Saturday, June 1, 2024
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military and defense

Poland detects object in its airspace that flew from Belarus, likely an observation balloon

Poland’s Defense Ministry says it has detected an object in the rustic's airspace that flew in from the route of Belarus and that it...

Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza trade fire; 2 Palestinians killed in West Bank raid

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Israel and Palestinian militants unleashed salvos of fireside for a fourth day on Saturday, with the Islamic Jihad militant...

Israeli aircraft strike Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza Strip

Israeli aircraft are undertaking moves on Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip and citizens have reported blasts in the Palestinian enclaveGAZA CITY, Gaza...

US ex-security adviser calls for closer ties with Taiwan

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A former U.S. nationwide safety adviser referred to as for deeper interplay between his nation and Taiwan all over a consult...

Drones attack Sevastopol, crashed drone found near Moscow

KYIV, Ukraine -- Russian-appointed government in Crimea mentioned the army fended off a Ukrainian strike on a first-rate naval base on Monday, whilst an...

N. Korea says it tested new solid-fuel long-range missile

SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea stated Friday it has effectively test-launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile powered by way of forged propellants, a...

Taiwan’s Tsai says China not being ‘responsible’ with drills

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has condemned China’s army drills within the Taiwan Strait, announcing Tuesday that China did not exhibit the...

North Korean leader vows ‘offensive’ nuclear expansion

SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to reinforce his nuclear arsenal in additional “practical and offensive” techniques as he...

China military displays force toward Taiwan after Tsai trip

Taiwan's protection ministry says China’s military despatched a number of dozen warplanes and 11 warships toward the island in a show of force following...

Taiwan threat from China serious, House GOP chairman says

WASHINGTON -- The chairman of the House Select Committee on China mentioned Saturday the U.S. will have to take critically the threat posed to...

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