Sunday, June 2, 2024

Japan police admit problems as country mourns

Security consultants within the country known as for a radical investigation into the taking pictures. Fumikazu Higuchi, a former Kyoto prefectural police investigator, mentioned Abe appeared to have had inadequate safety.

“It is necessary to investigate why security allowed Yamagami to freely move and go behind Mr. Abe,” he advised a Nippon TV speak present, referring to video footage that appeared to point out open area behind Abe earlier than he was shot.

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On Saturday, Abe’s physique returned to his dwelling within the high-end district of Shibuya in Tokyo, in line with state broadcaster NHK, making the seven-and-a-half-hour journey from Nara Medical University Hospital, the place he had been pronounced useless.

According to the Associated Press, Abe’s spouse, Akie Abe, was photographed within the car, which met a crowd of mourners with flowers ready outdoors the prime minister’s residence.

Flowers additionally lined the pavement and residents paid their respects on the road within the metropolis of Nara the place Abe was shot Friday.

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“I am really shocked because I thought Abe would continue his efforts to make the country better,” a Natsumi Niwa, 50, told the Associated Press.

“My child’s name includes the term ‘kuni,’ which represents the beautiful nation built by Abe, so I came here to offer my gratitude to Abe and wanted to tell my child about him, she added.”

An outpouring of condolences from world leaders continued to flow on Saturday, as the country mourned the loss of its longest-serving prime minister.

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Even though Abe had resigned in 2020 citing health concerns, he remained influential in Japan as head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, heading its largest faction. But his ultra-nationalist views and unapologetic stance on Japanese World War II atrocities made him a divisive figure.

President Joe Biden called Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday morning, expressing his condolences and saying that he stands with the people of Japan.

“I am stunned, outraged, and deeply saddened by the news,” Biden said in a statement, calling the former Japanese leader a “champion of the alliance between our nations and the friendship between our people.”

Abe had pushed for a closer alliance with the United Stated. He also led President Barrack Obama’s visit to Hiroshima in 2016, the first time an American president had visited the area where the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb. The bomb, one of only two to ever be used during a conflict, helped force Japan’s WWII surrender.

Abe in turn also became the first Japanese Prime Minister to visit Pearl Harbor later the same year.

Abe’s passing also weighed heavily on neighboring Taiwan, which had found in the leader a strong supporter against the threat of a Chinese invasion. President Tsai Ing-wen described Abe as “Taiwan’s steadfast friend” in a message of condolences on her official Facebook on Friday evening.

Taipei City’s iconic 101 building was emblazoned on Friday evening with messages that read “Thank you Prime Minister Abe” and “Taiwan’s forever friend.”

Esteem for the longtime chief was displayed elsewhere within the area, with India’s prime minister Narendra Modi declaring Saturday a nationwide day of mourning “as a mark of our deepest respect.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who had a strained relationship with Abe over regional issues including tensions across the Taiwan Strait, also sent his condolences personally to Abe’s family and on behalf of the Chinese people, the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

“I deeply regret his sudden death,” Chinese state media reported Xi as saying, adding that he had once reached a consensus with the Japanese leader on China-Japan relations.

Janis Mackey Frayer, Associated Press and Arata Yamamoto contributed.

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