Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lamar Jackson finally reveals why he requested to be traded away from the Ravens earlier this offseason


On Thursday, Lamar Jackson signed his new contract with the Baltimore Ravens. During his first press convention in months, he replied maximum questions brazenly, however refused to touch upon the industry request he made in March. When requested about it, Jackson deflected the query announcing, “Today, we’re gonna keep it about the future. I’m not really worried about what happened in the past. I’m gonna keep it about these next five years. And keep it about what’s going on today. You know, it’s a great day.”

However, Jackson did sooner or later disclose the explanation why he made the industry request. During an interview on “The Lounge,” a Ravens’ staff podcast, Jackson admitted that he best made the industry request to get the negotiation with the Ravens transferring. “OK the trade, I requested a trade, but it was nothing serious … It’s part of business. But I’m satisfied. It’s in the past. I’m glad it’s over with. I’m happy to be here.”

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Jackson clarified that he didn’t in truth need to go away Baltimore and that his request was once merely skilled negotiation. The timeline of occasions presentations that Jackson made the industry request on March 2. Five days later, he was once hit with the franchise tag. On March 27, he publicly introduced the industry request, which have been a secret up to that time. Exactly one month later, on April 27, Jackson agreed to his record-setting five-year deal that is value up to $260 million. It turns out the call for labored, and each events were given what they sought after — Jackson were given a brand new contract that makes him the highest-paid participant in NFL historical past, and the Ravens retained their franchise quarterback.

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