Saturday, June 1, 2024

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 10.5.23

Thursday, October 5, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

Today’s regular City Council meeting promises to be a total snooze, with only 41 things on the agenda. We’ve done our best to highlight the most interesting of those things, though it’s pretty slim pickings, as illustrated by Tuesday’s work session cancellation due to the fact that there was nothing to work on.

We do get some more info on dates for a joint public hearing on changes to the Land Development Code. Council will decide today whether they will meet with the Planning Commission on Oct. 26 and Dec. 14 to discuss changes that would allow three units per lot in single-family lots, allow tiny homes and RVs to serve as accessory dwelling units and change residential occupancy limits. 

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Council will also continue to move forward with the redevelopment of a District 4 Home Depot with a development agreement on today’s agenda.

And, for the planning-minded Council obsessives among you, Council will also consider their meeting schedule for next year, cementing regular and budget meeting dates with a vote.

In terms of zoning, we’ll be keeping our eyes on a “zoning follow-up” on South Lamar.

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This article First appeared in austinmonitor

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