Monday, June 10, 2024

Syria’s state media says Israeli airstrikes near the capital of Damascus have wounded 1 soldier

Syria’s state media say Israel’s army has performed airstrikes near the capital of Damascus wounding one soldier

DAMASCUS, SYRIA — Israeli’s army staged airstrikes near Syria’s capital overdue Monday wounding one soldier and inflicting subject matter harm, Syrian state media reported.

State TV quoted an unnamed army legitimate as announcing that Israeli fired missiles from the path of Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan Heights focused on some army positions near Damascus. It gave no additional main points.

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An Israeli air assault Aug. 7 on suburbs of Damascus reportedly killed 4 squaddies.

Israel, which has vowed to forestall Iranian entrenchment in its northern neighbor, has performed masses of moves on goals in government-controlled portions of Syria lately, however it hardly ever recognizes them.

Israel has additionally focused the global airports in Damascus and the northern Syrian town of Aleppo a number of occasions over the previous few years, frequently striking it out of fee.

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