Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Oklahoma City Zoo is asking for help naming 4 adorable lion cubs – KION546

By Yenny Sanchez, CNN

The Oklahoma City Zoo is asking the general public to help select names for its new litter of African lion cubs.

Lioness Dunia, Swahili for the Earth, gave beginning to 3 feminine and one male on September 26 on the zoo’s Lion Overlook habitat. “Mom and her cubs are in good health and will remain behind-the-scenes in their indoor dens at Lion Overlook as they spend time together bonding,” the zoo mentioned in a statement on its web site.

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The cubs are the ability’s first litter of African lions in 15 years, a zoo consultant advised CNN. Before the cubs are sufficiently old to be placed on public show, they’ll want names.

“Animal births are very exciting and often significant occasions like the birth of our African lion cubs … and we like to provide an opportunity for our guests and wildlife fans around the world to get involved and help name these animals,” the consultant mentioned.

The zoo supplied three identify teams to vote on:

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  • Group 1 is impressed by African names: Neema (Grace), Zahara (Flower), Makena (Happiness) and Mshango (Surprise).
  • Group 2 contains choices that honor their mom’s identify: Nyasi (Grass), Mlima (Mountain or Hill), Mti (Tree or Wood) and Mwamba (Rock)
  • Group 3 are names impressed by Oklahoma: Ada, Alva, Talimena and Shawnee.

The public can vote on OKC Zoo’s website via Monday, November 7. Zoo officers swill announce the profitable names on November 9.

“We are thrilled by the responses and votes we have gotten thus far and encourage everyone to continue voting daily to name our lion cubs and be part of this significant event,” the zoo consultant mentioned.

African lions are thought of “vulnerable” with wild populations lowering as a result of unlawful searching and habitat loss, in line with the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

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