Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Joe Jonas-Sophie Turner’s custody battle intensifies

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s divorce battle has were given extra contentious as she is suing him for unlawfully retaining their two youngsters in the United States, and is inquiring for their rapid go back to England. According to courtroom paperwork, Turner, 27, has filed the lawsuit in US District Court in Manhattan to “secure the immediate return of children wrongfully removed or wrongfully retained” by means of Jonas. Asserting that the Game of Thrones actor was once conscious that the musician was once going to document for divorce, the latter’s consultant stated, “The Florida Court has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children. Sophie was served with this order on September 6, 2023, more than two weeks ago.” Stating that Jonas is “seeking shared parenting so that their kids are raised by both, the mother and the father,” the rep added, “The children were born in the US and have spent most of their lives in the US. They are American citizens.”

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