Saturday, June 1, 2024
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Fake NYC restaurant called Mehran’s Steakhouse created by an AI startup founder, 21, and 65 of his pals pranks foodies with waiters serving MILK,...

(*65*)Mehran Jalali and a massive staff of his pals staged a pretend steakhouse restaurant within a former public bathtub area over the weekend (*65*)Jalali and...

Sandler receives Mark Twain Prize, praise from comic pals

WASHINGTON -- Adam Sandler positioned his hand at the bronze bust of Mark Twain and speculated that it “one day might be the weapon...

Pen pals Gloria Bruce and Shirley Clements spent 70 years exchanging letters

Comment in this taleCommentGloria Bruce and Shirley Clements weren’t meant to be pen pals.Their 70-year correspondence resulted from a cheerful twist of fate...

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