Saturday, June 15, 2024

Oklahoma pest control company to offer services to those in need

OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Okla. (KFOR)- After a run in with a Warr Acres girl and her household who had been affected by a mattress bug infestation however couldn’t afford to have it professionally sprayed, a neighborhood pest control specialist has created a non revenue group aimed toward serving to those in related conditions.

In August, KFOR first introduced you to Janice Morgan and her family.

Janice Morgan in her hospital mattress at dwelling. Photo courtesy of Autumn Rain Morgan.

“The bites are horrid, and they are constant,” Janice tolf KFOR. “Our health is going to decline drastically and mine fastest because I have cancer.”

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Her granddaughter, Autumn Rain Morgan, mentioned the mattress bugs had been in every single place in their Warr Acres dwelling.

“They’re on fabric, surfaces, beds, couches, love seats, blinds, the curtains, virtually every surface,” she defined.

Autumn Rain’s foremost concern was the mattress bugs affecting her grandmother’s chemo remedy.

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“For somebody who’s going through chemo, their immune system’s already weakened,” she continued. “It could go further. It could make it even harder. So, she might have to stop chemo, wait for that to heal and then start back up again. That could take weeks. That could take months. And this is not something that needs to wait. This needs to be something that’s dealt with so she can live a full and happy life.”

The Morgans had been initially quoted $3,000-$4,000 for an expert spray in which they mentioned they couldn’t afford.

They had been hoping somebody would have the ability to assist them for a decreased price.

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When News 4 aired the story, the Owner of Killin’ It Termite and Pest, Rainey Land reached out and requested how he might assist.

A couple of days later, KFOR returned to the Morgans’ home and Land tagged along.

Autumn Rain mentioned since News 4 was final there, it had gotten higher, but it surely was nonetheless a “constant battle of to scratch, not scratch, to scratch. Screw it. I can’t stop. I have to scratch because it’s annoying.”

Land shocked the Morgans with the nice news of having the ability to absolutely exterminate their dwelling free of charge.

“I saw an article online as I was reading my daily news on Saturday and mentioned it to my wife,” Land said. “Knowing how bad, you know, it seemed that the problem was and how much it was affecting this family and her medical treatments, we just wanted to help.”

He mentioned he would offer a number of heavy mattress bug therapies that will contain liquid remedy for partitions and non cloth furnishings and mud remedy.

Land mentioned inside three to 4 mattress bug therapies, the household ought to see a major decline in the pests.

“For a moment, I thought I was being punked. I honestly did not expect the amount of respect and the affection of the community to willing and willingness to help. That was very surprising,” mentioned Autumn.

Janice was in tears saying she was nonetheless making an attempt to wrap her thoughts round what’s occurring.

“I am in complete awe that the community would be not only be cognizant of me, but my family. And I can’t tell you enough about how that makes me feel, which is absolutely shocked. It’s not something I expected, so thank you so much,” mentioned Janice.

Nearly three months later, Land reached again out to KFOR saying, “I wanted to let you know that the bed bug problem has essentially been resolved, at least to the point that Janice has been able to restart her chemo treatments. We are still treating them on an ongoing basis, as promised.”

His good deed of serving to others doesn’t cease with the Morgans although.

“Essentially our mission is to help low income, elderly and medically affected people who have large pest infestations that are negatively affecting their quality of life. Much like Janice, who couldn’t have her cancer treatments because of the infestations, there’s tons of people out there who are in those kinds of situations and we want to help them,” mentioned Land.

Land and his household have created the Killin’ It With Love Foundation with this mission in thoughts.

“There’s always been cases that have been heartbreaking to a degree, you know, because you find these people who have bedbugs or roaches or, you know, rodents that are tearing up their vehicles or their property. They just don’t have the means to either prepare for good treatments or to pay for good treatments. There’s always been a part of me that’s wanted to do something about it.”

Rainey Land, Owner of Killin’ It Termite and Pest

The basis continues to be in its early levels, however Land mentioned he plans to have it formally up and working by the beginning of the brand new 12 months.

Included in his services can be free remedy, the substitute of furnishings that was destroyed by pests, assist with the preparatory work, and the substitute of meals which will have been ruined by pests.

Rainey is constant to acquire funds to additional assist get this basis on its ft.

If you’re in donating, Land mentioned the web site continues to be in the works, however they do have a Facebook page.

“It really made me feel so wonderful. Just the sheer ability to help people in a way that’s really impactful to their lives. You know, so many people have helped us throughout our lives in various ways, and we just really want to give back. It feels really good for us. I know that it’s going to be a huge benefit to the individuals and the community to be,” mentioned Land.

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