Monday, June 17, 2024

University of Texas granted $612K for mental health resources

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The University of Texas at Austin was not too long ago awarded greater than $612,000 for further mental health resources.

The objective of the grant is to help partnerships between native faculties and establishments of increased training which are coaching counselors, social employees, psychologists, and different mental health professionals to supply school-based companies, Sen. John Cornyn stated.

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The funding, a complete of $612,378, got here from the  U.S. Department of Education’s Mental Health Service Professionals Demonstration program.

“No parent should fear for the safety of their student when they drop them off at school, and no student should be afraid when they walk into the classroom,” stated Sen. Cornyn. “In the aftermath of the tragedy in Uvalde, I’m grateful that meaningful solutions are starting to be delivered through this funding to prevent violence, provide training to school personnel and students, and hire additional mental health professionals in Texas schools.”  

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