Monday, June 17, 2024

Georgia heads to runoff, no “red wave” for Republicans, stocks fall

Michigan voters elect Republican John James to US House in newly-created tenth District

Republicans gained a newly created congressional district within the Detroit suburbs of Michigan on Tuesday, boosting the celebration’s effort to take management of the House of Representatives. 

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Republican nominee John James was topped the victor within the contest for Michigan’s tenth Congressional District, The Associated Press tasks.

James, who was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in 2018 and 2020, bested Democratic nominee Carl Marlinga.

The contest was seen as a bellwether for Republican efforts to make in-roads with suburban voters. 

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Michigan’s 10th Congressional District
is centered round Michigan’s Macomb and Oakland counties, main suburbs of Detroit. Former President Donald Trump narrowly carried the district in opposition to President Biden in 2020, in accordance to Michigan’s unbiased redistricting fee.

While the district leaned Republican on paper, Marlinga was seen as a aggressive challenger. A former probate courtroom choose, Marlinga beforehand served as Macomb County’s district lawyer for almost 40 years. 

Fox News Bradford Betz and Haris Alic contributed this replace.

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What is a runoff? Everything you want to know concerning the Georgia Senate candidates

Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock will face off in opposition to his Trump-endorsed GOP challenger, Herschel Walker, on December 6 in a runoff election

The Georgia Secretary of State introduced Wednesday that the Peach State’s Senate race will advance on to a runoff election as neither candidate has been in a position to attain 50% of the vote. 

As it stands, Warnock presently leads Walker by a razor-thin margin, 49.4% to 48.5%
. The Fox News Decision Desk confirmed shortly after that Secretary’s announcement that the race will go to a runoff.

Georgia is exclusive from different battleground races in {that a} candidate should attain a easy majority — a minimum of 50% of the vote — to declare victory. Read extra beneath for Fox News Digital’s breakdown on the upcoming Georgia runoff.

Iowa House race: Republican Zach Nunn defeats Rep. Cindy Axne, flipping seat for GOP

Republican nominee Zach Nunn has
unseated incumbent Rep. Cindy Axne
, D-Iowa, The Associated Press tasks, flipping a key House seat because the GOP fights to regain a majority within the House.

Axne was first elected to her seat in 2018 successful by slim margins in opposition to the GOP incumbent. Axne is presently the one Democratic member of the Iowa congressional delegation in Washington, D.C.

Despite President Biden’s lackluster approval score in nationwide polls, Axne welcomed Biden on the marketing campaign path in a digital fundraiser held in October — although that has not stopped her from distancing herself from a few of her celebration’s insurance policies, such federal spending on COVID-19 support.

Nunn, the Republican nominee in Iowa’s third Congressional district, is a U.S. Air Force who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump. 

Axne made abortion a cornerstone of her marketing campaign, pledging to codify Roe v. Wade if elected and continuously criticizing Nunn for a previous debate wherein he supported no exceptions for abortions — although the State Senator has walked again these positions and now helps exceptions in instances of rape, incest and medical emergencies.  

Fox News’ Sophia Slacik contributed this replace.

Breaking News

Georgia Senate race between Warnock and Walker heads to runoff, secretary of state’s workplace confirms

The Georgia Senate election between Sen. Raphael Warnock and GOP candidate Herschel Walker will go right into a runoff election, the Georgia Secretary of State’s workplace tells Fox News.

A press convention can be held at 2 p.m.

The runoff election will happen on December 6.Walker, who gained a Heisman Trophy and helped steer the University of Georgia to a university soccer nationwide championship 4 a long time in the past, jumped into the GOP race to face off in opposition to Warnock in the summertime of final 12 months, after months of assist and encouragement to run for the Senate by former President Donald Trump, his longtime buddy.

It is the previous soccer star’s first run for workplace.

Warnock, the senior pastor at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church the place Martin Luther King Jr. used to preach, narrowly defeated Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in a 2021 particular election and was working to serve a full six-year time period. 

McCarthy sends letter to House Republicans, pronounces run for speaker

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued a letter to his Republican colleagues within the House on Wednesday and requested for assist as he introduced his run for speaker of the House.

“First, congratulations on your election in a critical and pivotal year,” he wrote. “Over the past century, Republicans had flipped the House from Democrats just four times: 1946, 1952, 1994, and 2010. Only twice did that flip occur in four years or less. While a number of races remain outstanding, I can confidently report that we will join that list, build on our significant gains from last cycle, and achieve our goal of taking back the House.”

“This is no small feat,” he added. “We have ended one-party Democrat rule
in Washington by successfully prosecuting the case in opposition to their failed insurance policies whereas detailing our plan for a brand new route with the Commitment to America. Even so, I belief you recognize that incomes the bulk is barely the start. Now, we can be measured by what we do with our majority. Now, the true work begins. That is why I’m working to function Speaker of the People’s House and humbly ask for your assist.”

In closing his letter, McCarthy said it was up to every elected Republican “to exhibit management on the problems that matter most and do what’s required to get America again on observe.”

“There is no time to waste,” he mentioned.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Kansas Dem Gov. Laura Kelly survives Republican challenge

The Fox News Decision Desk can mission that Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, the Democrat, will defeat her GOP challenger, Derek Schmidt.

The race between the 2 candidates, each of whom held elected positions within the state for greater than 10 years, pitted Kelly, who has tried to painting herself as a reasonable, in opposition to Schmidt, who positioned quite a lot of his marketing campaign’s deal with the economic system and Kelly’s coronavirus restoration efforts.

Kelly and Schmidt participated in an October 5 debate hosted by the Johnson County Bar Association in Overland Park, the state’s second most populous metropolis.

The two candidates showcased their partisan variations as they clashed over training, abortion, the coronavirus pandemic and different points.

Kelly was the one Democratic governor working for re-election in a state carried in 2020 by former President Donald Trump. The former four-term state senator from Topeka, who was elected governor in 2018, mentioned she deserved one other 4 years steering Kansas after working with the Republican-dominated legislature to stability the purple state’s price range and growing the state’s rainy-day fund to $1 billion.

Pennsylvania Rep. Matt Cartwright wins re-election in opposition to Trump-endorsed challenger

The Associated Press tasks that incumbent Rep. Matt Cartwright has defeated Republican challenger Jim Bognet within the race to symbolize Pennsylvania’s eighth Congressional District.

Bognet, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate, made his second run for congress this cycle in opposition to Cartwright, after dropping to the Democrat by round 3.5 factors within the 2020 race that took 4 days to certify.

Cartwright has represented the district in Congress since 2013.Cartwright was first elected to serve in Pennsylvania’s eighth Congressional District in 2012. Before his time in Congress, he was an lawyer at Munley, Munley & Cartwright, the place he labored for 25 years.

Cartwright was re-elected in 2016 and 2020 regardless of Trump turning the district purple within the presidential elections.

Throughout the 2022 marketing campaign, Cartwright emphasised his bipartisan assist, calling himself “the most bipartisan Democrat in Congress” in an October debate in opposition to Bognet. 

In August, Cartwright put out an advert labeled “Agree,” that includes a Biden supporter who mentioned Cartwright’s capping of drug costs and a Trump supporter praising Cartwright for bringing jobs again from China.

Fox News’ Aubrie Spady and Alexandra Orbuch contributed this replace.

Marijuana legalized in these states within the midterm elections

Voters in Missouri and Maryland on Tuesday voted to legalize leisure
marijuana, additional loosening state pot legal guidelines for greater than 12 million Americans, regardless that the drug remains to be unlawful on the federal degree and is classed as a Schedule 1 substance.

Maryland overwhelmingly approved the legalization of marijuana — 65% of voters had been for it after two-thirds of the state’s votes had been counted by early Wednesday morning.

On the poll, voters had been requested, “Do you favor the legalization of the use of cannabis by an individual who is at least 21 years of age on or after July 1, 2023, in the State of Maryland?”

Missouri’s poll measure was extraordinarily shut, as votes had been counted late Tuesday. However, with 99.9% of votes in early Wednesday, it handed with 53% assist. That poll measure will take away bans on the “purchase, possession, consumption, use, delivery, manufacture, and sale of marijuana for personal use for adults over the age of twenty-one.”

The Show Me State’s initiative may even impose a 6% tax on retail gross sales of leisure marijuana.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Tyler Olson.

Read extra about sure states that refuted measures legalizing marijuana.

GOP pointing fingers after weak midterm outcomes, route of celebration in query: ‘Something was off’

Republicans Wednesday are struggling to make sense of lackluster election returns after months of predictions a few “red wave,” whereas finger-pointing and questions about the party’s future abound.

The blame recreation is already erupting between the pro-Trump and anti-Trump wings of the celebration. Other Republicans, in the meantime, say they’re merely confused about what occurred on the poll field.

“Clearly something was off, I mean a target was missed,” a House GOP aide advised Fox News Digital early Wednesday morning. “Was it polling, was it the issues that we thought people cared about?”

“The query that needs to be requested, 
assuming Republicans still take the House, is ‘What is our mandate and what do we do?’” the aide said. “That’s what’s most likely going to preserve me up tonight.”

Republicans are expected to take the House, though with a smaller majority than expected. The Senate remains a toss-up, with results in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona so far unclear.

But that isn’t stopping internal recriminations. Trump’s opponents say the former president and his claims about the 2020 presidential election were likely a drag on the party that had advantages in a poor economy and low approval ratings for President Biden.

This update was provided by Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich, Mark Meredith, Tyler Olson, and Chad Pergram.

Abortion will be ‘defining issue’ in 2024 presidential election: Jim Messina

Jim Messina, the White House deputy chief of employees and marketing campaign supervisor for former President Obama, reacted Wednesday to the midterm election outcomes and the problems that affected unbiased voters.

“Look, lots of Democrats this morning are saying that’s a lot better than we could have expected,” Messina mentioned. “One again, the polls were wrong for the fourth consecutive cycle.”

“The bigger last night was democracy,” he added. “We had large turnout far and wide. That is extremely fascinating and vital. People criticize Biden for steering into the democracy argument and it clearly labored together with his base.”

Messina mentioned he “absolutely” believes that abortion is a deciding consider a few of the races which have but to be referred to as.

“I think it’s partially why you saw this big, unknown wave of Democratic women voting,” he mentioned.

Developing Story

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATES: Senate races nonetheless too early to name


Warnock continues to put up robust outcomes. The query is whether or not he could make up sufficient vote to keep away from a runoff. About half of the estimated remaining vote is mail-in from the Atlanta metro. It remains to be potential that Warnock might get to 50%. 


Laxalt has a small benefit. Reports point out that a lot of the excellent vote is mail-in, and it’s concentrated in Clark County


Kelly has a bonus, however the race can be too early to name. It’s not clear what the remaining vote appears like. 


Tshibaka presently leads with an estimated 75% of the primary spherical votes counted. In Alaska’s Ranked Choice Voting System
, voters additionally put down their “second preferences.” According to our Fox News Voter Analysis, Murkowski has a really giant lead among the many second alternative ballots, so we imagine Murkowski is probably going to be effectively positioned as soon as preferences are distributed.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Sen. Ron Johnson survives Democratic problem

The Fox News Decision Desk can now mission that Republican Senator Ron Johnson will defeat
Democratic Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes

Johnson has represented Wisconsin since 2011. With this win, he’ll serve a 3rd time period.

Johnson, one of the crucial weak Senate incumbents up for re-election this cycle, was first elected to his seat in 2010 when he defeated Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold.

Johnson has blasted his Democratic opponent for his stances on felony justice reform that he says have contributed to a spike in crime in Wisconsin.

Barnes served as a state lawmaker from 2013 to 2019 when he turned the Badger State’s first Black lieutenant governor.

While Barnes has denied ever supporting the defund the police movement, Johnson claimed all through the marketing campaign that Barnes’ earlier assist of “reallocating” sources for legislation enforcement confirmed in any other case.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie and Aubrie Spady contributed this replace.

Marc Thiessen tears into Republican Party after midterms: ‘Squandered a historic alternative’

Fox News contributor and Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen sounded off Wednesday on the outcomes from the 2022 midterm elections, insisting that Republicans “squandered” a possibility to defeat their political opposition.

“Florida was the silver lining in what was otherwise a very, very dark night,” Thiessen mentioned throughout an look on “America’s Newsroom.”

Thiessen mentioned voters gave the GOP a “wake up call” Tuesday night time and insisted that the Republican Party didn’t give voters a “viable” choice in a number of key races.

“The Republican Party didn’t give [voters] a viable different to vote for,” he mentioned. “They were begging for a viable alternative and we didn’t. In Florida, we did, we gave them viable alternatives in Florida. It’s in the other states that we didn’t.”

