Monday, June 17, 2024

Manchin: Biden’s coal comments are ‘divorced from reality’

JOLIET, Ill. (AP) — President Joe Biden on Saturday was criticized by West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democratic antagonist and ally, for being “cavalier” and “divorced from reality” after vowing to shutter coal-fired energy vegetation and rely extra closely on wind and photo voltaic power sooner or later.

The highly effective coal-state lawmaker mentioned Biden’s phrases “ignore the severe economic pain” for individuals from increased power costs and are why Americans “are losing trust” in Biden. Manchin’s stinging rebuke of his social gathering’s chief comes at precarious time for Democrats on the ultimate weekend of campaigning earlier than Tuesday’s elections that would put Republicans again in energy in Congress.

Biden raised Manchin’s ire together with his reference to coal energy throughout a speech Friday in Carlsbad, California, to highlight his $280 billion plan to spice up the semiconductor trade and scientific analysis.

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“I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest old coal plant in America. Guess what? It cost them too much money,” Biden mentioned. “No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of their existence of the plant. So it’s going to become a wind generation,” Biden added. “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar.”

Biden had visited a former coal-fired energy plant in Massachusetts in July. The former Brayton Point energy plant in Somerset is shifting to offshore wind energy manufacturing, and Biden selected it because the embodiment of the transition to wash power that he’s looking for, together with within the sweeping climate-and-health legislation he handed with Manchin’s assist in August.

Former President Donald Trump promised to revive coal and restore mining jobs, however the trade’s decadelong decline continued as utilities more and more flip to cheaper pure fuel — and now renewable power comparable to wind and solar energy — to generate electrical energy. The Energy Information Administration, a authorities company, experiences a yearly common of 39,518 workers at U.S. coal mines in 2021, in contrast with 91,611 in 2011, 51,795 in 2016 and 42,159 in 2020. Wyoming is the chief in coal manufacturing.

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Manchin, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, mentioned in a press release that Biden’s remarks have been “not only outrageous and divorced from reality, they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising energy costs.”

Such remarks, Manchin mentioned, “are the reason the American people are losing trust in President Biden. … It seems his positions change daily depending on the audience and politics of the day.”

Manchin, whose assist was essential to Biden profitable passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which included the largest funding in local weather applications in U.S. historical past, slammed Biden for “offensive and disgusting” phrases and mentioned the president owed West Virginia coal employees “an immediate and public apology.”

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“Let me be clear, this is something the president has never said to me. Being cavalier about the coal jobs for men and women in West Virginia and across the country who literally put their lives on the line to help build and power this country is offensive and disgusting,” Manchin. He added that “it is time he learn a lesson that his words matter and have consequences.”

The EIA initiatives that coal technology is anticipated to say no from 22.5% of U.S. electrical energy in 2021 to 21.1% in 2022, earlier than falling to 19.9% in 2023 -– the identical coal technology share as 2020 when manufacturing hit its lowest stage in many years, partly due to COVID-19. Natural fuel is anticipated to make up for a few of coal’s declining share in 2022 and past. Coal produced greater than 40% of U.S. electrical energy although 2011 earlier than a steep decline attributable to the fracking growth.

In late 2021, Manchin torpedoed Biden’s massive home coverage invoice, resulting in a hardball response from the White House to a lawmaker whose vote is essential within the 50-50 Senate. Biden’s press secretary referred to as Manchin’s opposition, first introduced on a Sunday news present, as “a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position” and “a breach of his commitments” to Biden and congressional Democrats.

Then, this previous summer time, Manchin all of a sudden reversed course and backed a revised invoice that grew to become legislation with solely Democratic votes.


Daly reported from Washington.


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