Monday, June 17, 2024

6 Ayurvedic herbs to burn belly fat

Alas, endless crunches and sit-ups aren’t enough to lose belly fat. If you want to get rid of the muffin top, then you need to make some dietary changes as well. While you might want to turn to salads, we have something more rooted. The thousand-year-old Ayurveda can help you lose belly fat. Scroll down to know how Ayurvedic herbs can help burn belly fat.

We reached out to Dr Chanchal Sharma, Fertility Expert and Dietician at Asha Ayurveda, Delhi, to know how Ayurvedic herbs can help you lose belly fat.

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Ayurvedic herbs for belly fat

“Herbs and plants have been of utmost significance in Ayurveda. We tend to overlook the numerous benefits these plants offer because we think of them as rudders. However, these herbs actually are extremely healthy. If you are bothered by belly fat and have tried everything to reduce it without success, then you must add Ayurveda to lose tummy fat,” explains Dr Sharma.

How to reduce belly fat?
Ayurvedic herbs that burn belly fat naturally Image Courtesy: Shutterstock.

Here are the best Ayurvedic herbs recommended by the expert to help you get rid of belly fat in no time:


Cinnamon has qualities that make it particularly effective in treating a wide range of illnesses. It is true that cinnamon has a significant impact on belly fat reduction. It contains therapeutic qualities that can speed up your metabolism and aid in weight loss. This Ayurvedic component can be added to tea. Use cinnamon in your first cup of tea in the morning to lessen the amount of fat that is kept in the stomach. In addition, you can drink water that has been infused with cinnamon. Sock it in water for an hour or you can dilute honey in that water after an hour.

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Dried fruits, including haritaki, bibhitaki, and amalaki are used to make triphala. These three ingredients are combined to make triphala. These plants can aid in the body’s detoxification process. Triphala facilitates better digestion and may increase metabolism. It may aid in reducing stubborn abdominal fat.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds improve digestion and aid in weight loss. Galactomannan, which is soluble in water, is a component of fenugreek. This curbs hunger and promotes the feelings of fullness. It helps boost the metabolism, which in turn forces the fat to disappear.


The herb fennel is also highly advantageous for someone trying to lose weight. It helps the digestive system when consumed. It also helps control hunger pangs, which can help people lose belly fat. Fennel is good whether you add it to a vegetable or drink it after making syrup.

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benefits of fennel seeds
Fennel seeds to burn belly fat. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock


Nutmeg is frequently used as a seasoning. It is also used to make medications in Ayurveda. Regular nutmeg use provides numerous health advantages. It promotes weight loss and induces better sleep quality. However, people with heart conditions should avoid consuming it. Before ingesting nutmeg, speak with an Ayurveda specialist to avoid complications.


Drinking amla can help you with a lot of skin and health issues. One amla every day will increase your immunity as well. Amla can be a great addition to your weight loss diet as it bolsters metabolism. You ingest 3-6 grams of the powder made from the ground-up dried gooseberry every day. It will help you lose weight rapidly. You can sip amla juice as well. Amla’s natural ingredients help people lose weight while also regulating blood sugar levels.

A word of caution for you! Use this information only after consulting a professional. Also, speak with a doctor to learn about the optimum dosage and appropriate intake.

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