Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Man in critical condition after being shot on patio of Northwest Side apartment complex, SAPD says

SAN ANTONIO – A person in his 40s is in critical condition after being shot outdoor an apartment advanced on town’s Northwest Side early Wednesday morning, in keeping with San Antonio police.

The capturing came about round 1:20 a.m. at an apartment advanced in the 100 block of De Chantle Road, no longer some distance from each Vance Jackson Road and Interstate 10.

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According to police, the person used to be on a patio house in entrance of the residences when a dark-colored sedan pulled up along it. That’s when, police mentioned, any person throughout the sedan mentioned one thing to him after which pulled out a gun and opened fireplace, capturing him as soon as in the top.

The sedan fled against Fredericksburg Road after the capturing. The suspect and automobile have no longer been discovered.

The sufferer used to be taken by means of ambulance to University Hospital.

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The San Antonio Police Department, the San Antonio Fire Department and EMS all spoke back to the decision.

The investigation into the capturing is ongoing, police mentioned.

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