Monday, June 17, 2024

Half Moon Bay, California mass shooting suspect identified

Police officers detain a man, believed by law enforcement to be the Half Moon Bay mass shooting suspect, in Half Moon Bay, California, on January 23.
Police officers detain a person, believed by legislation enforcement to be the Half Moon Bay mass shooting suspect, in Half Moon Bay, California, on January 23. (Courtesy Kati McHugh)

When police in Half Moon Bay introduced a news convention a couple of mass shooting within the space, Kati McHugh determined to attend, not anticipating that she would witness the arrest of the suspect — or that the suspect would park his car subsequent to her personal.

McHugh recalled seeing police vehicles, hearth vehicles — each first responder — driving quick down the roads on Monday. It was her first indication that one thing was taking place within the northern California neighborhood. 

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She and some others, together with members of the press, have been milling round within the car parking zone earlier than the news convention was set to happen at a San Mateo County sheriff’s substation.  

She mentioned she remembered seeing the suspect’s maroon SUV drive into the car parking zone. Even although she knew police have been looking for a maroon SUV, it did not even happen to her it may very well be that car. 

The suspect’s driving within the car parking zone did catch her consideration — he had stopped brief at one level — however she mentioned he ultimately parked the automobile. It was within the area subsequent to hers. 

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McHugh went again to her automobile after which quite a lot of cops got here out from a constructing and instructed her to transfer away.

That’s when she started to comprehend what was happening. 

A photojournalist close to her automobile took a knee; McHugh backed away and took cowl behind a tree. 

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“I thought a tree was a good option,” she mentioned as she took a video of the arrest of the suspect that was shared extensively.

The footage reveals officers with their weapons drawn approaching the car, the suspect emerge and the officers pulling him to the bottom and handcuffing him. Police autos race into the car parking zone and encompass the scene. The second video reveals police strolling the handcuffed suspect towards the substation.

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