Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Mountain West rejects exceptions requested by San Diego State as it eyes withdrawal, per report

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North Dakota House passes near-total abortion ban with limited exceptions

Lawmakers in North Dakota complicated an abortion invoice Monday that seeks to ban the process with few exceptions.The state House passed SB 2150 with...

No exceptions coming for Texas abortion ban, both parties say

AUSTIN (Nexstar) — With simply 21 days left to cross House expenses out of committee, there is not any signal within the Texas legislature...

Women denied abortions sue Texas to affirm exceptions to the laws

Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s daily newsletter that keeps...

TikTok banned from government devices with few exceptions

The White House is giving federal businesses 30 days to take away TikTok from all government devices. ...

Book Review: ‘The Exceptions,’ by Nancy Zernike

Hopkins hadn’t but heard Franklin’s facet of the story. She was enthralled with Watson; he’d not solely given her a place in his lab...

Bills move forward listing exceptions to Oklahoma’s abortion laws

An Oklahoma Senate committee superior two payments Thursday that will make clear what's (and is not) a authorized abortion in Oklahoma.One was launched to...

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