“As a result, we squandered a historic opportunity,” he added.

Republican Derrick Van Orden flips Wisconsin House seat purple for first time in a long time

Republican Derrick Van Orden has won the open House seat in Wisconsin’s third Congressional District after defeating Democratic candidate Brad Pfaff, flipping the seat purple for the primary time in 26 years.

The House district was left open by the retirement of longtime Democratic Rep. Ron Kind following 26 years in Congress.

Van Orden, a former Navy SEAL and Trump-endorsed candidate, beforehand challenged Kind in his bid for re-election in 2020, however the Democrat gained by a slim 3-point margin.

Pfaff is a state Senator in Wisconsin and former U.S. Department of Agriculture official beneath the Obama administration with ties to the farming group in Wisconsin. 

Van Orden acquired criticism for being current on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the place protestors breached the constructing, which Pfaff continuously introduced up to assault his Republican opponent.

Fox News’ Aubrie Spady and Brandon Gillespie contributed this replace.

Breaking News

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Maloney concedes in historic House loss

New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, conceded his House race in opposition to Republican challenger Mike Lawler.

Lawler confirmed in an look on Fox News Wednesday morning that Maloney had referred to as him to concede. Maloney himself then made the announcement throughout an tackle in Washington, D.C., throughout which he congratulated Lawler for a “good win.”

This is the primary time a DCCC chair has misplaced reelection in a long time.

Maloney presently represents New York’s 18th district, however he opted to run for the seventeenth district within the 2022 election after redistricting resulted in a drastically completely different map for New York. Lawler, who’s from and represents Rockland County within the State Assembly, mentioned this performed in his favor.

“He doesn’t know anybody there,” Lawler advised “America’s Newsroom” in October, stating that 75% of the seventeenth district is new to Maloney, whereas his county makes up 42% of the district. 

Maloney’s swap to the seventeenth district is only one a part of a recreation of political musical chairs brought on by the redistricting that noticed multiple present House Democrat lose major races.Progressive Democrat Rep. Mondaire Jones presently represents the seventeenth district, however with Maloney transferring in, he switched to run within the tenth district, which was left open when Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., determined to transfer from there to the twelfth district. 

Jones ended up dropping the tenth district major to former federal prosecutor and House impeachment lawyer Dan Goldman, whereas Nadler ousted House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney. Goldman and Nadler each went on to win of their common elections on Tuesday.

Read extra: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Maloney concedes in historic House loss

Mehmet Oz calls John Fetterman to formally concede Pennsylvania Senate race

Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz has referred to as Democrat John Fetterman to concede the Pennsylvania Senate race, Fox News has discovered.

The Fox News Decision Desk referred to as the race for Fetterman early Wednesday morning, and Oz made the decision to his opponent simply hours later, the Democrat’s spokesman advised Fox. The Senate race was among the many most vital battles within the nation for the midterm cycle, with Pennsylvania being considered one of a handful of states that can decide management over the Senate. 

“This morning I referred to as John Fetterman and congratulated him. I want him and his household all the perfect, each personally and as our subsequent United States Senator,” Oz wrote in an announcement. “Campaigning throughout our great Commonwealth was the honor of a lifetime, and I will cherish the memories and the people I met. Pennsylvanians showed up with passion and a vision for a bright future that I found inspiring every day. I want to thank my supporters, so many of whom worked tirelessly to spread our message and support me and my family.”

Read extra: Mehmet Oz calls John Fetterman to officially concede Pennsylvania Senate race

Kentucky voters reject constitutional modification declaring no proper to abortion

Voters in Republican-leaning Kentucky
 have rejected a proposed modification to the state structure that will have denied any proper to abortion.

The results of Tuesday’s election comes months after the Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion in a call that has led to near-total bans in a dozen states, together with in Kentucky.

The poll query had requested Kentuckians in the event that they wished to amend the structure to say: “To protect human life, nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.”

The end result highlights a niche between voters and the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature, which added the proposed modification to the 2022 common election slate a 12 months in the past in a transfer some thought would drive extra conservative voters to the polls.

While seen as an vital win for abortion-rights advocates, the modification’s defeat could have no sensible affect on the best to an abortion if a sweeping ban on the process accredited by lawmakers survives a authorized problem presently earlier than the state Supreme Court.

Read extra: Kentucky voters reject constitutional amendment declaring no right to abortion

The Associated Press contributed to this replace.

Georgia Senate outcomes: Warnock, Walker inform supporters to hold tight with race too shut to name

The United States Senate race in Georgia doesn’t have a transparent winner as neither incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock nor his Republican challenger Herschel Walker have claimed an outright majority of the vote up to now. 

As of Wednesday morning, the race is simply too shut to name, in accordance to the Fox News Decision Desk, with greater than 3.8 million ballots forged and Warnock main Walker by roughly 35,000 votes. Warnock holds 49.42% of the vote, with 1,935,464 votes in his favor, and Walker has 48.52% with 1,900,168 votes. Third-party candidate Chase Oliver has 80,895 votes with 97.94% of precincts reporting. 

“We’re in a fight,” Walker advised the group at his election celebration Tuesday night time. He urged his supporters to “hang in there a little bit longer” because the remainder of the vote is counted.  

“We got more to say,” Warnock advised supporters at his marketing campaign’s watch celebration. 

“We always knew that this race would be close. And so, that’s where we are,” he mentioned. “So y’all just hang in there. I’m feeling good.” 

Georgia law requires a candidate to surpass 50% of the vote to win an election, and a runoff between the highest two vote-getters can be held on Dec. 6 if no candidate meets that requirement. 

Read extra: Warnock, Walker tell supporters to hang tight with race too close to call

Massachusetts election outcomes: Democrats sweep House midterm races, holding 9 seats

Massachusetts votes are in, and Democrats held all 9 House seats following Tuesday’s midterm election.

Republicans seemed to take the majority in the House
 after Democrats have held it since 2018, however the GOP had been unable to flip any seats within the New England state. 

The closest race was fought in Massachusetts’ ninth Congressional district, the place Bill Keating confronted off with Republican challenger Jesse Brown. 

Though Keating was nonetheless in a position to swing a greater than 19-point victory over Brown, who secured roughly 40% of the district’s vote in contrast to Keating’s almost 60%.

The subsequent closest race was within the state’s first district, the place Richard Neal beat out Republican candidate Dean Martilli by greater than 23% of the district’s votes. 

Rep. Ayanna Pressley,
 an incumbent candidate, secured the most important margin of victory over her Republican challenger Donnie Palmer by touchdown almost 85% of her district’s vote opposed to his 15% – a greater than 69% distinction in vote totals.

Read extra: Democrats sweep Massachusetts House midterm races, holding 9 seats

Alabama election outcomes: Republican Katie Britt turns into state’s first feminine elected senator

Republican Katie Britt has made historical past by changing into the primary girl to be elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama. 

The self-described 40-year-old “mama on a mission” is projected by Fox News’ Decision Desk to defeat Democrat Will Boyd after, up to now, capturing round two thirds of the vote. 

“You are going to see headlines about me being the first woman ever elected to the United States Senate from this state of Alabama. You’ll hear that I may be the youngest Republican woman in history elected to the U.S. Senate,” Britt advised supporters in Montgomery. “Or maybe that I’m the only Republican female with school-aged children in this Senate — these are all kinds of firsts.” 

“I am humbled, I am honored and grateful. I want you to know I understand what a tremendous responsibility these milestones carry and I do not take that lightly,” she added.

Read extra: Republican Katie Britt becomes Alabama’s first female elected senator

Stacey Abrams, after election loss, vows ‘I gained’t cease working for a greater Georgia’

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams lost to Gov. Brian Kemp for the second time on Tuesday, however indicated that she doesn’t plan on exiting the political area.

Abrams gave a concession speech on Election Night
 after outcomes confirmed that she had misplaced to Kemp in a race that was not significantly shut.

“Tonight, I am doing clearly what is the responsible thing, I am suspending my campaign for governor,” she mentioned, in accordance to The Hill. “I may no longer be seeking the office of governor, but I will never stop doing everything in my power to make sure the people in Georgia have a voice.”

Abrams famously declined to formally concede to Kemp in 2018 after a slim defeat, claiming on the time that the election was rigged by voter suppression. This time round, she made no such declare and solely seemed to the long run.

“While I’ll haven’t crossed the end line, that doesn’t imply that I gained’t cease working for a better Georgia,” she mentioned. “Even though my fight — our fight — for the governor’s mansion came up short, I’m pretty tall.”

Michigan voters move measure defending abortion rights, different pregnancy-related selections

The individuals of the state of Michigan voted in favor of a brand new measure that protects abortion and different selections associated to copy and being pregnant.

Proposal 3 amends the state structure by including rights to abortion and contraception. It states that everybody has a “fundamental right to reproductive freedom,” defining this as together with — however not being restricted to — “prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.”

The measure additionally permits the state to regulate abortion after the time a fetus turns into viable.

The approval of the proposal got here months after the Supreme Court
overturned Roe v. Wade, which gave states the ability to defend or ban abortion. The resolution in June lead to near-total bans in a dozen states and was a scorching subject main up to the midterms.

The passing of the proposal places a definitive finish to a 1931 ban on abortion that had been blocked in court, however might have been reviewed.

Opponents to the measure mentioned defending abortion rights might have far-reaching results on different legal guidelines within the state, corresponding to one requiring parental notification of an abortion for somebody beneath age 18.

Legal specialists mentioned adjustments to different legal guidelines would solely occur if somebody sued and gained, a course of that might take years and has no certainty of success, The Associated Press reported.

Republican George Santos flips Democratic House seat in New York

Republican George Santos flipped New York’s 3rd Congressional district Wednesday and secured one other House seat for the GOP. 

Santos defeated Democrat Robert Zimmerman, who was vying to fill the Long Island seat after Democrat Rep. Tom Suozzi introduced he can be retiring to take a stab at New York governor.  

Suozzi got here in a distant third within the Democratic primaries within the governor’s race, however Santos secured his place in Congress by working on chopping taxes, boosting border safety and rallying in opposition to cashless bail. 

The Associated Press referred to as the race shortly after 1:30 a.m. as soon as the Republican held a lead of 54.2% of the vote over Zimmerman’s 45.8%, with 90% of the votes already counted.

The Santos-Zimmerman race was the primary time two brazenly homosexual males ran in opposition to one another in a congressional election.

Santos took to Twitter to champion his success and mentioned, “We did it! NY03 has spoken!” 

Fox News Voter Analysis: Control of the Senate hangs within the stability

With a 50-50 Senate
 heading into the election, document marketing campaign spending, and 35 seats up for grabs, the battle for management of the U.S. Senate got here down to tight races in states throughout the nation. Republicans had been defending 21 seats versus 14 held by Democrats. 

As states in a number of pivotal states continued counting votes, Election Night 2022 got here to an in depth with management of the higher chamber unclear.

Key governor’s races – with main implications for election administration, abortion and training – got here down to the wire as effectively.

The Fox News Voter Analysis, a survey of greater than 90,000 voters nationwide, carried out October 31 via November 8. It highlights the central themes and demographic teams that outlined these vital races.

Read extra for evaluation of
this year’s Senate races, together with too-close-to-call contests in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia.

Vermont elects second Democrat senator in state historical past

The state of Vermont elected Rep. Peter Welch to be its subsequent U.S. senator, making him solely the second Democrat to maintain that workplace within the state’s historical past.

Welch gained the election with roughly 67% of the vote to Malloy’s 27%, with 99% reporting.

Beginning with Sens. Solomon Foot and Jacob Collamer in 1854, Vermont was a religious Republican stronghold state. The Green Mountain State had not elected a Democrat to the Senate till Patrick Leahy was first elected in 1974. Leahy introduced in November 2021 that he wouldn’t run for what would have been a ninth time period, opening a path for Welch.

Vermont’s different senator, Sen. Bernie Sanders, is a self-described democratic socialist who caucuses with the Democrats, however he’s a registered unbiased.

Vermont voters additionally selected Tuesday their first girl to serve within the state’s Congressional delegation. The state is the one one within the nation that has by no means despatched a girl or a member of a minority group to symbolize it in Congress.

‘Squad’ rolls to simple victories in House races

The progressive House members collectively known as the “Squad” simply gained reelection of their respective elections on Tuesday.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Cori Bush, D-Mo., and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., had been all projected by The Associated Press as successful by vast margins.

Bowman, who represents New York’s sixteenth Congressional District comprising components of the Bronx and Westchester County, had the slimmest margin of victory and but nonetheless was main 65%-34% in opposition to Republican challenger Miriam Flisser, with greater than 91% of outcomes reporting.

