Saturday, June 1, 2024
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State Budget

Tenant advocates, upstate landlord on N.Y. housing plan

On the outside, the housing deal within the enacted state funds comprises most of the provisions that activists had fought for, together with parts...

Last-ditch effort for short-term rental registry

State price range negotiations proceed in Albany and there are last-ditch efforts being made to get quite a lot of items of law integrated...

Advocates push more funding to address substance use issues

Some New York lawmakers and advocates are pushing the state to make investments more in prevention, remedy and restoration when it comes to substance...

New York budget watchdog on state’s spending plan

The Citizens Budget Commission, a non-partisan fiscal watchdog workforce, launched their outlook for the New York state budget on Thursday that warns that even...

Transparency sought in New York’s budget process

Republicans in the New York state Senate Wednesday known as for extra sunshine — actually — in the state budget process.  The measure, a long-sought purpose for...

Advocates want linked climate bills to be in state budget

New York leaders in Albany are shut to an settlement on a first-in-the-nation ban on gasoline and fossil gasoline hook-ups in new development. The...

Breaking down the politics behind the New York budget talks

It’s the busiest time of 12 months in the state Capitol as lawmakers and the governor hammer out the main points of a state...

Assembly and Senate want universal school meals in New York

Universal meals in New York colleges is being complex this week by means of state lawmakers who're backing $280 million in the price range...

New York budget negotiations start simmering

Winter break is over, which suggests politicos are beginning to eye the April 1 New York state budget deadline. But don’t soar forward too...

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