Saturday, June 1, 2024

Jordan Neely homicide latest: Marine lawyers up over subway chokehold death as New Yorkers demand charges

Outrage over death of guy killed in chokehold on New York subway

The US Marine who positioned Jordan Neely in a chokehold on a New York City subway, main him to lose awareness and die, is claimed to have lawyered up amid a rising swell of concern within the town.

The New York Post reported that the 24-year-old Queens guy has employed legal professional Thomas Kenniff – a person who ran unsuccessfully towards Alvin Bragg for the Manhattan District Attorney position.

On Thursday, Mr Bragg’s administrative center met with NYPD detectives to weigh conceivable felony charges towards the Marine, who has now not been publicly named through officers.

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Neely’s death has been dominated a homicide through neck compression however no arrests had been made.

Harrowing pictures, filmed through journalist Juan Alberto Vazquez, captured the deadly stumble upon which spread out on an F educate in Manhattan on Monday afternoon.

It presentations the passenger pinning Neely to the bottom in a chokehold for a number of mins, leaving him subconscious.

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Neely was once rushed to health center the place he was once pronounced useless.

His death has sparked protests at the subway and calls from the likes of Black Lives Matter and Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez difficult justice for the person who was once as soon as a well-liked Michael Jackson impersonator.


New York was once now not a ‘safe city’ for Jordan Neely

Democratic state senator Julia Salazar in comparison Neely’s horrific killing to a lynching – the general public extermination of a Black, marginalized particular person within the identify of restoring public order.

Though Neely was once now not killed through the police, his death painfully presentations how mainstream rhetoric of policing, order, and protection all body marginalized other folks as innately unsafe. From this point of view, “safety” way hiding, quelling, and even outright getting rid of positive marginalized populations – Black other folks, homeless other folks, mentally unwell other folks, deficient other folks.

Sravasti Dasgupta5 May 2023 10:30


From Michael Jackson impersonator to harrowing death: Who was once the homeless guy killed at the NYC subway?

Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless guy, was once killed in a New York City subway educate on Monday afternoon after he it appears suffered a psychological well being episode, main a fellow passenger to strive against him to the ground with the assistance of two others, preserving him in a chokehold.

The surprising incident was once captured on telephone video on the scene, sparking debate amongst New Yorkers concerning the rights and wrongs of the vigilante’s movements and the level to which Neely’s behaviour will have been interpreted as a danger to the protection of his fellow passengers.

Eyewitness Juan Alberto Vazquez, a contract journalist, told The New York Post exactly what took place after Neely boarded the northbound F educate at Second Avenue station.

“He starts to make a speech. He started screaming in an aggressive manner,” Mr Vazquez stated.

“He said he had no food, he had no drink, that he was tired and doesn’t care if he goes to jail. He started screaming all these things, took off his jacket, a black jacket that he had, and threw it on the ground.”

Read extra:

Joe Sommerlad5 May 2023 10:00


The killing of Jordan Neely underscores violence going through inclined New Yorkers

New Yorkers aren’t any strangers to volatile or disruptive individuals who journey town’s 6,500 subway vehicles; subway riders in most cases stay to themselves and forget about them.

But Neely’s death has revived unstable media narratives about New York’s homeless inhabitants, spinning an act of vigilantism accountable the individual killed through it.

The mayor and governor have now not explicitly condemned the act of deadly violence, elevating questions amongst New York leaders whether or not town considers the lifetime of a homeless Black guy much less treasured than a white stranger ready to make use of fatal power.

Sravasti Dasgupta5 May 2023 09:30


‘Jordan was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services’

New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Wednesday evening that “Jordan Neely was murdered. But bc Jordan was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself while many in power demonize the poor, the murderer gets protected w/ passive headlines + no charges. It’s disgusting”.

“It is appalling how so many take advantage of headlines re: crime for an obsolete ‘tough on crime’ political, media, & budgetary gain, but when a public murder happens that reinforces existing power structures, those same forces rush to exonerate&look the other way. We shouldn’t,” she added.

Podcaster Keith Olbermann replied: “It was as much a vigilante act as Bernie Goetz. Arrest the SOB.”

Goetz shot 4 African American males at the New York Subway in 1984.