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib had been the founding members of the “Squad,” who gained notoriety as freshman lawmakers after the 2018 election for pushing the Democratic House conference to the left. Bush and Bowman joined the casual group after successful election in 2020. 

“Thank you to every member of our community and every grassroots supporter for entrusting me with the great responsibility of representing NY-14 in Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a victory message on Twitter. “We do this with small dollars, every time. I remain grateful to all of you who make a new kind of governance possible.”

Nebraska passes voter photograph ID measure for upcoming elections

The individuals of the state of Nebraska voted Tuesday to have a voter identification rule in place for future elections.

The measure made the poll due to Marlene Ricketts, mom of Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts and the initiative’s major monetary backer.Ricketts claimed the 2020 election revealed that “people had concern about the integrity of our voting systems.” However, there was no proof of widespread fraud in Nebraska, which supporters acknowledged. They contended the legislation was wanted to forestall future abuse. 

Two thirds of states already require some sort of identification to vote, however not essentially a photograph ID.

Nebraska legislators
can be anticipated to flesh out the small print of the requirement. So far, it’s anticipated that folks voting by mail —would have to present their date of delivery and both a driver’s license quantity, state identification quantity, final 4 digits of their Social Security quantity.

Republicans had been pushing for Nebraska to take this step for years, whereas Democrats have claimed that voter ID measures are meant to lower turnout from minority voters – who have a tendency to vote for Democrats – as a result of they could have issue getting an ID.

GOP purple wave turns into trickle as election outcomes are available: ‘The purple wave didn’t occur’

Promise of a GOP purple wave within the midterm elections did not pan out Tuesday night as Democrats beat again Republicans in shut races throughout the nation, leaving each the House of Representatives and the Senate up for grabs.

Republican Rep. Mayra Flores of Texas, who gained a stunning particular election earlier this 12 months however misplaced on Tuesday, mentioned her celebration wanted to face actuality.

“The RED WAVE did not happen,” tweeted Flores. “Republicans and Independents stayed home. DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE RESULTS IF YOU DID NOT DO YOUR PART!”

Conservatives have already begun pointing fingers at former President Donald Trump for the lackluster efficiency. Many of Trump’s endorsed candidates misplaced their races in key battleground states.

South Carolina’s McMaster wins re-election, can be state’s longest serving governor

Republican South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster has been re-elected for the state’s high job for the second time Tuesday, which is able to make him the state’s longest serving governor if he completes one other full time period.

Governors serve a interval of 4 years per time period earlier than being required to search re-election or retire if they’ve already been elected twice.

But McMaster could have served 10 years by the point he winds up his governorship, making him the state’s longest-serving governor.

McMaster’s unusually lengthy tenure is down to the truth that he was tapped to fill in for former Gov. Nikki Haley in January 2017 when she was chosen by Donald Trump to function U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

He was elected for his first full time period in November 2018.

The South Carolina governor confronted some opposition from Democratic challenger Joe Cunningham.

Though Cunningham was solely in a position to obtain 40.6 % of the state’s vote whereas McMaster secured simply over 58 %. 

Fox News Voter Analysis: Battle for the House down to the wire

Despite widespread voter discontent and frustration, significantly over the economic system, the 2022 midterm elections stretched late into the night time and not using a clear indication of Congressional management. 

Senate management got here down to races in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania – whereas the doubtless decisive contest in Georgia appeared headed for a runoff. 

As states continued counting votes in pivotal swing districts, control of the House remained unclear as effectively. Political historical past didn’t favor the Democrats, because the sitting president’s celebration has misplaced seats within the House in all however three midterms during the last century. 

As in latest elections, voters divided sharply by gender, training, and sort of group. Men backed Republican candidates for Congress by 10 proportion factors, ladies broke for Democrats (+4 factors). Noncollege voters (+10 factors) and rural residents (+28 factors) went for Republicans, faculty graduates (+9 factors) and metropolis dwellers leaned Democratic (+30 factors).

The Fox News Voter Analysis (FNVA), a survey of greater than 90,000 voters nationwide, highlights the election’s major themes and central demographic teams – and, when put next to FVNA outcomes from the 2018 and 2020 elections, exhibits key adjustments that typically favored the GOP. 

Republicans obtained robust base assist, significantly from White evangelicals, rural voters, Whites and not using a faculty diploma, and conservatives. 

Most demographic teams shifted rightward in contrast to the 2020 election. Some of probably the most consequential shifts got here amongst teams that backed Biden two years in the past. Women, for occasion, voted for Biden by 12 factors in 2020 and for Democrats this 12 months by simply 4 – an 8-point shift to the Republicans. Other notable GOP good points included voters beneath age 30 (12-point shift), Black voters (+15 factors), Hispanics (+10 factors), faculty graduates (+11 factors), moderates (+11 factors), and suburban voters (+9 factors). 

Massachusetts election outcomes: Democrats comfortably preserve all 9 seats

Several Massachusetts incumbents efficiently gained re-election throughout Tuesday’s contests, the Associated Press referred to as early Wednesday morning.

Reps. Richard Neal, Lori Trahan, Seth Moulton, and Bill Keating, all Democrats, gained their respective contests. 

Neal gained re-election in Massachusetts’ 1st Congressional District. He is the Chairman of the House
Ways & Means Committee.

Trahan gained re-election within the third district. 

Moulton gained re-election within the sixth district.

And, Keating gained re-election within the ninth district.

Moulton took to Twitter shortly after his race was referred to as, thanking supporters for their “continued confidence.”

“Thank you for your continued confidence in me. I will work harder than ever to decrease inflation, bolster national security, protect reproductive rights, and ensure that the interests of the 6th district are represented in Washington,” he tweeted.

The Democrats had been every favored of their respective races and Democrats gained all 9 congressional districts within the state. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy begins his quest to change into Speaker

Republicans could also be heading for a majority within the House of Representatives, someplace within the 220s for subsequent 12 months. Such an end result would have House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy eyeing an anticipated run to change into the chamber’s subsequent chief, taking the gavel away from present House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The complete House elects the Speaker. The profitable candidate should have an outright majority of your complete House. In different phrases, 218 votes if the House is constituted at 435. The Speaker is not only who gained probably the most votes.

Heading into Tuesday, McCarthy most likely had a spread of 7-10 Republicans who wouldn’t assist him for Speaker no matter what. That quantity might develop.

McCarthy might find a way to command the votes as long as he can preserve former rival Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on his facet (bear in mind, Jordan ran in opposition to Kevin McCarthy for Leader in 2018) and if the California Republican stays inside the good graces of former President Trump.

The House should vote repeatedly till it elects a Speaker. A vote for Speaker has not gone to a second poll since 1923. 

Michigan election outcomes: Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin defeats Republican in key contest

Incumbent Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin has defeated her GOP challenger Tom Barrett within the race to symbolize Michigan’s seventh Congressional District within the House, the Associated Press tasks.

Both Slotkin and Barrett have expertise with U.S. Military operations. Slotkin served as a CIA analyst and served three excursions in Iraq alongside the army, whereas Barrett served within the Army and has served deployments in Iraq, Kuwait, Guantánamo Bay, and South Korea.

Throughout the race, Slotkin, who’s seen as one of many extra weak House Democrats in search of re-election, tried to preserve her distance from President Biden felt by these in Michigan and across the nation.

Slotkin, who presently represents Michigan’s eighth Congressional District, and Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., skipped President Biden’s September journey to Detroit.

Asked in October throughout an look on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” whether or not she would assist President Biden in 2024 if he sought re-election, Slotkin mentioned she would assist “the sitting president” if he chooses to run as a result of that adopted precedent. But she rapidly referred to as for new management “across the Democratic Party.”

Fox News’ Kyle Morris and Lawrence Richard contributed this replace.

Sen. Graham expresses disappointment concerning the midterms: ‘Definitely not a Republican wave’

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., expressed disappointment Tuesday night time on the lack of Republican wins within the midterm elections. 

“Definitely not a Republican wave, that is for darn sure,” Graham mentioned in an interview on NBC News. “I believe that we’re going to be at 51,52 when it’s all is alleged and finished in the Senate.”

NBC anchor Lester Holt requested whether or not the Republican Party’s mediocre efficiency within the midterm was a results of the “Donald Trump effect,” the place affiliation with the previous president might have damage Republican candidates. 

Graham responded “not really,” nonetheless suggesting that the midterm was a “referendum on Biden,” including “If we take back the House, and we get the Senate majority, that is a very good night. A wave would have been New Hampshire and Colorado.”

Read extra about Graham’s reaction to the election outcomes.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Alexander Hall.

Ohio Democrat Emilia Sykes wins aggressive House race

Democrat Emilia Sykes, a four-term state lawmaker, won the election for Ohio’s thirteenth Congressional District, in accordance to the Associated Press, defeating Republican Madison Gesiotto Gilbert. 

The thirteenth district was one of the crucial aggressive House races in Ohio, leaning barely in President Biden’s favor through the 2020 election.

Sykes defeated Madison Gesiotto Gilbert, an lawyer and conservative commentator who was endorsed by former President Trump.

Sykes, whose dad and mom each served within the state legislature, stepped down final 12 months as chief of the Ohio House Democratic caucus to enter the race. 

“I entered this race because I believe that Ohioans deserve good-paying union jobs, affordable and quality health care, and safe communities,” Sykes mentioned in an announcement after her victory. “Today, the voters made a clear choice.”

Fox News’ Paul Best contributed this report.

Here are the excellent Senate races that might decide the stability of energy

Here are the excellent Senate races but to be referred to as by Fox News’ Decision Desk that might decide the stability of energy in Congress’ higher home.

A celebration should attain 51 seats so as to safe a majority within the 100-seat physique. A break up of 50-50 will go away Democrats in control with Vice President Kamala Harris because the tie-breaking vote.


Incumbent Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is hoping to fend off a problem from Democratic Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes in a race the place each side have centered closely on policing and crime.


Republican Herschel Walker
is trying to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock in one of the crucial highly-watched races of this election cycle. If no candidate obtains 50% of the vote, then the 2 candidates will head to a runoff election.


Republican Adam Laxalt is hoping to flip this seat from Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, who’s in search of a second time period. Polling has proven the race in a dead-heat, with Laxalt being barely favored.


Incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly is trying to fend off a problem from Republican Blake Masters in a race that tightened within the ultimate weeks main up to Election Day. National safety was main concern for each campaigns with each side sharply criticizing the Biden administration over its dealing with of the border disaster.

Kevin McCarthy declares GOP will take majority within the House, push out Pelosi as speaker

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared victory on Tuesday saying that Republicans had secured sufficient seats to flip management of the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I want to thank the millions of supporters across this country,” mentioned McCarthy, R-Calif. “It is clear we are going to take the House back.”

McCarthy advised a throng of supporters at a victory celebration in Washington, D.C, that the feat was potential due to the varied array of candidates Republicans had recruited this cycle.

“If you believe in freedom, hard work and the American dream these results prove there is a place for you in the Republican Party,” mentioned McCarthy. “We are expanding this party.”

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Haris Alic.

Nebraska Republican Don Bacon holds on to US House seat, defeating State Senator Tony Vargas

Republican Rep. Don Bacon has gained re-election for the U.S. House seat in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District, defeating State Senator Tony Vargas, the Associated Press tasks.

Bacon was first elected to Congress after unseating incumbent Rep. Brad Ashford in 2016 by simply over 1%, defeating him by a margin of 48.9% to 47.7%.

Despite Nebraska’s 2nd District voting for President Biden by over 20,000 votes in 2020, voters within the district re-elected Bacon by a margin of fifty.8% to 46.2% for the Democrat, Kara Eastman.

Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District is taken into account the state’s solely aggressive U.S. House seat. 

Both of the state’s different two Congressional districts are occupied by Republicans.

Fox News’  Bradford Betz and Adam Sabes contributed this replace.

Longtime GOP Rep. Steve Chabot defeated by Democrat Greg Landsman in Ohio House race

The Associated Press tasks that longtime GOP Rep. Steve Chabot has been unseated by Democrat Greg Landsman, a battleground win for the Democrats in Ohio’s 1st Congressional District. 

Chabot has represented Ohio’s 1st District since 1995, regardless of a quick interlude in 2008 when he was unseated for a single time period earlier than reclaiming the House seat in 2010.

Democrats have criticized Chabot for voting in opposition to certifying President Biden’s 2020 election win over then-President Donald Trump within the aftermath of the January sixth riot on the U.S. Capitol.

Landsman is a fifth-term member of the Cincinnati City Council and a former public college trainer.

