Monday, June 17, 2024

Texas man accused of rape in Baton Rouge arrested a year and a half after assault took place

A man from Texas has been arrested and accused of raping a girl after a night time of ingesting previous this year. The incident took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and the sufferer reported waking up bare in a lodge room on the Embassy Suites on October 26, 2021 at round 2:45 a.m., with out a reminiscence of how she were given there, in keeping with arrest paperwork.

The sufferer reported to Baton Rouge law enforcement officials at Our Lady of the Lake that she had long gone out ingesting with Lee Poullard on October 25, had a couple of alcoholic drinks at a bar, and the following factor she remembered used to be waking up in the lodge room.

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The sufferer submitted a rape equipment later that day, which used to be despatched to the LSP Crime Lab. Following this, on November 2, officials interviewed Poullard. He showed that they went out ingesting, however claimed he introduced the sufferer to his lodge room to “freshen up” and that no sexual touch passed off. Poullard, who’s a resident of Spring, Texas, gave his DNA to police voluntarily and it used to be additionally despatched to the LSP Crime Lab.

On April 23, Poullard used to be arrested for third-degree rape and booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison. Third-degree rape is dedicated when one birthday celebration is below the affect and can not legally consent to sexual sex.

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