Sunday, June 16, 2024

Planned Parenthood’s CMO reacts to the overturning of Roe v. Wade

TAMPA, FLA. — The Chief Medical Officer for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida stated sufferers have known as their areas involved and frightened about the future of abortions in Florida.

Dr. Robyn Schickler, CMO of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, stated after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, Planned Parenthood obtained quite a few calls.

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“Our call volume shot up and it was mostly patients that had abortion appointments that were asking about whether they could still come, whether this meant they needed to go elsewhere, but also patients asking if it meant anything about birth control,” stated Dr. Robyn Schickler.

Florida at present permits abortions up to 24 weeks. A brand new regulation bans abortions past 15 weeks besides to save the life or stop hurt to the mom or in circumstances of deadly fetal abnormality. Reproductive well being suppliers have requested a state court docket in Florida to block the new regulation limiting abortions previous 15 weeks.

Dr. Schickler stated she continues to monitor court docket proceedings. As of proper now, Planned Parenthood is performing abortions, however the clinic is ready to make operational modifications if the regulation takes impact on Friday.

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“The vast majority which is 90% or so are in first trimester which is less than 12 weeks or 3 months, less than 3 months and about 4% of our abortion patients are past the 15-week mark,” stated Dr. Schickler.

She stated most abortions occur early, however they nonetheless see a quantity of sufferers who’re greater than 15 weeks pregnant.

“The people that are past 15 weeks, past Friday, unless something different happens that we’re expecting. We are planning on sending them out of state. They will not be able to get care in Florida in their own community,” she stated.

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Dr. Schickler reassured sufferers that Planned Parenthood shall be there to help sufferers regardless of the final result of the ruling.

On Monday in court docket, attorneys for the state introduced in witnesses who defended the idea of life at conception.

“The conclusion that life begins at the instant of sperm-egg fusion is scientifically incontrovertible,” stated Dr. Maureen Condic, a neuroscientist.

A decide is anticipated to make a ruling on Thursday however warned a written order will not be issued till 24 hours later.

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