Saturday, June 1, 2024

From 2003: Pale Male, NYC’s favorite hawk

In 2003, Pale Male, a red-tailed hawk, was once a liked superstar in New York City. He had made his house on a Fifth Avenue co-op’s ledge, throughout from Central Park, within the mid-Nineties. Pale Male thrilled flocks of fanatics along with his spectacular talents as a supplier. He was once recognized to ship take-out to his chicks. Correspondent Bill Geist reported on Pale’s outstanding tale in a section that firstly aired on “CBS Sunday Morning” on July 13, 2003.

Geist had the chance to talk with one of the most fowl’s fans, together with documentary director Frederic Lilian, creator Charles Kennedy, and photographer Lincoln Karim. These people shared their pastime for Pale Male and their reviews looking at him leap throughout the skies of New York City.

Pale Male had a unique position within the hearts of New Yorkers and changed into an emblem of town’s resilience and flexibility. His passing in 2003 was once met with nice disappointment. He will eternally be remembered as a liked superstar and crucial a part of New York City’s historical past.

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This tale firstly aired on “CBS Sunday Morning” on July 13, 2003, and is a testomony to Pale Male’s enduring legacy. For those that cherished and admired him, he’ll all the time stay a liked determine who introduced pleasure and beauty to their lives.

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