Monday, June 10, 2024

Diwali: Tips to avoid overeating from sabotaging your weight loss plans

With Diwali almost here, the first things that come to the mind are food, sweets and parties. While we all love to binge-eat mouth-watering mithais with the festive season here, it can be problematic for someone trying to lose weight. India is a diverse country with a variety of delicious and irresistible food items. Sometimes, it becomes extremely difficult to keep your hands off these food items, even when you consciously want to stop. If that’s what you have been thinking and want to stay on track towards your weight loss goals, read on!

Health Shots got in touch with women’s healthcare expert Dr Mannan Gupta of Elantis Hospital, New Delhi to help people stick to their weight-loss goals this Diwali.

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How not to let Diwali sabotage weight loss plans?

Are you already drooling over the scrumptious delights like laddoos and savoury items such as samosas, kachoris and fried snacks ahead of Diwali? Well, Dr Gupta thinks that there are a few things you can keep in mind to make sure upcoming festivities don’t throw you off the weight-loss bandwagon.

weight loss this Diwali
Ways to stick to your weight loss plan this Diwali. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

1. Don’t stress!

Dr Gupta says, “It becomes extremely difficult to keep our hands off these food items or even keep a check on our portion size and so we usually end up overeating and feeling guilty afterwards.” So, the best thing you can do is not stress over it.

Accept the fact that you cannot stick to a strict diet during the festive time and you’ve ought to go a little off the grid as far as your diet is concerned. Don’t be too hard on yourself or feel guilty if you had an extra piece of sweet, advises the expert.

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2. Strike a balance

Don’t go overboard! While it is easy to overindulge in sweets and other delights during festivities, it is vital to be mindful of how much you eat. Dr Gupta suggests taking a realistic approach to strike a balance between restricting yourself completely and eating too much. The answer lies in eating small portions at frequent time intervals. “Even if you visit a lot of people during this time and are expected to eat with them, keep a check on your portion size,” he adds.

3. Eat healthy

Coming to a healthy diet, it is vital to include highly nutritious foods in your diet. “Try to include fibre in the form of fruits, salads, oats, etc especially in your breakfast so as to maintain that balance which might get disturbed by eating too much fried or sweet traditional food later during the day,” adds the expert.

4. Don’t forget to exercise

Universally known as the best way to keep your weight in check, the combination of a healthy diet and exercise can never go wrong. As per the expert, encourages people to know that it is important to exercise to keep your weight in check. “It is not important that you hit the gym everyday but include a habit of at least going for a 30-minute walk or some form of light exercise in your day,” avers Dr Gupta.

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sticking to weight loss plans this Diwali
Ways to stick to your weight loss plan this Diwali. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

In a nutshell: How to stick to weight loss goals during festive season?

Indulging in something other than your daily healthy food is not a bad thing as long as you have a healthy mindset of getting back on track. The key is to stick to a healthy diet and exercise during the festivities, and not wait for them to get over and then hit the gym. There’s no doubt that it can be a bit of a challenge, but the key is to remember that eating during festivals can be a lot of fun and guilt free if done in a balanced way!

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