Monday, June 17, 2024
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keto diet

Keto diet: How to make it healthy and avoid common mistakes

Keto diet is not healthy is something that we have been hearing even since the diet gained momentum! However, the rapid weight loss it...

Keto diet tips: Fruits to eat and avoid

Are you following a keto diet, but still crave the refreshing sweetness of fruits? We’ve got you covered! While some fruits may not be...

5 reasons why a vegan diet is better than keto diet

Keto diet and vegan diet—which one to pick to stay healthy or for weight loss? If you’re juggling between these popular diet types, let...

Keto diet vs Mediterranean diet: What’s better for longevity?

The Mediterranean diet and the ketogenic diet both promise to help you lose weight, but which is healthier? Despite the fact that both the...

Here are top 7 low-carb fruits that you can consume

Keto diet has become the latest fad when it comes to losing weight. The main idea behind this popular dieting pattern is to kick...

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