Thursday, June 6, 2024
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United States Senate

Debt ceiling deal’s next steps — getting it through Congress

President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have reached an settlement to droop the debt ceiling and save you the...

How Congress could regulate AI

On Tuesday, the USA Senate hosted the preliminary listening to in a development of congressional hearings on synthetic intelligence. Sam Altman, the CEO of...

Key Senate Democrats won’t say whether they’ll back Biden nominee for labor secretary Julie Su

President Joe Biden's nominee to be the following labor secretary, Julie Su, will likely be attesting sooner than the Senate...

Feinstein asks for temporary replacement on Judiciary Committee amid calls for resignation

Washington — Sen. Dianne Feinstein is dealing with force from inside of her personal birthday celebration to renounce amid a...

Sen. Jacky Rosen of Nevada to seek reelection in tough year for Democrats

Sen. Jacky Rosen, a Democrat from Nevada who advised a reasonable trail all over her first time period in the...

Oklahoma State Library to process Senator Inhofe's papers with $1.2M grant – KTUL

Oklahoma State Library to process Senator Inhofe's papers with $1.2M grant  KTUL submit credit score to Source link

Massive amount of Oklahoma legislation could create issues – KTUL

Massive amount of Oklahoma legislation could create issues  KTUL submit credit score to Source link

Oklahoma senator working to protect state's firearms – KTUL

Oklahoma senator working to protect state's firearms  KTUL publish credit score to Source link

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