Republicans sought to tie Landsman to President Biden’s coverage agenda and have claimed that he’s “too liberal” for the district; Chabot has mentioned that his constituents “can’t afford” Landsman.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie and Sophia Slacik contributed this report.

Rep. Frank Mrvan wins Indiana House race in opposition to GOP challenger

Incumbent Democratic Rep. Frank Mrvan has defeated his GOP challenger, Jennifer-Ruth Green, within the race to symbolize Indiana’s 1st Congressional District within the House, The Associated Press tasks.

The race between the 2 candidates pitted Green, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, in opposition to Mrvan, a Democrat who previously served because the North Township Trustee and represented the district in Congress since 2021.

The race additionally featured quite a lot of controversy when the Congressional Black Caucus endorsed Mrvan, who’s White, over Green. “The hypocrisy in this decision is so incredibly clear,” Green mentioned throughout an October look on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“We see this is about power and about policy. This is about process. This is not about progress,” Green added.

Fox News’ Kyle Morris contributed this report.

Democrat Hillary Scholten wins election to US House in Michigan’s third District

Democrat Hillary Scholten will win the race for Michigan’s third Congressional District, The Associated Press tasks, flipping a seat from purple to blue in a robust election 12 months for Democrats. 

Scholten beat GOP opponent John Gibbs for the seat, which is open after Gibbs topped incumbent Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich., in a major. Meijer voted to impeach former President Donald Trump final 12 months, main the previous president to endorse Gibbs’ run almost a full 12 months earlier than Election Day.

Gibbs additionally picked up some sudden assist in his major from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which spent cash to assist him over Meijer.

The DCCC and different Democratic teams boosted candidates like Gibbs, who backed Trump and made false claims concerning the 2020 presidential election, with the expectation these candidates can be simpler to beat in a common election. 

Fox News’ Tyler Olson contributed this report.

Fox News Voter Analysis: Republicans make important inroads with Hispanic voters

Hispanic voters made a big shift within the midterm election away from Democratic candidates in contrast to 2020, in accordance to Fox News Voter Analysis.

The Fox News Voter Analysis election survey confirmed that 56% of Hispanic voters forged their poll for the Democratic candidate of their congressional district, an 18-point distinction in contrast to the 38% of Hispanic voters who voted for a Republican candidate. In 2020, 63% Hispanic voters backed President Biden in contrast to the 35% who voted for former President Donald Trump, a 28-point margin.

Much of the motion appeared to come amongst Hispanic males who voted for Democratic candidates by a margin of 51% to 44%. That was a shift relative to 2020 when 59% of Hispanic males voted for Biden in contrast to the 38% who backed Trump.

Hispanic ladies additionally shifted assist towards Republicans, voting in favor of Democratic candidates by a 26-point margin of 60% to 34% within the midterm election. The identical demographic voted for Biden by a margin 34 factors with 66% supporting the president.

“I think that this could be a paradigm-shift election, where Republicans are not only making inroads with the Latino vote, but they’re now making inroads with the African-American vote,” John Anzalone, a former high pollster for Biden’s marketing campaign, told The Wall Street Journal forward of the election.

This replace was supplied by the Fox News Polling Unit.

Read extra concerning the inroads Republicans have made with Hispanic voters.

Incumbent Democrat Chris Pappas wins re-election in bellwether New Hampshire’s House seat

Democratic incumbent Rep. Chris Pappas won re-election on Tuesday in New Hampshire’s first congressional district by defeating Republican challenger Karoline Leavitt.

Incumbent Pappas, the primary brazenly homosexual member of Congress from New Hampshire, previously served within the New Hampshire state House of Representatives and on the New Hampshire Executive Council. 

He has represented this district since 2019. Pappas’ GOP opponent, 25-year-old Leavitt, is a former assistant press secretary for the Trump administration and former communications director for House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik.

Inflation was a centerpiece of the race, as Leavitt blamed family price range considerations and excessive electrical energy payments on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Biden’s agenda.

Fox News’ Aubrie Spady contributed this replace.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: WI Gov. Tony Evers defeats GOP challenger

Fox News can now mission that Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, the Democratic incumbent, has defeated GOP challenger Tim Michels. With this win, Evers takes a second time period in workplace.

Evers was first sworn in because the forty sixth Governor of Wisconsin in 2019 and sought re-elections within the midterms this fall.

Michels, a self-proclaimed “political outsider,” was the GOP candidate endorsed by former President Donald Trump within the gubernatorial race.

Crime was a problem of significance all through the race, after Wisconsin noticed 321 homicides in 2021, a 70% enhance from 2019, in accordance to information from the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

A Marquette University ballot, carried out from Sept. 6-11 with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.3 proportion factors, discovered that 88% of Wisconsin residents are both considerably or very involved about crime of their state.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie and Aubrie Spady contributed to this replace.

Democrats maintain key toss-up suburban district in Minnesota

Incumbent Democratic Rep. Angie Craig will win re-election in opposition to retired U.S. Marine Corps officer and Republican candidate Tyler Kistner in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District, The Associated Press tasks.

Throughout the hotly-contested marketing campaign for the toss-up Minneapolis suburban district, Craig argued Kistner was too excessive for a toss-up district and leaned into her positions supporting abortion and more-restrictive gun management measures.

She additionally criticized Kistner for his assist of former President Trump. “You’re pro-life, you’re pro-Trump and you’re pro-guns,” Craig remarked throughout an October debate with Kistner.

“Now, you get up here and you pretend to be the boy next door, but you are too extreme for Minnesota’s 2nd District,” she mentioned.

Kistner, then again, centered on financial points going through Minnesotans together with inflation and excessive gasoline costs. He mentioned he was in opposition to abortion, however supported exceptions for rape and incest and when the well being of the mom was in danger.

“Congress needs to serve our children and future generations with schools that educate, not indoctrinate,” Kistner mentioned through the marketing campaign. “And we also need to serve hard-working everyday Americans with an economy that grows while cost of living and gas prices don’t.”

Fox News’ Thomas Catenacci contributed this report.

Karl Rove: In a approach, it was by no means going to be a ‘purple wave’

Fox News contributor and Republican strategist Karl Rove mentioned Tuesday that Republicans would doubtless come out of the midterm elections with fewer seats within the House than anticipated, however nonetheless with “reasonable” good points. The numbers projected for management of the House will not be what was projected or what Republicans hoped.

Rove argued “there never was going to be” a “red wave” due to the good points Republicans already made in earlier elections, in addition to the “natural ceiling” by way of variety of seats the celebration might ever anticipate to attain. Rove said that is up to now an affordable quantity for this 12 months, however is not going to be the purple wave that was anticipated. He states that due to redistricting, Republicans will doubtless be someplace within the 230s in Congress.

Rove additionally discusses a few of the key states and his tackle the 2022 election up to now.

Democrat Janet Mills to stay in workplace, beating GOP challenger Paul LePage

Fox News can now mission that Democrat Janet Mills will remain the Governor of Maine. She beats GOP candidate and former Governor Paul LePage.

Mills, who turned Maine’s first feminine governor, beforehand served because the state’s lawyer common earlier than securing her place in 2018.

LePage, the previous mayor of Waterville, Maine, served two phrases as governor starting in 2011, earlier than being ousted by Democrat incumbent Mills within the 2018 election.

The pair confronted off in 4 debates this fall, sparring over essential midterm points like inflation, training, abortion and COVID-19. 

“I have been there. I’ve done it once, I can do it again. I am the guy that’s got a business background,” LePage mentioned touting his financial data as governor through the ultimate debate.

Fox News’ Bradford Betz , Aubrie Spady and Alexandra Orbuch contributed this replace.

Texas Republican Monica De La Cruz beats Democrat Michelle Vallejo in new district

Republican Monica De La Cruz narrowly beat her Democratic opponent Michelle Vallejo within the race for the newly-drawn fifteenth Congressional District in Texas, The Associated Press tasks, marking a key win for the GOP in a race the place border safety was a high marketing campaign concern.

The seat was lately redrawn following the 2020 Census, and features a area of South Texas alongside the U.S.-Mexico border within the Rio Grande Valley.

The race was seen as probably the most aggressive race in Texas and noticed a conflict between two competing narratives — Texas turning blue and Hispanics leaning Republican.

Both candidates had embraced their respective bases. De La Cruz had touted the endorsement of former President Donald Trump and ran on points like border safety, pro-life points and rejecting “woke culture.”

“South Texas is not woke, but they are awakened,” De La Cruz mentioned in an interview with Fox News Digital final month.

Fox News’ Adam Sabes and Adam Shaw contributed this replace.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Fetterman defeats Oz in Pennsylvania

We have a projection to make in Pennsylvania. Democratic Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman will defeat the Republican and former daytime TV host Mehmet Oz. This is a pickup for the Democrats.

Fetterman replaces the retiring Republican Senator Pat Toomey, who introduced he wouldn’t be in search of a 3rd time period in workplace, leaving the Republican-held seat open and weak as among the finest pickup alternatives for the Democratic Party this fall.

Democrat Fetterman was the mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania for 13 years earlier than being sworn in as lieutenant governor in 2019. Fetterman suffered a stroke in May, inflicting clear auditory processing points that evidently effected his talking talents within the months main up to Nov. 8.

Oz, a well known tv persona and surgeon, was the Republican nominee within the Keystone State’s Senate race having gained the GOP major partially due to former President Donald Trump’s endorsement.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie and Aubrie Spady contributed to this replace.

Democrat Vicente Gonzalez beats Mayra Flores in hotly-contested Texas House race

The Associated Press tasks that Rep. Mayra Flores, the primary Mexico-born congresswoman, has been unseated by her Democratic opponent, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, concluding a brief tenure within the House that follows a high-profile particular election victory in June. 

“The RED WAVE did not happen. Republicans and Independents stayed home. DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE RESULTS IF YOU DID NOT DO YOUR PART!” Flores, R-Texas, tweeted Tuesday night time.


Despite Flores’ win earlier this 12 months, the newly-elected congresswoman was in for an uphill battle to maintain onto her seat since day one, as her district was redrawn to embrace better swaths of Democrat-voting San Antonio.

In Flores’ particular election race, the congresswoman ran beneath earlier district strains the place Biden gained by +4 proportion factors in 2020, nonetheless beneath new district strains, the +16 Biden district is way extra pleasant to Democrats than earlier than. 

Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar wins re-election in Texas border district

Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar will win re-election Texas’ twenty eighth Congressional District, The Associated Press tasks, defeating Republican challenger Cassy Garcia.

As the one remaining pro-life Democrat serving within the House, Cuellar, who been in Congress since 2005 and offered his views in a reasonable vogue, is seen amongst lots of his Democratic friends as an outcast.

In the
Democratic primary
to symbolize the district, Cuellar was confronted with a problem from Jessica Cisneros, who espoused views that had been something however reasonable and acquired endorsements from the likes of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

Nonetheless, Cuellar narrowly defeated Cisneros within the major election, garnering 22,901 votes to Cisneros’ 22,612.

Fox News’ Kyle Morris contributed to this replace.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Democratic Gov. Grisham defeats GOP candidate

The Fox News Decision Desk can now mission that Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham will defeat the GOP candidate and native news weatherman Mark Ronchetti. President Biden visited New Mexico for a rally with Lujan Grisham simply days in the past.

Polls had instructed a tightened race within the weeks main up to Election Day as Ronchetti hammered Grisham over the Democrats’ open-border insurance policies, her delicate on crime method to felony justice, and the dealing with of kids’s training amid a drop in efficiency due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Ronchetti, a former meteorologist, had emphasised the significance of securing the Southern border and cracking down on the drug commerce contributing to the excessive variety of Fentanyl associated deaths within the state.

Grisham, who was first elected in 2018 after serving a number of phrases in Congress, centered closely on the difficulty of abortion and spent a portion of the marketing campaign defending herself over allegations of sexual harassment in opposition to a former staffer. 

Fox News’ Paul Best and Brandon Gillespie contributed to this report.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee survives challenger

The Fox News Decision Desk can be projecting that Republican incumbent Mike Lee will hold on in the Utah Senate race. He defeats unbiased candidate Evan McMullin, who additionally failed in his 2016 presidential bid.

The Utah Senate election turned an unexpectedly tight race as Lee, who was first elected within the Tea Party wave of 2010, confronted a problem from former CIA agent and one-time never-Trump presidential candidate Evan McMullin, who ran as an unbiased.

McMullin sought to capitalize on anti-Trump sentiment, pointing to the previous president’s denial of the 2020 election whereas Lee centered his marketing campaign on tying President Biden to excessive inflation and the disaster on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Public opinion polls confirmed Lee forward of McMullin by anyplace between 5 and 20 factors forward through the midterm election cycle and. And although Lee outraised McMullin, the unbiased candidate acquired a lift from tech trade donors late within the race.

