Monday, June 17, 2024

Mark Jensen sentenced to life in prison in 1998 antifreeze murder of his wife Julie Jensen

A Wisconsin guy convicted for a second time of killing his wife with antifreeze and by means of suffocation in 1998 used to be sentenced Friday to life in prison with out parole. The sentencing of Mark Jensen comes 1 / 4 century after police confirmed him a letter his wife left in the back of indicating she idea he would kill her.

A Kenosha County pass judgement on sentenced Jensen, 63, who used to be convicted by means of a jury in February of first-degree intentional murder in the loss of life of his wife, Julie Jensen.

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Prosecutors alleged he poisoned Julie Jensen with antifreeze, and likewise drugged her with a drowsing drugs ahead of later suffocating her to loss of life in their Pleasant Prairie house.

Poisoning Death
Mark Jensen makes his approach into the court for his sentencing listening to, Friday, April 14, 2023, in Kenosha, Wis. 

Sean Krajacic/The Kenosha News by the use of AP, Pool

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Jensen has maintained his innocence, with his lawyers arguing that Julie Jensen used to be depressed and killed herself after framing her husband.

At the sentencing listening to, Julie Jensen’s circle of relatives requested the pass judgement on to give Mark Jensen a most penalty of life in prison with out parole, CBS associate WDJT-TV reported.

“I respectfully ask the court today to show no mercy for Mark Jensen,” Paul Griffin, one of Julie Jensen’s brothers, mentioned all the way through his witness commentary. “Why you might ask? Because he showed no mercy to his wife, my sister, Julie Jensen.”

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Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Anthony Milisauskas mentioned all the way through Friday’s sentencing, “There’s no doubt in my mind Julie Jensen suffered for a long time.”

“He could have divorced her, separated, whatever, but he chose not to do that. What he chose to do was torture her for a long time,” Milisauskas mentioned, in accordance to WISN-TV.

Jensen used to be first used to be convicted in 2008 in his wife’s slaying and sentenced to life with out parole.

But a Kenosha County judge vacated Jensen’s first conviction in April 2021 after the Wisconsin Supreme Court dominated he deserved a brand new trial. The court docket discovered {that a} letter his wife wrote incriminating him must one thing occur to her may just now not be utilized by the prosecution.

In 2008 , “48 Hours” lined the case. The episode incorporated dramatic video of police wondering Jensen a few letter Julie wrote two weeks ahead of her loss of life pronouncing she suspected he used to be going to kill her. Watch the video beneath.

The Letter: Mark Jensen Interrogation by means of
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