Monday, June 17, 2024

Mark Green Tells Donors He Will Pursue Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas

WASHINGTON — The Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee promised donors this month that he would produce an impeachment case towards the Biden management’s native land safety leader, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, pronouncing that the secretary’s look earlier than the panel this week will be the starting of his loss of life.

Representative Mark E. Green instructed an enthusiastic crowd in his house state of Tennessee final week that his committee would reveal Mr. Mayorkas’s “dereliction of duty and his intentional destruction of our country through the open southern border.” He mentioned the panel would ship fees to the House Judiciary Committee, which handles impeachment court cases, consistent with an audio recording of a House Freedom Caucus fund-raiser tournament acquired through The New York Times.

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He mentioned he had a “five-phase plan” for doing so and that the Homeland Security Committee would “put together a packet, and we will hand it to Jim Jordan and let Jim do what Jim does best.”

Mr. Green it seems that was once relating to Representative Jim Jordan, the Ohio Republican who leads the Judiciary panel. His feedback made transparent that G.O.P. leaders are eager about their threats to question Mr. Mayorkas. He mentioned the plan would get started with an look through the secretary earlier than his committee on Wednesday.

“On April 19, next week, get the popcorn — Alejandro Mayorkas comes before our committee, and it’s going to be fun,” Mr. Green instructed the room, including: “That’ll really be just the beginning for him.”

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A spokeswoman for Mr. Green didn’t reply to requests for remark.

Mr. Green and different Republican leaders have made no secret of their need to pursue impeachment fees towards Mr. Mayorkas. Speaker Kevin McCarthy started threatening to question him months earlier than Mr. McCarthy received his gavel. But their ambitions had been restricted up to now through the political realities of the House; now not each Republican desires to demonize Mr. Mayorkas as only answerable for the rustic’s immigration issues, and with a slender majority, birthday party leaders don’t but have the votes to question him.

As a consequence, Mr. Green and different House Republicans in positions of authority had been cautious to keep away from promising publicly that they’d to find proof towards Mr. Mayorkas worthy of prosecution. Behind closed doorways with core supporters, alternatively, Mr. Green was once much less wary, the usage of the problem to whip up the gang.

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Mr. Green seemed on the House Freedom Fund tournament, billed as a “V.I.P. Reception and Conversation with Conservative Heroes,” along Mr. Jordan, Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado, and Representative Andy Ogles of Tennessee — some of essentially the most vocal firebrands within the House Republican Conference. During his feedback, Mr. Green ticked off for the Tennessee donors a brief checklist of border issues for which he mentioned Mr. Mayorkas was once accountable.

He referenced fresh testimony earlier than his panel through Raul L. Ortiz, the Border Patrol leader, who mentioned 5 of the 9 sectors alongside the U.S.-Mexico border had skilled “an increase in flow” that “has caused a considerable strain on our resources,” and that drug cartels “control an awful lot on the southern border, south of the United States.”

He additionally recalled Mr. Ortiz’s testimony that the United States does now not have “operational control” of the southern border, which Republicans seized directly to accuse Mr. Mayorkas, who had testified that the border is protected, of dishonesty. Mr. Mayorkas defined the obvious discrepancy all over a separate listening to final month, telling senators that he was once the usage of a unique definition of “operational security” than Mr. Ortiz were referencing, and explaining that the 2 statements weren’t in warfare.

Mr. Green however trumpeted Mr. Ortiz’s phrases as a kill shot towards Mr. Mayorkas, telling the donors that “he’ll see that video a couple of times” all over the impending listening to earlier than the Homeland Security panel.

Mr. Mayorkas has two appearances on Capitol Hill this week: one earlier than Mr. Green’s panel on Wednesday, and earlier than that, a consultation with the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee on Tuesday. Both hearings had been scheduled to check the Department of Homeland Security’s funds request for fiscal 12 months 2024.

They come because the Republican House is barreling forward with what Mr. Green instructed donors can be “the most conservative border security bill that this Congress has ever seen, or any Congress has ever seen.” The panel is anticipated to discuss that invoice subsequent week.

On Wednesday, whilst Mr. Mayorkas is attesting earlier than the Homeland Security panel, the Judiciary Committee is scheduled to discuss a 2d border safety invoice geared toward proscribing migrant inflows, together with through proscribing get right of entry to to asylum.

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