Sunday, June 16, 2024
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APP National Politics

Trump calls Jan. 6 prisoners ‘hostages’ in Houston speech

Former President Donald Trump, the 2024 GOP frontrunner, opened his speech in Houston, Texas, on Sunday by way of describing his supporters imprisoned for...

Abortion win in Mexico may hold the key to U.S. struggle

Latin America is in the midst of what’s come to be referred to as a “green wave,” as international locations like Mexico, Colombia and...

Texas highways become abortion rights battleground

Texas highways have become a brand new battleground within the fight over get admission to to abortion. Anti-abortion activists in Texas are going across...

Ramaswamy defends denying existence of white supremacy

At a the town corridor in Pella, Iowa, on Friday, 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy declared “our diversity is not our strength,” when...

Jan. 6 rioters are raking in thousands in donations

The aftermath of the January sixth assault at the U.S. Capitol continues to spread, with prosecutors an increasing number of in the hunt for...

Title 42 turns to anguish induced by new U.S. rules

Asylum-seekers on the Mexican border are experiencing blended feelings within the wake of President Joe Biden's choice to finish the general public well being...

Here’s how Texas’ challenges echo the country’s

In the previous two weeks, Texas has noticed a string of occasions that replicate the anger and weapons, immigration turmoil and political divisions which...

Activists’ network in Mexico helps U.S. women get abortions

CHIHUAHUA, Mexico (AP) — Marcela Castro’s place of work in Chihuahua is greater than 100 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, but the gap doesn’t...

Texans in Congress react to Trump’s indictment

TEXAS — Despite his mounting prison troubles, Texas Republicans in Congress are status through former President Donald Trump. Many are voicing anger that Trump has grow to be the primary...

Trump campaign leans in on made-for-social media videos

As Donald Trump rails in opposition to a conceivable indictment in New York, his group is leaning into a method that has quietly grow...

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