Sunday, June 16, 2024

Golesh Era, spring practice begin at USF

TAMPA, Fla. — The first day of spring soccer practice takes slightly being used to, particularly for a first-year head trainer like USF’s Alex Golesh.

“I was trying to figure out what to do, at times,” Golesh joked after the primary consultation. “In terms of meandering over to different individuals. Went and hung out with the defense, and that was fun. That was the first time in 20 years that I’ve done that. All we’ve talked about is team, and team, and team. And I’m in it with ya, I’m in it with ya.”

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Golesh, 38, is an offensive trainer who spent the previous two seasons calling performs at the University of Tennessee. He did admit that outdated behavior can die onerous in terms of holding each eyes on one facet of the practice box.

“I had a plan, and then I got bored over there, so I went back to the offense,” he mentioned.

USF gained 4 video games overall—just one in opposition to an FBS group—during the last 3 seasons, however Golesh is not keen on finding out fresh historical past. He mentioned he is all about elevating the power stage and construction positivity at practice.

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“I was over there as a hype guy, and I’m always going to be a hype guy,” Golesh added. “We talked zero about a year ago, what it looked like. We’re moving one direction, forward.”

One of trainer Golesh’s primary priorities is the continuing upgrades to the group’s brand-new indoor practice facility. Plans for growth are underway, in addition to plans for an on-campus stadium.

“Kids waking up, doing whatever they do before a game, and walking to that stadium. I think that’s one of the coolest parts of college football,” Golesh mentioned as he described short of to get the Tampa Bay group interested by Bulls soccer. “What it’ll do for the past 26 years of football players that came through here and built—through the good and the bad—built this place. To walk by there and tell their kiddos, ‘I built that.’”

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Gaither High School grad and USF offensive lineman Donovan Jennings is just happy to get one more chance to put on a Bulls uniform. The graduate student got another year of eligibility after breaking his left leg in week four at Louisville.

“I’m simply so thankful that I am getting to revel in it. Because a large number of my previous teammates, they at all times sought after to be on this and practice on this,” Jennings said when referring to the team’s indoor practice facility. “Just me with the ability to do it’s in truth superb. I by no means take it as a right. I simply wouldn’t need to be at some other position.”

USF could have 15 spring practices, together with the April 14 spring sport, which can be hung on campus at Corbett Soccer Stadium.

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