Texas man fighting cancer gifted Little Wish by sister

Texas man fighting cancer gifted Little Wish by sister
Texas man fighting cancer gifted Little Wish by sister

Greg Dace at all times had a dream to be a DJ. In school, he pursued this pastime and cherished it. However, his lifestyles took a flip when he were given married, began a circle of relatives, and left being a DJ in the back of for a role in gross sales. Despite this, he at all times mentioned he sought after to get again to DJing one day. Unfortunately, closing 12 months, he was once identified with degree 4 colon cancer, which made it laborious for him to pursue his dream as a result of scientific expenses made purchasing apparatus unaffordable.

However, this was once no longer the tip of his dream. His sister, Carla McCullough, lied to him, telling him that she had arrange a gathering with a cancer fortify group. But, in any case, she printed the reality: Sam Pack Auto Group was once granting him a Little Wish. Sam Pack Auto Group gave Dace a $500 reward card to assist pay for fuel and different prerequisites all over remedy and every other $1,500 to mend his truck and most significantly, DJ apparatus.

Despite the demanding situations forward, Dace is decided to stay pushing ahead, announcing that this want has given him such a lot encouragement and hope.

This tale began with a lie, however in any case, it gave hope to any individual in want and saved a dream alive.