Friday, June 14, 2024

Girl with cerebral palsy gets to ‘steal a base’ at Astros game

“There’s a lot of times we’re told she can’t do something because it’s not accessible, or it’s a liability, or it’s too hard,” the woman’s mom stated.

HOUSTON — An 11-year-old woman had the time of her life this month when she bought to do one thing no person thought she’d have the ability to.

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Mary, who was born with cerebral palsy, bought to steal a base at the Astros game.

“For her, it’s what makes her non-verbal, because the part that controls speech is affected and her muscles and all that don’t communicate with her brain the way they should,” stated her mom Kalyn Burnaman.

When she was younger, her medical doctors have been lower than optimistic.

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“Her doctors basically gave us no hope,” Burnaman stated.  “They told us she wouldn’t be able to eat, she won’t be able to talk, she won’t be able to walk, she’ll need help for the rest of her life.”

One of them even suggested the mom to give Mary up.

“He told us when she’s of mature age, basically a teenager, to put her in a home,” Burnaman stated.

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But for this household, that merely wouldn’t do. Instead of giving up hope, they put in work.

“We’ve literally been in therapy since she was three months old,” Burnaman stated.

Mary’s hundreds of hours of arduous work have paid off.

When her household requested if she may steal the bottom like the opposite children do between innings at Astros video games – they weren’t positive if the workforce would go for it.

“There’s a lot of times we’re told she can’t do something because it’s not accessible, or it’s a liability, or it’s too hard,” Burnaman stated.

To their shock, the workforce stated it was nice.

And with the assistance of her mother, Mary went to steal a base with an unforgettable smile on her face.

“I think they see a kid who is typically in a wheelchair that shouldn’t be able to do the things that she can do and she basically ran to steal the base,” Burnaman stated.

This was the game that Mary gained, proving so many naysayers fallacious.

“She’s just like everybody else,” Burnaman stated. “It just takes a little bit of accommodation and modification.”

story by The Texas Tribune Source link

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