Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Oklahoma Senators Vote Against Respect For Marriage Act

It seems one of many points that shall be entrance and heart within the waning days of the 117th Congress — proper there with funding the federal government and passing a protection invoice — is defending same-sex marriage.

The Respect for Marriage Act would replace federal regulation to make it in line with the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which stated that state legal guidelines making same-sex marriage unlawful have been unconstitutional.

“Make no mistake, there’s no stopping this bill from final passage,” stated Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) final week on the Senate flooring.

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Schumer and Democratic management have been pushing for such laws ever for the reason that Supreme Court’s conservative majority overturned Roe v Wade, and hinted that different circumstances — together with Obergefell v. Hodges — maybe additionally must be reconsidered.

The Respect for Marriage Act handed the House in July and cleared a key procedural hurdle within the Senate final week, thanks partially to an modification so as to add in spiritual liberty protections. Twelve Republicans joined all Democrats in voting to shut debate on the invoice.

Both Oklahoma Senators voted no.

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“So, I have a real problem with this,” stated Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) in an interview final week.

Senator Lankford stated same-sex marriage is already protected underneath the 2015 courtroom ruling and stated the spiritual liberty protections added to the invoice are extremely weak.

“It basically says you don’t have to perform a same-sex wedding,” stated Lankford, “but other than that, if you’re whatever belief that you may be that you may disagree, whether it’s a religious belief or a conscience belief, then you’re going to be cut out of society.”

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But a few of Lankford’s Republican colleagues disagree, noting that the invoice was reviewed by constitutional students and advocates for spiritual liberty.

“And they sent us a letter,” stated Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), “concluding that, overall, this legislation is, and I quote, ‘an advance for religious liberty’, end quote.”

If, or when, the invoice does acquire last passage within the Senate, due to the modification, it must return to the House for last consideration there.

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