Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Gov. Abbott Releases Texas Music Industry Economic Impact Report | News

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott introduced Monday the discharge of the 2023 Texas Music Industry Economic Impact Report from the Texas Music Office. The biennial report tracks the expansion of the Texas music business, together with music companies and music schooling, and its affect by way of annual earnings, native job creation, and financial exercise statewide.

“Music is key to the Texas brand—drawing visitors from around the globe, attracting a talented and growing workforce across industries, and supporting continuing business recruitment and expansion efforts throughout our state,” stated Governor Abbott. “With support from the Texas Music Office and employers across the state, the Texas music industry employed hundreds of thousands of Texans and generated more than $26 billion in economic activity statewide in last year. I thank the Texas Music Office, the Texas music industry, and our communities for their collaboration and creating good-paying jobs for Texans. Working together, we will continue to create even greater opportunity across all regions of this great state.”

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“The Texas Music Office is excited to today release the latest version of our biennial economic impact study,” stated TMO Director Brendon Anthony. “Beyond the immeasurable positive impact on quality of life, this report serves to highlight the economic benefits of our strong, diverse, and vibrant Texas music industry. Founded more than 30 years ago, the Texas Music Office is the only standalone state music office in the United States, and when this report is released, it acts as a gauge of the state of the music business in the U.S. and how attractive our industry is on a global scale.”

“The story of Texas has long been told in music and song,” stated Executive Director of the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism Office Adriana Cruz. “Today, our state’s world-renowned and richly diverse music culture plays a substantial role in creating local jobs and growing the Texas economy. I am proud of the work done by the Texas Music Office to promote Texas and the Texas music industry across the country and around the world. Working together with local communities, TMO is creating a quantifiable impact in terms of jobs, earnings, and economic activity, helping to create an even brighter future for Texas.”

2023 Texas Music Industry Economic Impact Report Findings:

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Per the 2023 Texas Music Industry Economic Impact Report, the music business in Texas, together with music companies and music schooling, created an financial affect in 2022 corresponding to pre-pandemic years, together with:

Nearly 90,000 everlasting jobs

$4.6 billion in annual earnings

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Over $10.8 billion in annual financial exercise

The ripple results related to the direct injection associated to music companies and music schooling introduced the overall direct and oblique financial affect in 2022 to:

More than 192,000 everlasting jobs

$9.4 billion in earnings

$26.6 billion in annual financial exercise

To learn or obtain the complete 2023 Texas Music Economic Impact Study, go to: gov.texas.gov/music/page/economic-impact-study

The Texas Music Office within the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism is the one state music workplace within the nation. For greater than 30 years, TMO has fostered the financial growth of Texas music companies, Texas musicians, and Texas communities. TMO operates an in depth community of Music Friendly Texas Certified Community companions throughout the state, serves as a clearinghouse for Texas music business information, acts as a liaison between music companies and authorities places of work, publicizes vital business developments, and attracts important music business to the Lone Star State. A vibrant Texas music business helps native job creation whereas drawing guests from across the globe, attracting a proficient workforce throughout industries, and supporting enterprise recruitment and growth efforts all through the state.

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