Sunday, June 9, 2024
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TribCast: Texas lawmakers approve property tax cuts after 7 months

Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s daily newsletter that keeps...

NATO presses Turkey to approve Sweden’s membership, eyes Ukraine security plan as summit looms

OSLO, Norway -- NATO on Thursday ramped up force on member country Turkey to drop its objections to Sweden's club as the army group...

Biden, McCarthy reach debt-ceiling deal, pass it to Congress to approve

An settlement has been reached between President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy that may carry the criminal debt...

US debt ceiling news: Biden, GOP reach deal; now Congress must approve it to prevent calamitous default

WASHINGTON -- President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached an "agreement in principle" to elevate the country's criminal debt ceiling,...

NFL owners approve modified ‘Thursday Night Football’ flex plan by a vote of 24-8, per report

The NFL has authorized a amendment to Thursday Night Football's flex scheduling device. This signifies that Thursday evening video games...

GOP lawmakers approve anti-union legislation; critics call it a vindictive, ‘mean bill’

Union workers are lined up along the walls leading up to a legislative committee room where proposed legislation could weaken public sector unions. (Photo...

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