Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Search for pipeline leak after as much as 1.1M gallons of oil sullies Gulf of Mexico

As much as 1.1 million gallons of oil can have been discharged into the Gulf of Mexico from a pipeline gadget off Louisiana’s southeast...

WATCH: Baby whale’s birth caught on camera

An unique first have a look at National Geographic’s new sequence, “Incredible Animal Journeys,” displays an extraordinary glimpse of a humpback whale giving birth. post...

Tiny Caribbean nation creates world’s first marine protected area for sperm whale

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The tiny Caribbean island of Dominica is growing the sector’s first marine protected area for certainly one of earth’s...

Whales and dolphins in American waters are losing food and habitat to climate change, US study says

PORTLAND, Maine – Whales, dolphins and seals dwelling in U.S. waters face main threats from warming ocean temperatures, emerging sea ranges and lowering sea...

WATCH: Boaters get front-row seat to humpback whales feeding

WHALE OF A TIME: Lucky whale watchers had a front-row seat to a humpback whale pod's feeding time whilst out at the water off...

WATCH: Four humpback whales seen breaching together in incredible video

The surprising sight was once captured by way of a circle of relatives fishing 15 miles off Long Island, New York. post credit to Source...

In unusual orca sighting, tour spots at least 20 killer whales off San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO -- An uncommonly huge grouping of orcas for Northern California — kind of two dozen killer whales — had been noticed through...

Killer whales learn ‘coordinated’ attacks on sailboats, some observers say

Orcas is also educating every different new tactics to strike boats, observers say. Orcas is also educating different to assault boats following a spate...

Sperm whale protection focus of marine sanctuary creation in Caribbean | 60 Minutes

In a record featured on 60 Minutes, CBS News showcased the creation of a marine sanctuary in the Caribbean that objectives to offer protection...

5/14/2023: The Church’s Firm; The Sperm Whales of Dominica; Yannick Nézet-Séguin

On May 14th, 2023, CBS News featured 3 items of journalism of their broadcast. The first section was once targeted round a whistleblower from...

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