Thursday, May 2, 2024
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131 million in U.S. live in areas with unhealthy pollution levels, lung association finds

Nearly 40% of folks in the U.S. live in areas with unhealthy ranges of air pollution and the rustic is backsliding on blank...

Carolyn Hax: Is it unhealthy always to prefer boyfriend’s company?

Comment in this taleCommentAdd to your stored talesSaveCarolyn Hax is away. The following first gave the impression Aug. 19, 2009.Dear Carolyn: I think...

Is Competition Healthy or Unhealthy? 7 Important Lessons

There may well be associate hyperlinks in this web page, this means that we get a small fee of the rest you purchase. As...

The Allure of Unhealthy, One-Sided Friendships and How I’ve Let Them Go

“The real test of friendship is can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are...

Here’s why eating burnt food is unhealthy

During the morning rush, there are times when you end up eating burnt toast. You don’t think much about it and just nosh it...

Causes of osteoporosis: How unhealthy eating habits can be risky

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that happens due to a decrease in bone mineral density and bone mass. This leads to changes in the...

10 unhealthy foods which are more harmful for you than you think

It’s always difficult to follow a healthy diet. After all, it’s the unhealthy foods that seem to have the best taste, right? However, controlling...

Labor Day 2022 means a return to work from home and the office. That can be unhealthy.

Bad news for you seaside lovers: Pumpkin spice latte season has begun, a jarring reminder that summer time is winding down. The arrival...

10 Signs You’re in a Toxic, Unhealthy Relationship and How to Help Yourself

“Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly…the lover alone possesses his...

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