Sunday, June 16, 2024

Special Florida legislative session sought on gun issues

TALLAHASSEE – A Florida House Democrat on Wednesday launched a longshot effort to name a particular legislative session to deal with gun-related issues after latest mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, N.Y. Rep. Joe Geller, D-Aventura, submitted a letter to Secretary of State Cord Byrd that was an preliminary step in in search of to name a particular session. 

If 20 p.c of the members of the Legislature submit written assist for Geller’s proposal, the House and Senate would then be polled about holding a particular session. 

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If 60 p.c of the members of every chamber agree, a particular session can be convened. 

Such efforts to pressure particular periods on different issues have failed previously. 

Geller’s letter known as for addressing issues akin to high-capacity rifle magazines, common background checks and expanded “red flag” legal guidelines.

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