Monday, June 17, 2024

Recorded jail call while ‘mad as hell’ helps detectives solve murder in Broward

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Detectives thought to be Michael “Scooby” Petty a occupation felony and a convicted felon. He used to be born in Columbus, Ohio, and grew up in South Florida. By 18, he have been arrested for 2 burglaries in Broward, and he used to be a felon by means of 19.

Petty used to be sentenced to 5 years in jail. The Florida Department of Corrections launched him when he used to be 23, and he used to be on probation for a federal crime when cops arrested him on Feb. 26 in Plantation.

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According to Broward Sheriff’s Office Detective Kevin Nitsch’s report back to the court docket, a recorded jail call with a lady on Feb. 27 confirmed he blamed Vashay Johnson for being at the back of bars and doubtlessly going again to jail.

“That [racial slur] ain’t [expletive]” and “he going to get treated like it,” Petty mentioned all the way through the call, in line with Nitsch.

Petty allegedly accused Johnson of drawing “heat” to his automobile as a result of he didn’t have “responsibilities” or “a family” and “did not care” about getting arrested for shoplifting.

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Petty used to be accused of ownership of a weapon by means of a convicted felon and ownership of a firearm with an altered serial quantity. During the call, Petty allegedly mentioned he needed to get a attorney and “fight the case” and used to be “mad as hell!”

Vashay Johnson used to be the sufferer of a deadly stabbing on Feb. 29 in Broward County. (BSO)

Correctional officials launched Petty after the jail call on Feb. 27 and Johnson on Feb. 29. Hours after Johnson’s unlock, deputies found him dead with stab wounds “in the neck, chest, side and back” close to West Broward Boulevard and Southwest 28 Avenue.

“Petty cut his hand while stabbing the victim,” Nitsch wrote on May 1 — including surveillance video positioned Petty on the murder scene together with his female friend’s automobile.

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According to Claudinne Caro, a BSO spokeswoman, deputies in a specialised unit arrested Petty on May 2 in Hollywood. BSO held him on the primary jail on a U.S. Marshals Service cling.

On Friday, at 35 years previous, Petty gave the impression in Broward County court docket with two new circumstances pending: A capital murder and a second-degree legal.

Court data display prosecutors filed the legal fee on Feb. 28 and the first-degree murder fee on May 6. Broward County Circuit Judge Edward Harold Merrigan Jr. used to be presiding over each circumstances.

Local 10 News Photojournalist Wade Hughes contributed to this record.

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