Monday, June 17, 2024
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Orthodox Jewish man stabbed multiple times outside New York home

A 32-year-old Orthodox Jewish man used to be stabbed multiple times outside his home in Rockland County New York at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday...

Dozens of POWs freed as Ukraine marks Orthodox Easter

KYIV, Ukraine -- More than 100 Ukrainian prisoners of struggle were launched as phase of a significant Easter alternate with Russia, a most sensible...

Russia-Ukraine War Updates: Ukraine Says It Will Use Legal Means to Evict Orthodox Pro-Russia Monks

Ukraine’s executive says it's going to use criminal method to evict priests and monks from an Orthodox monastery advanced in Kyiv if they don't...

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Destroyed on Sept. 11, Reopens

“It could not be what it was,” mentioned the Rev. Alexander Karloutsos, a former archdiocese official who was intimately concerned within the rebuilding. “It...

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