Thursday, June 13, 2024

SCOTUS grapples with suit over California’s humane pork law

That query got here earlier than the U.S. Supreme Court this week in a battle between the state of California and the nation’s high pork producers, with probably enormous implications for thousands and thousands of pigs and a multi-billion greenback trade in a case that does not fall predictably alongside occasion traces.

Today’s battle facilities on a 2018 California law that bans pork gross sales from pigs stored in tightly confided areas, even when these pigs are raised outdoors of California.

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Each 12 months, in response to animal rights activist, thousands and thousands of pigs are raised in crates so small that they’re unable to show round for many of their lives. California desires them to have 24 sq. ft of room to roam.

Those for the law, like Kitty Block who’s the CEO of the US Humane Society, says tight areas are inhumane.

“The majority of consumers around the country are saying ‘enough is enough.’ Just because these animals are food, it doesn’t mean that they should be cruelly treated up to that point. These are not extreme ideas. This is really common sense measures and it is well-documented that when you confine animals in close quarters, when they are stressed or when they are sick, disease spreads.”

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But the pork trade is pushing again, arguing that the modifications California desires will not simply be extra pricey, however might set a harmful precedent.

At the listening to earlier than the courtroom Tuesday, the justices — throughout the ideological spectrum — appeared torn.

Michael Formica is the Chief Legal Strategist on the National Pork Producers Council.

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“You know, we feel pretty good coming out of it. The court seemed to appreciate the dilemma that’s created. This is a case about pigs and pig farming, but the principles involved apply across the board. You know, today, it’s California, for our members they’re worried about in 2 years the rules changing again. Alright, so New York goes from 24 square feet to 26 square feet and then California, says, ‘oh no, you need to be at 30 square feet.’ But what if it’s Texas? Texas comes up with something based on the morals of Texas, or Florida comes up with something based on the morals of Florida. With the size of their economies, we will not have 50 states any more, we’ll have 4 huge states that control all economic activity across the country.”

The White House appears to agree. President Joe Biden’s administration has already sided with pork producers –not California — arguing that states can not ban merchandise that pose no menace to public well being on philosophical objections.

A ruling is due by the top of June.

STORY: Should farmers give pigs more room?

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