Gustaf Kilander5 May 2023 09:00


‘The system failed him’: Relatives talk out after Jordan Neely subway chokehold killing

Relatives of Jordan Neely spoke out following the killing of the 30-year-old homeless guy in an incident at the New York subway.

Neely’s aunt, Carolyn Neely, instructed The New York Post: “My sister Christie was murdered in 2007 and after that, he has never been the same.

“It had a big impact on him. He developed depression and it grew and became more serious. He was schizophrenic, PTSD. Doctors knew his condition and he needed to be treated for that.“The whole system just failed him. He fell through the cracks of the system.”

Sravasti Dasgupta5 May 2023 08:30


New York City council speaker Adrienne Adams problems remark

Jordan Neely was once a New Yorker, a son, and a performer, and he must nonetheless be alive. My middle and condolences are along with his family members throughout this hard time.

His killing by the hands of a fellow passenger and the responses to this violence that took his existence had been now not best tragic however tricky to soak up. Racism that continues to permeate right through our society permits for a degree of dehumanization that denies Black other folks from being identified as sufferers when subjected to acts of violence.

The perceptions of Black other folks have lengthy been interpreted thru a distorted, racialized lens that goals to justify violence towards us. It is some other instance of ways some distance we stay from an equitable and simply society.

Let’s be transparent: any conceivable psychological well being demanding situations that Jordan could have been experiencing have been no reason why for his existence to be taken.

The preliminary reaction through our criminal device to this killing is irritating and places on show for the sector the double requirements that Black other folks and other folks of colour proceed to stand.

There will have to be duty for his killing, and an intensive investigation through the Manhattan district legal professional that accounts for the information and those realities is important. Everyone in our town and country must be reflecting on what this incident represents and says about us.

New York City council speaker Adrienne Adams

Gustaf Kilander5 May 2023 08:00


Protesters collect for 2d day of demonstrations in New York City

Dozens of other folks amassed final night time in Brooklyn’s Barclay Center for a 2d day of demonstrations towards the death of Jordan Neely.

Kyle Ishmael, a 38-year-old Harlem resident, stated the video appearing Neely in a chokehold left him “disgusted.”

“I couldn’t believe this was happening on my subway in my city that I grew up in,” he was once quoted as announcing to the Associated Press.

The death of Neely at the New York Subway has been dominated a homicide after the 30-year-old homeless guy was once filmed being positioned in a chokehold after performing in an erratic method, apparently annoyed about his private scenario.

Tari Tudesco, a backup dancer within the Michael Jackson tribute act “Michael’s Mirror,” stated many in the neighborhood had grown anxious about Neely’s absence in recent times, and had begun looking for him, unsuccessfully.

“We were in shock to find now that he was living homeless,” she stated.


Sravasti Dasgupta5 May 2023 07:30


DA urges any person with information to come back ahead

A spokesperson on the Manhattan DA’s administrative center stated in a remark:

“This is a solemn and serious matter that ended in the tragic loss of Jordan Neely’s life.

“As part of our rigorous ongoing investigation, we will review the Medical Examiner’s report, assess all available video and photo footage, identify and interview as many witnesses as possible, and obtain additional medical records.

“This investigation is being handled by senior, experienced prosecutors and we will provide an update when there is additional public information to share.

“The Manhattan D.A.’s Office encourages anyone who witnessed or has information about this incident to call 212-335-9040.”

Gustaf Kilander5 May 2023 07:00


ICYMI: Black Lives Matter and NAACP sign up for Democrats in calling for duty

Black Lives Matter and the NAACP joined the rising selection of Democrats calling for duty within the chokehold killing of 30-year-old homeless guy Jordan Neely.

The death of Neely at the New York Subway has been dominated a homicide after the 30-year-old homeless guy was once filmed being positioned in a chokehold after performing in an erratic method, annoyed about his private scenario.

Gustaf Kilander has extra:

Sravasti Dasgupta5 May 2023 06:30


‘A new low’: AOC blasts New York Mayor’s remark after Neely’s death

“This honestly feels like a new low,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said on Twitter on Wednesday in line with a Mr Adams’ remark.

“Not being able to clearly condemn a public murder because the victim was of a social status some would deem ‘too low’ to care about,” Ms Ocasio-Cortez added. “The last sentence is especially rich from an admin trying to cut the very services that could have helped him.”

Ariana Baio5 May 2023 06:00

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