McMullin promised if he was elected that he wouldn’t caucus with both Republicans or Democrats within the Senate, however his marketing campaign paid Democrat-aligned corporations all through his marketing campaign and he raised funds via the Democratic Party’s fundraising group ActBlue.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Democrat Sen. Patty Murray wins re-election in Washington state

The Fox News Decision Desk can now mission that Democratic Senator Patty Murray will take a sixth time period in Washington. Republicans had excessive hopes for GOP challenger Tiffany Smiley, however she is not going to prevail.

Murray, who has held the state’s Senate seat since 1992, was initially projected to solidly win. New Fox News Power Rankings in late October confirmed the race shifting from “Solid D to Likely D,” with Smiley chopping into Murray’s lead. 

Smiley advised “America’s Newsroom” Tuesday that she is pulling Democratic voters as a result of she’s connecting to them on widespread floor.”

These issues aren’t Democrat or Republican, they’re American issues,” she advised hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino.

Fox News’ Amy Nelson contributed to this replace.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: GOP Rep. Ted Budd wins N.C. Senate race

The Fox News Decision Desk can now mission that North Carolina GOP Congressman Ted Budd has defeated the Democrat, former state Chief Justice Cheri Beasley.

Budd’s victory is a key win for Republicans who hoped to preserve this seat in GOP-control as they struggle to regain a Senate majority.

Budd is presently in his third time period serving because the U.S. consultant for North Carolina’s thirteenth Congressional District.

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Budd final 12 months and lately campaigned alongside the congressman in September.

Beasley tried to tie Budd to Trump and paint him as an election denier, although Budd has rejected such claims on a number of events.

In August 2020, Beasley expressed her assist for tearing down the present felony justice system and rebuilding it. 

North Carolina has change into a aggressive state with quite a few battleground races in recent times, although a Democrat hasn’t been elected to the Senate since 2008.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie and Sophia Slacik contributed to this replace.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem takes intention at Biden after landslide re-election win

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem emerged from Tuesday’s gubernatorial election triumphant, energized, and with crosshairs skilled on President Biden, declaring her intention to construct on the achievements of her first time period and asserting that South Dakota is the mannequin of profitable Republican governance.

Noem comfortably sailed to re-election
 Tuesday, defeating Democratic state House Minority Leader Jamie Smith. Addressing supporters gathered on the Downtown Hilton Garden Inn in Sioux Falls, the governor’s victory speech drew a stark distinction between her document in South Dakota and “Joe Biden’s America.” She extolled the virtues of restricted authorities, freedom, and alternative whereas savaging the “extremist agenda” of Democrats in Washington, D.C., calling Biden a “figurehead” managed by the novel left.

“Americans across the country are looking to South Dakota as a Shining City on the Hill. In states across the country tonight, they’re electing Republican Governors because they want their state to look more like South Dakota,” Noem mentioned.

A rising star within the Republican Party, the 50-year-old Noem earned nationwide attraction inside the GOP by opposing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions that will have closed companies and colleges. On the marketing campaign path, she’s attributed South Dakota’s thriving economic system to her decision-making, observing that her state has the quickest rising incomes of any state within the nation and is experiencing rampant inhabitants progress.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Chris Pandolfo.

Read extra of what Noem had to say following her election victory on Tuesday.

Republican Jen Kiggans unseats Democrat Elaine Luria in Virginia congressional race

The Associated Press tasks that Republican state Senator Jen Kiggans has unseated Democrat incumbent Rep. Elaine Luria, flipping Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District purple in one of the crucial aggressive House races of the 2022 midterm elections.

The Virginia race for months has been thought of a “toss-up” competitors between the 2 army veterans.

Just two weeks earlier than election day, a Wason Center ballot turned up the warmth within the already aggressive race, revealing that the 2 candidates had been evenly tied, 45% to 45% in voter assist.

Luria, a retired naval commander, initially gained the seat in 2018 and flipped the seat blue in a giant win that cycle for the Democratic Party. The Democrat can be a member of the Jan. 6 committee that was fashioned to examine the January 2021 Capitol riot.

Kiggans, former Navy helicopter pilot, served as a state Senator in Virginia since 2020, representing components of Virginia Beach City and Norfolk City.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie and Aubrie Spady contributed to this put up.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALLS: Democrats win in Michigan, New York governors’ races


Fox News can mission that Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer will prevail over Republican former TV host Tudor Dixon. 

The race garnered nationwide consideration following Whitmer gaining near-celebrity standing within the Democratic Party amid the coronavirus pandemic, and most polls confirmed her main Dixon within the days and weeks main up to the election.

Throughout the marketing campaign the 2 clashed over Whitmer’s dealing with of coronavirus-related lock-downs of companies and colleges, for which she was sharply criticized by Republicans nationally, in addition to abortion and the educating of gender and sexual orientation matters within the classroom.


We may mission that New York Governor Kathy Hochul
will win her first full time period in workplace, defeating Republican House Rep Lee Zeldin. Hochul changed former Governor Andrew Cuomo after a sequence of scandals. 

Hochul was competing in opposition to GOP nominee Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., who ran a aggressive race in opposition to the incumbent Democrat, however didn’t safe sufficient votes to oust the Democrat, who led her opponent in public opinion polls for a lot of the cycle.

Zeldin gained floor mid-October and commenced nearing his Democratic opponent in assist amongst voters, in accordance to a number of latest polls.

Dem Rep. Kaptur captures one other time period, staves off GOP challenger Majewski in Ohio House race

Ohio Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur has gained re-election in opposition to Republican challenger JR Majewski, The Associated Press tasks.

The Ohio Democrat ran on a platform of making jobs and affordable housing, highlighting President Biden’s infrastructure invoice, Wall Street accountability, and marketing campaign finance reform to repeal the Citizens United courtroom resolution.

Kaptur additionally highlighted her legislative wins and broke from different Ohio Democrats in that she embraced Biden’s presence on the marketing campaign path whereas others shied away.

However, that embracement was not for lengthy, as in August, Kaptur started to promote her “fighting back” in opposition to the Biden administration in Congress and that she “doesn’t work for Joe Biden.”

Majewski’s “America First” platform was centered round conservative insurance policies, together with voter identification, taking over Big Tech, and power independence, and gave Kaptur a run for her cash within the Ohio race.

Fox New’s Houston Keene authored this report.

Blackburn predicts ‘good night time’ for GOP as enthusiasm drives beforehand unengaged voters to polls

FIRST ON FOX: Sen. Marsha Blackburn is predicting a “good night” for the Republican Party simply hours after polls began closing on the East Coast, citing excessive enthusiasm from beforehand unengaged voters.

Blackburn, who’s speculated to be a possible 2024 presidential contender, has been touring throughout the nation to stump for GOP candidates, together with Kari Lake in Arizona, Herschel Walker in Georgia, Adam Laxalt in Nevada, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Ashley Hinson in Iowa, Donald Bolduc in New Hampshire and Tedd Budd in North Carolina.

“I think what you’re you’re seeing is going to turn out to be a good night for the country and a good night for the Republican Party,” Blackburn advised Fox News Digital on election night. “And people have shown up at the polls. They have cast their vote. The issues of inflation, crime, parental right to border – securing that border. All of these are issues that have played into the decisions that voters have made.”

“I think what you’re going to see is Republicans take control of both the House and the Senate,” she mentioned.

Blackburn, who is not up for re-election till 2024, advised Fox News Digital that inflation and the border are high points on voters’ minds.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Kelly Laco.

Read extra of what Blackburn had to say on Election Day.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Georgia Gov. Kemp wins over Democrat Abrams

Fox News can now mission that Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp will retain his seat, defeating Democrat Stacey Abrams.

The showdown was a rematch of the 2018 governor’s election in Georgia, when Kemp narrowly edged Abrams, a former state Democratic legislative chief, voting rights champion, and rising star in her celebration.

While Abrams loved a big fundraising benefit over Kemp throughout your complete election cycle, the governor persistently held the lead over Abrams in most public opinion polling through the marketing campaign.

Kemp touted his document in workplace as he ran for re-election and constantly highlighted the difficulty of crime.

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser and Paul Best contributed to this put up.

Rhode Island House race name: Democrat Seth Magaziner defeats Republican Allan Fung

Democrat Seth Magaziner has defeated Republican nominee Allan Fung within the race to symbolize Rhode Island’s 2nd Congressional District within the U.S. House of Representatives, The Associated Press tasks.

Fung, the previous mayor of Cranston, Rhode Island and the first mayor of Chinese ancestry within the state, beforehand ran for governor within the state’s 2014 and 2018 gubernatorial races, and sought to make extra historical past by breaking the Democrats’ win streak within the district.

He acquired various high-profile endorsements because the marketing campaign progressed, together with from former Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and National Republican Congressional committee chair Rep. Tom Emmer, who all joined him on the marketing campaign path earlier within the race.

Millions of {dollars} had been poured into the race for Fung, who describes himself as a reasonable however fiscally conservative Republican.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: JD Vance wins Ohio Senate race

Fox News Decision Desk tasks that Republican candidate and writer JD Vance will defeat Democratic U.S. House Rep. Tim Ryan within the Ohio Senate race.

Vance will exchange retiring Republican Sen. Rob Portman and preserve Ohio within the GOP’s column because the Senate is predicted to stay shut to its already 50-50 break up going into Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Early within the race, polls confirmed Vance trailing behind Ryan, who painted himself as a reasonable Democrat and sometimes tried to distance himself from President Joe Biden and his dismal approval score amongst Ohioans. 

Vance closed that polling hole within the ultimate weeks of the race, main Ryan to additional distance himself from Biden, particularly on points like the continued disaster on the U.S. southern border.

The two clashed over the difficulty at a debate in October, with Ryan saying he disagreed with a few of the Biden administration’s insurance policies, and Vance accusing the Democrat of purposely permitting mass migration so as to alter nationwide elections in Democrats’ favor.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie contributed to this report.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Sen. Maggie Hassan survives GOP problem in New Hampshire

The Fox News Decision Desk tasks that New Hampshire Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan will retain her Granite State seat, defeating Republican Senate candidate Don Bolduc

The race is amongst a handful throughout the nation that can decide if Republicans win again the Senate majority within the midterm elections.

Hassan, a former governor and first-term senator, closely emphasised her assist for abortion rights and spotlighted her bipartisan chops and her coverage variations with President Biden’s administration as she ran for re-election. 

Hassan additionally focused Bolduc over his stance on abortion, Social Security and Medicare, and claimed that the GOP nominee was too excessive for New Hampshire voters.

Running as an outsider and MAGA-style Republican candidate, Bolduc narrowly edged a extra mainstream conservative in September within the state’s GOP Senate major. 

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK calls Oklahoma governor’s race for Republican incumbent


Republicans may breathe a sigh of aid in Oklahoma. Our Decision Desk can mission that incumbent Republican Governor Kevin Stitt will maintain for one other time period, defeating his Democratic rival Joy Hofmeister.

A primary-term governor, Stitt’s time in office has been rocked by feuds
with tribal nations and members of his personal celebration, finds himself in a surprisingly robust reelection marketing campaign in opposition to Democrat Joy Hofmeister.

Hofmeister, 58, the two-term state superintendent of public colleges who switched events to run in opposition to Stitt, has been blasting Stitt for his voucher-style plan to divert public training cash to non-public colleges.

She launched a 50-stop bus tour via 27 counties within the final week of the marketing campaign to hammer the message, rising from the coach to the 1970 Three Dog Night hit “Joy to the World.”

Stitt boasts of record-level state financial savings and funding for public colleges beneath his watch, and the state’s fast emergence from pandemic-related closures that helped the economic system rebound rapidly and preserve the state’s unemployment fee low.

Democratic Rep. Spanberger wins Virginia House race

Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger was re-elected to the House of Representatives Tuesday night time in accordance to The Associated Press, beating GOP opponent Yesli Vega to serve a second time period representing Virginia’s seventh Congressional District in what was a aggressive race. 

Spanberger, a former CIA officer, was first elected to Congress in 2018.

Vega was endorsed by former President Donald Trump — assist Spanberger warned Virginians about, saying voters are “exhausted” by Trump’s “division, lies and hyper-partisanship.”

Vega, a army partner and former police officer who presently serves on the board of supervisors in Prince William County, accepted Trump’s endorsement, however didn’t deal with it, stressing that she had acquired many endorsements and saying that the race was “between myself and my opponent, not anybody else.”  

