Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Nick Reisman

Advocates want to connect NY households with utility help

New York lawmakers and advocates for ratepayers are calling for law that might create a gadget of "benefits matching" met to connect households within...

Lawmakers want to strengthen cybersecurity for govs

Governmental entities could be required to take easy steps to building up their cybersecurity efforts amid a years-long rash of ransomware circumstances and cyberattacks...

Transparency sought in New York’s budget process

Republicans in the New York state Senate Wednesday known as for extra sunshine — actually — in the state budget process.  The measure, a long-sought purpose for...

Breaking down the politics behind the New York budget talks

It’s the busiest time of 12 months in the state Capitol as lawmakers and the governor hammer out the main points of a state...

Assembly and Senate want universal school meals in New York

Universal meals in New York colleges is being complex this week by means of state lawmakers who're backing $280 million in the price range...

New York saw steepest population decline in the last year

New York continues to guide the nation in population loss and outmigration, in line with information launched Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The Empire...

Applications to SUNY have doubled in the last year

The variety of New Yorkers and potential college students from out of state who have utilized to a State University of New York college...

Insurance regulators want to review health equity programs

New York regulators try to get a greater thought of how insurance coverage firms try to cut back health disparities, particularly in communities of...

New York lawmakers weigh mental health on college campuses

The upheaval of the final two and a half years have added to the anxieties of college college students — already dealing with a disturbing...

Crypto industry ponders what’s next after NY moratorium

Gov. Kathy Hochul desires the crypto-based industry to flourish in New York, however she mentioned Monday it could actually't come on the expense of...

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