Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sea turtle released into Florida Keys to join Tour de Turtles race

MIAMI – A juvenile inexperienced sea turtle rehabilitated at a Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital was fitted with a satellite-tracking transmitter and released from a Keys seashore Friday to join the fifteenth annual Tour de Turtles, a marathon-like “race” that follows the long-distance migration of sea turtles over three months.

The academic outreach program is organized yearly by the Sea Turtle Conservancy to elevate consciousness about sea turtles and threats to their survival.

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“Tortie,” named by her rescuers, is swimming to elevate consciousness about her affliction. 

Tortie the sea turtle
Bette Zirkelbach, left, supervisor of the Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital, and Dan Evans, proper, senior biologist of the Sea Turtle Conservancy, end affixing a satellite tv for pc monitoring receiver to “Tortie,” a juvenile inexperienced sea turtle Friday, July 15, 2022, in Marathon, Fla. The reptile was discovered Dec. 1, 2021, unable to dive and bothered with fibropapillomatosis — a tumor-causing illness that develops from a herpes-like virus affecting sea turtles globally. After being handled on the hospital, “Tortie” is to be released later Friday morning to join the fifteenth annual Tour de Turtles, a web-based “race” that’s to observe a dozen released turtles for 3 months. (Andy Newman/Florida Keys News Bureau/HO)

Andy Newman

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She was discovered on Dec. 1, 2021, and was unable to dive and suffered from fibropapillomatosis — a debilitating tumor-causing illness that develops from a herpes-like virus that impacts sea turtle species world wide.

After Tortie’s tumors have been eliminated, following a number of surgical procedures, the turtle’s restoration included broad-spectrum antibiotics, fluids, nutritional vitamins, and a food regimen of blended seafood and greens. 

Tortie weighed roughly 25 kilos Friday morning.

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“One sea turtle can make a difference, not only going back to the ocean and having baby sea turtles, but the bigger reach is helping people to care about sea turtles and our oceans,” stated Bette Zirkelbach, basic supervisor of the Turtle Hospital.

Hundreds of spectators broke out in delighted applause when Tortie swam away from Marathon’s Sombrero Beach into the Atlantic Ocean.

To view the web monitoring for Tortie and one other 11 hard-shell turtles which were released, click on here.

It begins on Aug. 1 and ends on Oct. 31.

“In addition to the educational aspect of the Tour de Turtles, we’re also learning about where these turtles are going and then be able to look and see if there are any threats that the turtles face in these areas,” stated Dan Evans, a senior analysis biologist with the Sea Turtle Conservancy.

The Turtle Hospital within the Florida Keys has been rescuing, rehabilitating, and returning sea turtles to the wild for 35 years.

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