Spanberger additionally seemingly distanced herself from President Biden, who has seen plummeting approval rankings, regardless of successful Virginia over Trump in 2020. Spanbeger, as a substitute, hit the marketing campaign path with Virginia’s Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATE: Some West Coast governor’s races too early to name


Fox News Decision Desk can mission that Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom will easily win one other time period, only one 12 months after he survived a recall.

Newsom ran in opposition to California state Sen. Brian Dahle, his GOP opponent who was in search of to unseat the first-term California Democrat.


In the Oregon Governor’s race, the Fox News Decision Desk believes that Democratic challenger Tina Kotek is locked in a good race with GOP rival Christine Drazan. This race is too early to name.


We start in Washington, the place the Fox News Decision Desk says that Democratic Incumbent Patty Murray has a lead over Republican challenger Tiffany Smiley. This race is simply too early to name, and might not be referred to as tonight.

Biden says he is been calling Election Night winners

President says he has been calling to congratulate varied Election Night winners and is encouraging these voters nonetheless in line to vote to stay in place.

“Just got off the phone with some of tonight’s winners — including some folks I saw on the road this year. If you’re in line to vote, remember to stay in line!” he tweeted.

The tweet included a photograph of himself on the telephone on the White House.

Fox News Voter Analysis: Majorities blame Biden for rising client costs

Majorities of voters blamed President Biden for rising client costs and mentioned the difficulty was the only most vital concern for them when casting their poll within the midterm election, in accordance to Fox News Voter Analysis.

The Fox News Voter Analysis election survey confirmed that 51% of voters nationwide characterize increasing prices for gas
, groceries and different items as the only most vital consider deciding how to vote. Another 42% mentioned rising costs are an vital issue, however not probably the most issue.

Of the voters who mentioned inflation is the biggest issue, 63% backed the Republican candidate of their House district whereas 33% voted for the Democrat.

In addition, 54% of voters said Biden’s policies had been extra to blame for inflation and 81% of them went for the Republican. Among the 46% blaming elements past Biden’s management, 83% supported the Democrat.

Ahead of the election, Republicans throughout the nation made inflation a significant a part of their platform. Democrats together with Biden largely argued that inflation is slowing down and Republicans’ plans would make it worse.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Thomas Catenacci.

Read extra about how voters really feel Biden has largely contributed to the rise of inflation.

THREE STRIKES: Once highly-touted Beto O’Rourke loses third election in a row

The third time was not the appeal for Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke on Tuesday as voters within the state obtained a entrance row seat to see his newest try at greater workplace come crashing down.

O’Rourke, a former congressman, fell quick in his race to unseat incumbent Republican Gov. Greg Abbott the Fox News Decision Desk projected, marking his third loss in simply 4 years after working for U.S. Senate in Texas in 2018 and president in 2020.

Although O’Rourke was extremely touted by Democrats in every of his campaigns, he persistently failed to achieve traction with voters following his 2018 run for Senate, and in the end turned parody-worthy for Saturday Night Live over his perennial, lackluster runs for workplace.

Read extra about Beto O’Rourke’s failed campaigns.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Democrat Josh Shapiro wins PA governor’s race

Fox News can mission that Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro will defeat Republican challenger Doug Mastriano.

Shapiro was forward with 56% of votes counted in contrast to to Mastriano’s 42.3% when Fox News Decision Desk referred to as the race.

The Pennsylvania governor’s race was open since present Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf reached his time period restrict and was barred from in search of re-election this fall.

Shapiro is presently serving as Pennsylvania’s attorney general, competing in opposition to Mastriano, a fight veteran and Trump-endorsed candidate, for the open seat.

The two candidates have made crime a centerpiece of their campaigns, vowing to crack down on the difficulty that’s enormously impacting the state and its residents. 

“We’re going to take back this state. And it’s very important: It’s just not another gubernatorial race — I believe the future of the nation is hinged upon the outcome in Pennsylvania at the governor level,” Mastriano advised “Tucker Carlson Tonight” final week.

Fox News’ Aubrie Spady contributed to this report.

Laura Ingraham on DeSantis, Rubio wins: ‘Tour de drive’ efficiency

Fox News host Laura Ingraham reacted Tuesday to the Fox News Decision Desk’s projection that GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis defeated Democrat Charlie Crist.

“Florida is still the model for the country, I think,” Ingraham mentioned. “The coalition of new voters, younger voters, Latino voters…”

Ingraham mentioned DeSantis’ victory over Crist and incumbent GOP Sen. Marco Rubio’s victory over his Democratic challenger, Rep. Val Demings, was a “tour de force” efficiency.

“To me, that may be a nice gentle for the Republican Party,” she mentioned. “They know how to count votes, tabulate absentee ballots, and count mail in ballots so it can work.”

“It worked in 2020 and it seems to be working now for the Republicans and the state has some certainty.

Ron DeSantis: ‘This was the best run campaign in the history of Florida politics’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke to supporters Tuesday night time following his main re-election victory over Charlie Crist within the 2022 midterms.

“You know, over these past four years we’ve seen major challenges for the people of our state,” DeSantis mentioned. “We saw freedom and our very way of life, and many other jurisdictions in this country, wither on the vine. Florida held the line.”

“We chose facts over fear. We chose education over indoctrination. We chose law and order over rioting and disorder,” he added as he stood alongside his spouse, Casey, throughout an election night time gathering.

“Florida was a refuge of sanity when the world went mad,” he added. “We stood as the citadel of freedom for the people in this country and indeed across the world.”

DeSantis insisted that Florida “faced the tasks” and “took the hits” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“We stood our ground and did not back down,” he mentioned. “We had the conviction to guide us and the courage to lead.”

Developing Story

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATES: Too early to name Nevada, Utah Senate races


In the Nevada Senate race
, the Fox News Decision Desk believes Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and Republican challenger Adam Laxalt are locked in a good race, and it’s too early to name.

Cortez Masto is a former two-term state lawyer common who made historical past in 2016 as the primary Latina elected to the Senate, as she succeeded longtime Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, who served eight years as Senate Majority Leader.

Laxalt, who succeeded Cortez Masto as state lawyer common, is an Iraq War veteran, grandson of the late Nevada governor and senator Paul Laxalt, and the 2018 GOP gubernatorial nominee who narrowly misplaced to now-Gov. Steve Sisolak.

And within the Nevada Governor’s race, the Decision Desk says it’s too early to name this very shut race between Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak and Republican Sheriff Joe Lombardo.


We additionally imagine Republican Senator Mike Lee has a stable lead as he seeks a 3rd time period, however it’s too early to say whether or not he’ll defeat unbiased challenger Evan McMullin.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet wins

The Fox News Decision Desk can now mission that in Colorado, Democratic Senator Michael Bennet will defeat Republican businessman Joe O’Dea.

The Colorado Senate race turned an sudden pickup alternative for the Republicans, although the state has trended towards Democrats in recent times.

O’Dea, a reasonable Republican businessman, gained consideration as he rose within the polls in the summertime whereas different GOP candidates appeared to be struggling of their campaigns.

Bennet, who has served within the Senate since 2009, maintained a lead in public opinion polls all through the midterm election cycle.

Bennet acquired a lift from President Biden in October when the forty sixth president designated Camp Hale, the WWII-era coaching floor for the tenth Mountain Division, as a nationwide monument.

Biden made a cease in Colorado to announce the designation, which Bennet had pushed for within the environmental invoice often known as the CORE Act that has stalled in Congress.

Fox News Voter Analysis: Fetterman-Oz race sees variations in enthusiasm

Now turning to a Senate race everybody’s watching, Pennsylvania, the place Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Mehmet Oz are in a good race.

Fetterman has been reaching out to White noncollege voters — however up to now a majority of them in our Fox News Voter Analysis are selecting Oz.

Fetterman’s supporters
, then again, are extra passionate about their candidate — 51%.

That is in contrast to solely 40% who say they’re enthusiastic for Oz.

This replace was supplied by the Fox News Polling Unit.

Read extra on how voters really feel concerning the Pennsylvania Senate candidates.

Breaking News

‘Squad’ member AOC cruises to re-election in New York

Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will win re-election in New York’s 14th Congressional District, The Associated Press tasks.

Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) turned the youngest feminine ever to be elected to Congress in 2018, has been recognized to champion far-left views, sponsoring Green New Deal laws and supporting the Defund the Police motion. 

She is likely one of the founding members of the progressive group often known as “the Squad.”

Weeks earlier than her election, the congresswoman held a city corridor the place she was condemned by anti-war protestors for her assist of sending weapons to Ukraine.

Ocasio-Cortez was forward of GOP challenger Tina Forte by a big margin when the AP referred to as the race.

Brit Hume: DeSantis’ huge night time sharpens competitors with Trump

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume broke down the obvious rigidity between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump
Tuesday night time.

“We’ve got this brewing competition between Trump and Mr. DeSantis, which has, you know, been obvious in the last couple of days,” Hume mentioned. “If it’s a big, big night for DeSantis and his running mate is in Florida, that would sharpen that completion and give Trump something to think about.”

“It’s out there,” Hume added, referring to the rising competitors between the 2 males who’re thought of to be doubtless 2024 GOP candidates.

In a wide-ranging interview with Fox News Digital on Monday, Trump mentioned that whereas there was no “tiff” with DeSantis, the Florida governor can be making a “mistake” by working and would anger the GOP base.

During a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, Trump mocked DeSantis and referred to him as “Ron DeSanctimonious” in what some instructed was an indication of rising rigidity between the 2 over 2024. The following day, Trump gave his assist to DeSantis, who’s in a aggressive gubernatorial race, and urged voters to forged their ballots for him.

Fox News’ Brooke Singman contributed to this replace.

Trump’s impeachment supervisor wins House race in New York

Democrat Daniel Goldman wins election to U.S. House in New York’s tenth Congressional District, The Associated Press tasks.

Goldman represented the Democrats within the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

Goldman gained an easier path
to his celebration’s nomination after considered one of his opponents within the Democratic congressional major for New York’s tenth district introduced she wouldn’t run with a unique celebration.

In a video posted to Twitter Tuesday night time, New York Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou broke the news to her followers that she is not going to run on the Working Families Party line, claiming she lacked the sources to proceed.

Trump mockingly endorsed Goldman in August, saying in a TRUTH Social put up that “Lawyer Dan Goldman is running for Congress, NY-10, and it is my great honor to Strongly Endorse him.”

Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report.

Maricopa County: AZ choose denies GOP lawsuit to preserve polls open in county after poll ‘hiccups’

An Arizona courtroom dominated in opposition to a Republican-backed lawsuit to preserve polls open for provisional ballots in Maricopa County after “hiccups” with some vote tabulators earlier within the day induced confusion at polling locations.

“The court does not have evidence there was a voter who was precluded the right to vote from what was presented,” the choose mentioned minutes earlier than polls closed Tuesday.

“From what I’ve seen they all got a collection of their vote,” the choose mentioned because the lawyer for Blake Masters’ marketing campaign argued earlier than the courtroom. Masters’ marketing campaign, the Republican National Committee and the marketing campaign for Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake had been behind the lawsuit.

“Under the Maricopa County protocols, it’s ultimately processed,” the choose additionally mentioned.

Maricopa County’s lawyer additionally argued that it’s “simply not true” that some voters had been denied the possibility to vote. Ballots that might not undergo the tabulators at polling locations, they mentioned, had been put in a field and despatched to a central counting location to be tabulated.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Tyler Olson.

Read extra concerning the GOP lawsuit to preserve polls opened in Maricopa County.

Breaking News


NEW HAMPSHIRE: In New Hampshire, the Fox News Decision Desk can mission that Republican Governor Chris Sununu will win a fourth time period

“All across this country, people care and they vote on kitchen table issues: inflation, energy, electricity. This stuff, this unfair nonsense that’s happening — arbitrary picking winners and losers out of Washington, depending on your political party,” mentioned Sununu to Fox News earlier this 12 months. “It’s nonsense, you and I know it. But believe you me, the American voters are smart and there’s going to be a reckoning come November… Stay the course. Do not get caught in the trap of talking about the issues that Democrats want to distract from.”

CONNECTICUT: Over to Connecticut, the place Democratic incumbent Governor Ned Lamont will defeat GOP candidate Bob Stefanowski.

Also in Connecticut, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal wins a 3rd time period, by defeating Republican businesswoman Leora Levy.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Gov. Abbott wins Texas race in opposition to Beto O’Rourke

The Fox News Decision Desk can mission that Gov. Greg Abbott will remain in the Governor’s mansion for a 3rd time period. He defeats high-profile Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke.

