Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Teen dies in shooting at high school party | Houston, Texas crime

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez shared {that a} high school party in Harris County, Texas, grew to become deadly when a shooting broke out outdoor a house early Saturday morning, ensuing in the demise of a 16-year-old boy named Isaac Zetino. Zetino and some other boy have been concerned in an altercation with the daddy of a woman at the party. The father and the men then pulled out handguns and opened fireplace on every different. Zetino was once shot more than one occasions and was once declared useless at the scene.

Zetino was once reported to be a chum of the lady who hosted the party. The match was once at the start mentioned to be a commencement party, however the sheriff later showed it was once a post-prom party. According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, as much as 100 other people have been in attendance at the party in northwest Harris County on Majesticbrook Drive close to West Road when the shooting passed off round 1:30 a.m. Investigators said that they interviewed 15 witnesses, however many visitors fled the scene prior to deputies arrived.

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The father claimed that he acted in self-defense in the shooting, which was once corroborated through what deputies discovered at the scene. No fees had been filed at this time, however the case might be offered to a grand jury when the investigation is whole.

The tragic incident has garnered consideration on social media, with Sheriff Gonzalez offering updates on Twitter. The Harris County Sheriff’s Office urges any individual with information associated with the shooting to come back ahead and help with the investigation.

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