Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Wild Nature

Michigan man tells officer he drove around drunk shooting deer to relieve frustration

article According to the Department of Natural Resources, eight tips led conservation officers to 29-year Edward Trout, of Cedar Springs.  ...

‘Horrifying:’ Witness says she watched man beat shark with hammer on Florida beach

Witness speaks out after watching man reportedly beat shark on Florida beach The FWC is investigating after a man was caught on...

Fl woman killed by gator • Video shows dog swimming with shark • FL beaches could see record-breaking seaweed

FLORIDA - An 85-year-old woman was attacked and killed by a large alligator, Florida beaches could see record-breaking...

Deputies • FL gator rips through metal fence

A Florida alligator easily broke through a metal fence in a viral video, an 8-year-old Florida boy is accused of cutting another child's throat,...

Authorities say 33 swimmers were harassing dolphins off Hawaii’s Big Island

Drone footage shows swimmers 'pursuing' pod of wild dolphins, Hawaii officials say Thirty-three people were referred to U.S. law enforcement after the...

FL man sentenced for killing daughter • Giant snake crosses road • FL inmate released accidentally from jail

A Florida man is accused of impersonating an officer and stealing from an aged man, watch a large python cross a Florida road, a...

Adorable! Rare manatee twins found at Blue Spring State Park in Florida

Adorable! Rare manatee twins found at Blue Spring State Park in Florida A January shock! Rare manatee twins have been found at...

Cold-stunned iguanas become immobile across South Florida as temperatures dropped Christmas weekend

article Cold-stunned iguana in South Florida throughout Christmas 2022 weekend. (Photo from Rick Rincon) Down in South Florida, it occurred once...

Florida wildlife officials investigating claims man beat shark with hammer

Florida wildlife officials investigating claims man beat shark with hammer A man is accused of dragging round what on video seems to...

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