O’Rourke, the previous congressman from El Paso who grabbed nationwide consideration for almost upsetting conservative Sen. Ted Cruz within the state’s 2018 Senate showdown earlier than launching an unsuccessful bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, was attempting to change into the primary Democrat to win a gubernatorial election in Texas in over three a long time. 

He showcased his proposals selling public training and lowering gun violence, within the wake of the horrific Uvalde, Texas, taking pictures the place 19 elementary college college students and two academics had been fatally shot, throughout his gubernatorial marketing campaign. He additionally criticized the governor for final 12 months’s electrical energy grid failure throughout the state and for signing a particularly strict abortion legislation.

Abbott, the conservative former longtime state lawyer common, touted the state’s economic system, his robust stance on the problems of border safety and unlawful immigration, and crime, and focused O’Rourke for his pivots on points corresponding to gun management, as he ran for re-election.

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser and Adam Sabes contributed to this report.

Developing Story

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATES: Several governor’s races too early to name

MICHIGAN: The Fox News Decision Desk says that in Michigan, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer 
has a slight lead.. however that race is simply too early to name.

WISCONSIN: In Wisconsin, the race between Governor Tony Evers and his opponent Tim Michels is too early to name. Just like within the Senate, that is one other very tight race.

TEXAS: In Texas, our Decision Desk believes that Republican Governor Greg Abbott has a lead. That’s in accordance to the Fox News Voter Analysis.

KANSAS: In Kansas, Republican challenger Derek Schmidt and Democratic Governor Laura Kelly are locked in a really tight race.

NEW MEXICO: In New Mexico, there’s not sufficient information to name the race. This is a showdown between Democratic incumbent Michelle Lujan Grisham and Republican candidate Mark Ronchetti

Developing Story

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATES: Arizona races too early to name

ARIZONA: We start within the battleground state of Arizona, the place the Fox News Decision Desk says Democratic Senator Mark Kelly and Republican enterprise capitalist Blake Masters are locked in a good race.

In one other excessive profile Arizona contest — additionally it is too early to name the race between Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and Republican Kari Lake.

Developing Story

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATE: Democratic New York Gov. Hochul leads in opposition to Lee Zeldin

NEW YORK: Moving to New York. The Fox News Decision Desk says incumbent Governor Kathy Hochul has a lead in opposition to GOP House Rep. Lee Zeldin.

Nobody thought this race within the Empire State would even be shut till polling confirmed crime was by far the primary concern amongst Republican voters.

Fox News Voter Analysis: Most voters dissatisfied or indignant with authorities

We’re effectively underway with the midterm elections – and voters are sad.

Our Fox News Voter Analysis survey finds three-quarters are dissatisfied or downright indignant on the approach authorities is working.

This sentiment is strongest within the Rocky Mountain and northern Plains states. Wyoming lodges the best fee of disapproval – with 87% saying they’re sad.

That could possibly be dangerous news for incumbents. In Georgia, considered one of them – Sen. Raphael Warnock, the Democrat – is preventing for re-election, going through Herschel Walker, who’s been backed by former President Donald Trump.

This replace was supplied by the Fox News Polling Unit.

Read extra concerning the concerns of voters and their beliefs concerning the workings of presidency.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALLS: Gov. Pritzker wins second time period

The Fox News Decision Desk says that Democratic Governor JB Pritzker will win a second time period. He prevails over GOP challenger Darren Bailey.

Decision Desk additionally tasks that Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth will defeat Republican lawyer Kathy Salvi. Duckworth is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient.

In Illinois, which units no term-limits on the governor’s seat, the 2 battled it out throughout a number of debates and Bailey pressed Pritzker on varied crucial midterm points.

During the final debate of the cycle, Bailey blamed the Democrat incumbent for the rise of violent crime within the state, particularly in one of many nation’s crime hotspots, the town of Chicago.

Fox News’ Aubrie Spady and Paul Best contributed to this report.

Pennsylvania mail-in ballots could also be ‘path to victory’ for John Fetterman

Poll employees in Pennsylvania have been processing as many as 1.4 million mail-in ballots all through the day on Tuesday.

About 70% of all mail-in ballots had been despatched to registered Democrats throughout the state, a quantity that might profit Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman as soon as all of the ballots are counted.

Officials say the depend might take a number of days due to some depend safety procedures to catch double votes.

Larry Kudlow addresses inflation as economic system looms giant within the midterms

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow joined Fox News’ Election Day protection Tuesday night time to talk about how inflation has embedded itself into the U.S. economic system main up to the 2022 midterm elections.

“Inflation is number one for good reason,” Kudlow advised Fox News hosts Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier. “Too much spending, too much money printing, too much regulating, the war against fossil fuels – all these things contributed to a big rise in inflation, really by the middle of 2021.”

Kudlow mentioned that “inflation has become embedded into the economy” and it has “become embedded into wages.”

Kudlow additionally instructed that “refined petroleum products permeated this economy.”

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Sarah Huckabee Sanders wins Arkansas governor’s race

ARKANSAS: Republican candidate and former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is projected to win
the governor’s race. She replaces time period restricted Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson.

She replaces term-limited Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson. Sanders can be Arkansas’ first feminine governor.

Sanders served in former President Trump’s administration from 2017 to 2019.She defeats Democrat Chris Jones, who’s a nuclear engineer and ordained Baptist minister.

After Sanders voted in Little Rock on Tuesday, she advised reporters that she would not assume she ran a divisive marketing campaign and centered on tax cuts in addition to different points that might unite Arkansas residents 

Fox News’ Adam Sabes contributed to this report.

Florida’s Miami-Dade County turns purple for DeSantis: First GOP gov to win in 20 years

Miami-Dade County in South Florida had a change of coronary heart Tuesday and went purple as voters supported Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis who’s projected to be the primary GOP governor to win the county in 20 years. 

The county’s shift from blue to purple was a part of a predicted profitable night by the GOP in an effort to take again full management of Congress. The Fox News Decision Desk projected Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, will defeat Democrat Val Demings. 

In 2002, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush turned the final to-date Republican gubernatorial candidate to win the closely populated and numerous Miami-Dade County in South Florida.

Read extra about Republicans capturing Miami-Dade county.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Louis Casiano.

Twitter customers knock MSNBC analyst for casting doubts on Georgia election: ‘Denialism, man’

Social media customers rapidly descended on MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson’s declare that he “can’t say” whether or not the Georgia midterm elections can be “fair and equitable” thanks to its election legislation. 

Johnson instructed on “Deadline: White House” hours earlier than polls had been set to shut that Gov. Brian Kemp’s, R-Ga., 2021 voter safety legislation acts as a type of “voter suppression” that stops him from calling the election “fair” or “equitable.”

“The level of voter suppression is beyond anything that we saw in 2018. So I think it’s completely up in the air. There has been youth turnout at levels we haven’t expected. Democrats feel confident, Republicans I’ve spoken to feel confident. But we can’t say that whatever happens tonight is a fair and equitable election, because there have been too many laws passed by election deniers to keep people from expressing themselves,” Johnson mentioned.

Read extra about MSNBC’s Jason Johnson casting doubts on Georgia’s midterm elections. 

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Lindsay Kornick.

Developing Story

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATES: New Hampshire, Pennsylvania races too early to name

NEW HAMPSHIRE: It’s additionally too early to name 
the New Hampshire Senate race between incumbent Democrat Maggie Hassan and Republican Don Bolduc. Hassan gained this seat by simply over a thousand votes in 2016, making her probably the most weak Democrat up for reelection this cycle.

PENNSYLVANIA: In Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro has a powerful lead in opposition to Doug Mastriano based mostly on the Fox News Voter Analysis however it’s additionally too early to name.

Shapiro, AG in PA, is the Democratic candidate. He performed a distinguished function in preventing Trump’s litigation over the 2020 contest. Shapiro promised to fight “right-to-work” legal guidelines and protect the state’s “union way of life” in a marketing campaign speech in early November.

Pennsylvania is a swing-state Americans are carefully watching. Today, a choose in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, ordered polls within the county to keep open till 10 p.m. ET after voters reported some polling places working out of paper for voting machines.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATE: Pennsylvania Senate race too shut to name

In the crucial battleground of Pennsylvania the place the Fox News Decision Desk says it is too early to name this race. Pennsylvania is one other traditionally “slow counting” state, so it could possibly be an extended night time for each Doctor Oz and John Fetterman. we’ll preserve you up to date.

“I am increasingly optimistic of Dr. Oz’s chances,” mentioned Senator Pat Toomey earlier tonight on Fox News. Today in PA, poll employees processed almost 1.4 million mail-in ballots from residents everywhere in the state.

Fetterman mentioned on Fox News Digital, “Whether it is rising crime or rising prices, we want leaders who really perceive the issues we’re going via here in Pennsylvania, and who’ve the expertise and the concepts to do one thing about it. I do know we want to sort out crime as a result of I stay in a group with a severe crime concern.”

“I know that costs are too high because I see it with my own eyes when I’m at Costco. I get these issues because I’ve lived these issues,” he added.

Dr. Oz
can be the primary Muslim American senator if PA votes in his favor.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALLS: Republicans Gov. DeSantis, Sen. Rubio win re-election

In Florida, the Fox News Decision Desk tasks GOP Governor Ron DeSantis will defeat Charlie Crist.

Fox News Decision Desk may mission Republican Senator Marco Rubio has defeated Democratic Rep Val Demings, with tens of millions of votes in.

Maricopa County: Blake Masters, Kari Lake and RNC sue after ‘hiccups’ at Arizona voting places

The campaigns for Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters and the Republican National Committee are suing Maricopa County, Arizona, over points with voting tabulation machines. 

The GOP lawsuit seeks to preserve polls open till 10 p.m. M.T. within the county. It additionally asks the state courtroom to, “instruct the inspector at every polling location that voters whom the e-pollbook have recorded as having previously voted in this election must be permitted to complete and cast a provisional ballot.”

Fox News beforehand reported Tuesday that many polling websites within the county had been experiencing issues.

“Unfortunately we’ve had some hiccups with about 20% of these tabulators,” Chairman to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates advised Fox News.

The GOP lawsuit mentioned the problems hit “at least 36% of all voting centers.” 

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Tyler Olson.

Read extra concerning the GOP candidates’ lawsuit against Maricopa County.

Nevada Gov. Sisolak pronounces closures of state places of work due to climate, sparks questions from GOP

Governor Sisolak of Nevada introduced closures of some state places of work in northern Nevada this night due to snow storms and “potentially dangerous road conditions,” in accordance to an announcement from the governor’s workplace. Some state GOP officers are calling foul play claiming it is a thinly veiled try to discourage Nevadans from getting to the polls.

Nevada polls within the area had been scheduled to stay open with greater than two hours remaining before polls close.

Sisolak’s workplace launched the next assertion relating to state workplace closures in Nevada:

“All State executive branch offices will close, effective at 3:30 p.m. today in Carson City, Washoe County, Storey County, Lyon County, and Douglas County. This order does not apply to essential public safety or corrections personnel, nor does it apply to employees whose job duties involve administering elections and/or elections security or support.”

Trump reacts to Arizona voting machine issues, predicts GOP will do ‘very effectively’ in 2022 midterms

Former President Donald Trump spoke briefly with Fox News at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida Tuesday night time as Election Day polls closed across the nation.

Trump expressed concern over mishaps with voting in Arizona
and predicted a GOP ‘majority in each’ chambers following the midterm elections.

“Did they get the machines working in Arizona,” Trump requested members of the press. Upon listening to that the elections staff was “working on it,” Trump responded, “That’s not good.”

“I think they’re gonna do good tonight,” Trump mentioned. “I’m just concerned about Arizona with the machines.”

“We’re gonna see what happens, but we’re gonna have a very big night,” Trump added.

Trump was additionally requested what victory appears like for him in tonight’s midterm elections.

“Well, I’d say definitely a majority in each. I believe we’re gonna do very effectively within the House and I hope we’re gonna do very effectively with the Senate.”

Fox News’ Griff Jenkins contributed to this replace.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK UPDATES: Too early to name Ohio, North Carolina Senate showdowns

OHIO: In Ohio, the Fox News Decision Desk says GOP candidate JD Vance has a slight lead based mostly on our Voter Analysis, however the race is simply too early to name. He is up in opposition to Democratic House Rep. Tim Ryan.

NORTH CAROLINA: And in North Carolina, it’s additionally too early to name the race 
between Republican House Rep. Ted Budd and former State Chief Justice Cheri Beasley. They are locked in a really tight battle.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: Ohio GOP Gov. Mike DeWine simply wins second time period

OHIO: The Fox News Decision Desk can mission that Republican incumbent Mike DeWine will simply win a second time period, defeating Nan Whaley.

