’s largely as a result of we’re so used to sitting on chairs and have misplaced the apply of sitting on the ground.

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“Most of the time, the numbness is caused because some blood circulation is cut off in the particular alignment of vajrasana. But after you release yourself from the posture and shake your legs out, the numbness will naturally recede,” he says.

Also, learn: My #momsays sit in vajrasana put up meals to help digestion. As at all times, she’s proper!

What can you do to avoid it?

The initially factor to do is to arrange your physique for the pose by warming up completely earlier than sitting in vajrasana.

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“For this, you can practice Siddha Walk, which is also known by the names of infinity walk, yoga walk, and mind walk. This is walking in the shape or tracing the shape of a figure eight, which is also an infinity symbol. You can do this for 21 minutes in both directions. The Siddha Walk needs to begin from South to north direction and then reverse the process for the same duration of time,” says Grand Master Akshar.

Be conscious of aches and pains when you do yoga. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Tips to carry vajrasana longer

1. Start stretching. After you sit for a very very long time, at all times stretch a bit of.
2. Not simply strolling, strive jogging, biking, or climbing stairs so as to get stronger legs.
3. One can begin by sitting in vajrasana just for 2 to three minutes initially. Then, slowly improve the length of holding the pose.
4. Keep a pillow under your feet or knees to help the vajrasana longer.

When to fret?

While some numbness is widespread whereas performing vajrasana, it shouldn’t occur repeatedly.

“Since yoga is a holistic practice, this form of numbness is completely natural and there is nothing for us to be concerned about. However, if this numbness occurs repeatedly, then you must carefully observe yourself and then seek out a medical opinion,” he explains.

Last however not the least, numbness within the feet is a typical prevalence and many individuals who will not be used to the posture will expertise this. So, to reap the advantages, don’t fear and begin training, that’s all.

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