Saturday, June 1, 2024
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Minnesota children illegally hired to clean slaughterhouses: federal lawsuit

article Photo showing limited visibility and condition of the floor at the Worthington JBS plant. Photo located in lawsuit document (taken by WHI...

Arizona police write cheeky post after driver illegally buys wild owl after using meth

article FILE - Picture of a small wild owl that was illegally purchased for $100 at a gas station. (Payson Police Department Facebook)...

HSI Baltimore seizes 55 websites illegally live-streaming World Cup matches

article Lionel Messi of Argentina fires a shot goalwards only to be denied an second goal by Dominik Livakovic of Croatia during the...

Too many people in NYC are stopped, searched and frisked illegally, federal monitor says

NEW YORK -- New York City's reliance at the tactic referred to as “stop and frisk" as part of a new initiative to combat...

Microsoft will pay $20M to settle U.S. charges of illegally collecting children’s data

Microsoft has agreed to pay a $20 million fantastic to settle Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charges that it illegally accrued and retained non-public information...

Key Largo man illegally dumps nearly 5K pounds of trash, earns felony charge, deputies say

In Key Largo, Florida, a man named Steven John Walters has been charged beneath Florida's felony littering statute after he was once accused of...

South Florida Sheriff Warns Criminals Illegally Redeeming Frequent Flyer Miles – NBC 6 South Florida

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office in South Florida has issued a caution after a couple of reviews of criminals illegally redeeming airline common flyer...

Trappers remove gator being illegally fed on Sanibel Island

SANIBEL, Fla. — An alligator that used to be continuously being fed by way of people used to be stuck and relocated...

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