Over 1,000 anti-Israel protesters march toward Met Gala

Over 1,000 anti-Israel protesters march toward Met Gala

Anti-Israel protesters vandalized a World War I memorial in Central Park on Monday and burned an American flag after a mob of greater than 1,000 marchers was once blocked by way of law enforcement officials from achieving the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the place the star-studded Met Gala was once in complete swing.

At least one America-hating vandal torched Old Glory on the web site of the 107th Infantry Memorial, the bottom of which was once defaced with graffiti studying “Gaza” in massive black letters. 

Others plastered the statue’s bronze squaddies with stickers of the Palestinian flag studying “Stop the Genocide. End the apartheid. Free Palestine.”

Some of the protesters climbed atop the soldiers and waved Palestinian flags or draped them over the figures.

A protester prepares to burn an American flag at a World War I memorial statue in Central Park. Jack Morphet/NY Post
It came about on the base of the 107th Infantry Memorial. Jack Morphet/NY Post
The memorial was once additionally graffitied with “Gaza” in massive black letters. Jack Morphet/NY Post
Protesters burn a flag at a WWI memorial on Fifth Avenue. Jack Morphet / NY Post
The protester who lit the flag on hearth gave the center finger to others. Jack Morphet/NY Post
The chaos close to the nook of Fifth Avenue and East 67th opened up with out a law enforcement officials in sight. Jack Morphet/NY Post
Anti-israel protesters collect in Manhattan Monday night time. James Keivom
Pro-Palestine protesters march from Hunter College toward the MET Gala Monday, May 6, 2024, in New York. Jack Morphet/NY Post

The anarchy close to the nook of Fifth Avenue and East 67th opened up with out a law enforcement officials in sight as a big police presence had mobilized about 15 blocks north on the Met to make sure one of the crucial greatest nights in model wasn’t crashed by way of any anti-Israel protesters. 

Another Central Park monument, the Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman bronze statue in Grand Army Plaza, was once additionally vandalized Monday night time. 

“Free Gaza” was once graffitied in pink letters at the base of the statue and a Palestinian flag was once affixed to its entrance.

Protestors collect on the General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument Monday night time. James Keivom
Cops stand beside the vandalized statue Monday night time. James Keivom
A Palestinian flag was once positioned at the statue Monday night time. James Keivom

Earlier within the night, about two dozen anti-Israel protesters have been arrested close to Madison Ave and East 83rd Street as a large swarm of demonstrators marched from Hunter College toward the Met, in line with police assets.

The crowd, a part of a “Day of Rage” protest arranged by way of the Palestinian activist team Within Our Lifetime, had trekked north on Fifth Avenue — blockading site visitors alongside the best way — prior to law enforcement officials stopped them on the East 79th Street Transverse in Central Park.  

“Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest,” the crowd chanted as they waved Palestinian flags and wore keffiyeh face coverings.  

A person working with a Palestinian flag all over the march from Hunter College to the Met Gala. Jack Morphet/NY Post
Anti-Israel protesters conserving up banners on the Met Gala. James Keivom
Police officials detaining a protester close to the Met Gala. James Keivom

Despite environment their attractions at the glitzy tournament — which has lengthy been anticipated to be the objective of demonstrations — the demonstrators may now not succeed in the enduring artwork museum. 

Cops controlled to divert the gang into Central Park prior to blockading the exits, the place they remained at a standstill and at a loss for words about easy methods to growth.

“This is an exercise in futility at this point. There’s nowhere for them to go,” a cop making an attempt to corral the gang was once heard telling his spouse.

The march began as a part of a “Day of Rage” from the crowd Within Our Lifetime. Jack Morphet/NY Post

The protesters then filed out of the park and have been inside sight of the Met, however dozens of police shaped a blockade — status two law enforcement officials deep — fighting them from heading north.

“Is that the Met?” one protester requested a chum. “Oh no, we were so close.”

The team attempted to achieve the museum once more by way of turning down East 81st Street however was once once more stopped by way of extra police barricades on the intersection with Madison Avenue. 

Soon after law enforcement officials met the protesters head-on 3 blocks uptown and started making about two dozen arrests. Officers have been noticed tackling a minimum of one lady to the bottom whilst any person chucked a water bottle on the law enforcement officials. 

“Who do you serve? Who do you protect?” the crowd shouted in a chant on the law enforcement officials. 

Pro-Palestine and pro-Israeli protesters arguing on Monday. James Keivom
Anti-Israel protesters accumulated at Hunter College in Manhattan. James Messerschmidt

Earlier within the night, a number of pro-Israel supporters confirmed up at Hunter College to stand off with other people they accused of “supporting terrorism.”

“All these people are ignorant, uneducated and blindly following each other. It feels like we’re back in World War two,” mentioned 17-year-old Jewish Upper East Sider Elena Bakhchi.

The two opposing facets engaged in screaming suits at the campus whilst law enforcement officials warned demonstrators that they may face arrest for “unlawfully walking in a roadway.”

Across the town, just about 1,000 pro-Israel demonstrators accumulated in Riverside Park in make stronger of Jewish scholars at schools like Columbia University.

The rally coincided with Yom HaShoah, the day of Holocaust remembrance.

Jewish Columbia scholars denounced an uptick in antisemitism they mentioned they witnessed on their school campus.

“Today, we stand here 91 years and three months since Hitler was appointed the Chancellor of Germany and 79 years since the last death camp was liberated. Since then, we have all had two main responsibilities. Never forget. And never again,” Columbia sophomore Elisha Baker mentioned. 

“Never forget is about the past. Never again is about today, and it’s about tomorrow. For us, this means doing everything in our power to prevent antisemitism from becoming normal in society again,” he persevered. “I am here today because I am watching antisemitism become normal in my own backyard. For the first time in my life, it truly feels that never again is right now.” 

The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, when compared the anti-Israel protests to “modern-day Nazis” in a surprising speech on the rally.

“Words are being weaponized to spread bigotry, to incite violence, to inflame the targeting of Jews. Columbia, Harvard and UCLA are new hotbeds of Nazi-like ideology, branding Israel as the root of all evil and the Jewish people is a global scourge,” Erdan mentioned. 

He mentioned the hypocrisy of protests displays they don’t seem to be liberal activism however are antisemitic. 

“Did we see encampments to protest Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine? Did rioters barricade buildings to protest Assad’s brutality in Syria? Did we see Chinese students attacked because China is torturing Uyghirs? Were quads vandalized while Iran murdered women and protesters?” he requested, prior to answering his personal query with “Of course not.”

An Israel supporter clashing with anti-Israel protesters at Hunter College. James Messerschmidt

He referred to as on “Jews across the United States and around the world” to divest from universities that let antisemitism to unfold, call for scholars who use violence be expelled, and blacklist each and every instructional establishment that displays tolerance for terror. 

“This Yom HaShoah, ‘Never Again’ has taken on historic importance,” Erdan mentioned. “Never again means taking action, and the time for action is now.”

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