DeWine, 75, has confronted off in opposition to Whaley for the second time. Already well-known, DeWine turned a family presence throughout months of every day briefings at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. DeWine mentioned he did his greatest to stability family wants whereas additionally contemplating recommendation from medical specialists throughout lockdowns in Ohio. “These are my decisions, so I’m not going to pass the buck to the medical community or anybody else,” he mentioned on Bill Hemmer Reports through the bulk of the pandemic. More lately, he helped break floor on an enormous new Intel pc chip facility.

Ohio voters
determined as we speak on statewide poll points involving whether or not to prohibit noncitizen voting and whether or not judges needs to be required to contemplate a felony suspect’s menace to public security when setting bail.

Fox News Voter Analysis: Economy the highest concern of most voters by far

It’s election night
and we’ve been asking voters across the nation, over 100 thousand, how they voted and why. This is our first look tonight at our new technique to analyze their selections, our Fox News Voter Analysis.

The high concern to voters tells the story of this election.

Nearly half, 47%, say the economy is the most important issue going through the nation.

That’s almost 5 instances as many as some other concern corresponding to abortion (10%), immigration (9%), local weather (9%), crime (8%), well being care (7%), gun coverage (6%), overseas coverage (2%), and coronavirus (2%).

This replace was supplied by the Fox News Polling Unit.

Read extra about what voters are saying concerning the present state of the economic system and its affect on the 2022 midterm elections.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK RACE CALL: S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster wins second time period

In South Carolina, the Fox News Decision Desk can mission that Republican Governor Henry McMaster will win a second time period in workplace defeating Joe Cunningham.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK SENATE RACE CALLS: GOP Sens. Tim Scott, Rand Paul win re-election

SOUTH CAROLINA: In South Carolina – our Decision Desk can mission that Republican Senator Tim Scott will win a second full time period, defeating Democrat Krystle Matthews.

KENTUCKY: In Kentucky, we’re projecting that Republican Senator Rand Paul will cruise to a 3rd time period, defeating Democrat Charles Booker.

INDIANA: We may mission in Indiana — Republican Senator Todd Young will win his second time period
. He defeats Democrat Tom McDermott, the Mayor of Hammond.

VERMONT: And in Vermont, Fox News tasks that Democrat Peter Welch will exchange retiring Senator Patrick Leahy as the subsequent senator for the Green Mountain State.

Breaking News

FOX NEWS DECISION DESK: Georgia Senate race too early to name; Gov. Kemp leads Abrams

GEORGIA: We start with the battleground state of Georgia, the place the Fox News Decision Desk says Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker are locked in a good race. It’s too early to name.

In Georgia, Fox News says Governor Brian Kemp has a slight lead in opposition to Stacey Abrams, however this race is simply too early to name.
 It’s not but clear whether or not he can attain greater than 50% of the vote to keep away from a runoff. Back to Georgia when we’ve got updates.

Republican wins first House delegate election in Guam since 1993

For the primary time in almost 30 years, Guam elected a Republican as its non-voting U.S. Congressional delegate on Tuesday.

James Moylan, a senator within the island’s legislature, defeated Democrat
Judith Won Pat by 1,648 votes out of 32,502 votes forged, in accordance to the Pacific Daily News. The outcomes are partial and unofficial.

He was the primary Republican elected to the place since 1993 and solely the second since 1972, when the seat was created, the newspaper reported.

As an island within the western Pacific Ocean, Guam was the primary midterm contest selected Tuesday.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Brie Stimson.

Maricopa County, Arizona election officers say resolution discovered to voting machine issues

Officials in Maricopa County, Arizona say they’ve discovered an answer after roughly 20% of their polling websites had been experiencing “issues” with tabulation machines simply hours after Election Day polls opened.

The county’s election division mentioned it had recognized the answer for the tabulation issues at about 60 Vote Centers.

“This solution has worked at 17 locations, and technicians deployed throughout the county are working to resolve this issue at the remaining locations,” the Maricopa County Elections Department tweeted Tuesday afternoon.

The county mentioned technicians have modified the printer settings and the difficulty seems to have been resolved.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Bradford Betz.

Read extra concerning the voting “issues” out of Maricopa County on Election Day.

WATCH: Arizona officers report tabulator concern

The Maricopa County, Arizona elections division is reporting that 20% of the tabulation machines throughout the county are malfunctioning and never counting ballots.

The implies that a contingency plan has gone into have an effect on, and that ballots from the affected places can be moved in safe packing containers to a central downtown Phoenix location to be counted.

This is not going to cease individuals from voting on the affected places or their ballots from being counted.

How do I observe election outcomes with Fox News?

Fox News Digital is reporting live election results
 throughout the nation for the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans and Democrats are going head to head for management of Congress. Politicians throughout the nation have spent months campaigning for seats within the House and Senate. Some of an important states to watch outcomes for are Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Texas, and Wisconsin.

Voters throughout the United States have ran to the polls as we speak to case their votes. Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Arizona are experiencing points at voting places. Maricopa County officers mentioned about 20% of voting places are experiencing “hiccups” and Champaign County in Illinois is reporting a cyber assault. Polls on the East Coast began closing at 6 p.m. ET and outcomes expect to move in shortly after.

Follow together with Fox News Digital and tune into Fox News Channel for stay election protection and evaluation as outcomes are reported.

PA county runs out of paper in some voting places, choose orders polls to keep open till 10 p.m.

A choose in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, ordered polls within the county to keep open till 10 p.m. ET after voters reported some polling places running out of paper for voting machines

“Voters in Luzerne County through no fault of their own, were disenfranchised and denied the fundamental right to vote,” Judge Lesa S. Gelb mentioned in an order Tuesday. 

To rectify the issue, Gelb mentioned, “voting hours in Luzerne County are hereby extended until 10:00 p.m.” 

Other polling places in Pennsylvania will shut at 8 p.m. ET.

“This is your last chance to do something about it; the polls are still open,” mentioned Senator Pat Toomey. “I think we could have a very good night for Republicans,” mentioned Toomey. The Senator mentioned he and his spouse waited over an hour to vote in Lehman County, Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania has one of many carefully watched races this midterm cycle.

The Senate race between Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and GOP nominee Mehmet Oz is likely one of the most contentious within the nation, and will decide which celebration controls Congress’ higher chamber for the final two years of President Biden’s time period.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Tyler Olson and Rebekah Castor.

Missouri Republicans Hawley and Schmitt say Senate GOP wants new management: ‘Not Mitch McConnell’

Incumbent Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and Missouri Senate hopeful Eric Schmitt every mentioned Monday that if Republicans take management of the U.S. Senate, they will not assist Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for one other time period as chief.

At a rally for Schmitt in Springfield, Missouri, Hawley advised a gaggle of reporters that he prefers a contemporary face for chief, citing disagreements with McConnell on funding Ukraine’s defense against Russia and spending laws.

“I don’t imagine I will, no,” Hawley reportedly mentioned when requested if he would assist McConnell.

“I’m not sure if any other senator will run or not. Nobody’s indicated they would. But my view is that we need new leadership in that position,” he added.

In the ultimate weeks of the Republican Senate major in July, Schmitt advised reporters he desires both Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas or Mike Lee of Utah to lead the Republican convention. “Mitch McConnell hasn’t endorsed me and I don’t endorse him for management,” Schmitt mentioned on the time.

Asked Monday how he would vote within the subsequent management election, Schmitt advised reporters, “I said what I said, and I stand by those comments.”

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Chris Pandolfo.

Read extra about Hawley and Schmitt’s opposition to McConnell’s leadership within the Senate.

How can I observe my poll?

Voting by mail is extraordinarily widespread amongst Americans collaborating this 12 months’s the 2022 midterm elections. More than 15 million individuals have voted already within the 2022 midterm elections.

Almost each state, besides for Missouri, Mississippi and Illinois, have portals the place residents can observe their absentee ballots and make sure that their vote was counted.

The COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to new voting legal guidelines in sure states, now supply completely different choices for voters. California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington robotically ship each voter a poll. However, some states require people to present an excuse for voting early by mail. Voter turnout is taken into account a necessity in most functioning democracies on the earth. 

During this midterm election, 34 states will maintain Senate elections, however solely a handful of states will resolve which celebration holds a majority within the chamber, together with Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Typically, midterm elections have a decrease voter turnout when put next to the presidential election years. This has been chalked up to various causes, corresponding to much less voter curiosity in Congressional races in contrast to broadly lined presidential elections. In some situations, even politically conscious voters generally don’t vote within the midterm cycle as a result of it doesn’t contain the president.

Track whether or not your absentee ballot has been counted.

Kari Lake says she’ll be media’s ‘worst freaking nightmare,’ vows to ‘reform the media’

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, R., pledged to be the media’s “worst freaking nightmare for eight years” if she’s elected, saying Tuesday she would “reform the media.”

Lake, a former native TV journalist recognized for her barbs in opposition to the press, lit right into a CBS reporter after he requested if she would serve a full time period if elected, noting political rumors that she can be Donald Trump’s working mate if he runs for president in 2024.

“I am going to not only be the governor of Arizona for four years,” she mentioned. “I am going to do two terms. I’m going to be your worst freaking nightmare for eight years, and we will reform the media as well. We are going to make you guys into journalists again.”

“So get ready. It’s going to be a fun eight years,” she added. “I can’t wait to be working with you guys for eight years.”

Lake added she can be “so thrilled” if Trump does run once more, saying he wanted to return to workplace to repair all the pieces President Biden had “screwed up.”

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ David Rutz.

Read extra of what Lake had to say on Election Day in Arizona.

Election Day: Champaign County, Illinois clerk says cyberattack inflicting ‘connectivity points’

The clerk’s workplace of Champaign County, Illinois, is experiencing connectivity points for its voting machines in what it’s calling a “cyber-attack.”

The Champaign County Clerk’s Office introduced Tuesday round noon that its techniques had been experiencing connectivity issues and poor server efficiency. The workplace said it believed the problems are a results of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assaults.

“The Champaign County Clerk’s Office is aware of connectivity issues and computer server performance being impacted,” the clerk’s workplace introduced Tuesday by way of social media. “The Clerk’s Office believes these are due to cyber-attacks on the network and servers.”

The put up went on to inform readers that these weren’t the primary points on the workplace, saying that the clerk’s workplace has skilled repeated DDoS assaults for the previous month.

“For the past month the Champaign County Clerk’s website has been the target of repeated D-DOS attacks, fortunately the reinforced security and response from the Clerk’s IT team has prevented these attacks from being successful and the Clerk’s website has remained secured,” the put up reads.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Timothy H.J. Nerozzi.

Read extra concerning the alleged Election Day cyberattack in Illinois.

When will election outcomes be reported?

Most polls on the East Coast begin closing at 6:00 p.m. ET, that means outcomes ought to begin flowing in shortly after.

Each state, nonetheless, has completely different guidelines when it comes to counting ballots and reporting outcomes which may lead to various quantities of knowledge being reported at completely different instances.

It’s doubtless that the outcomes of some races will not be recognized on election night time due to the various guidelines by state, in addition to the excessive variety of individuals anticipated to vote by mail.

In Alaska, the implementation of ranked-choice voting means outcomes there might not be recognized till later in November, whereas in some states, like California, mail-in ballots are accepted for your complete week following the election so long as they’re postmarked by Election Day.

What time do polls shut in my state?

What time do polls shut?

Here are the instances that polls shut on Election Day (all instances are native to the state).

6 p.m.

Indiana and Kentucky

7 p.m.

Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota (ballot closings vary, however start at 7:00 p.m.), Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming.

7:30 p.m

Arkansas, North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia

8 p.m.

Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.

9 p.m.

New York


New Hampshire — Poll closing instances differ, however can’t be earlier than 7:00 p.m.

Tennessee — Polling places shut at 7:00 p.m. if situated in Central Time Zone, and eight:00 p.m. if situated in Eastern Time Zone.

Make positive to examine together with your native election officers for any adjustments to ballot closing instances, or for up to date polling location information or extra variations that might not be listed.

See Fox News Digital’s full ballot opening/closing information here.

Fox News’ Brandon Gillespie contributed to this replace.

Do damaging marketing campaign advertisements work on voters?

The 2022 midterm election cycle noticed quite a few assault advertisements from Republicans and Democrats, elevating the query of whether or not damaging advertisements work on voters.

Political scientists and specialists estimate that, typically, each optimistic and
negative political ads
have small results in swaying voters, however in shut elections could make a distinction.

An advocacy often known as Citizens for Sanity, for occasion, launched the messaging marketing campaign in a number of battleground states final month mocking progressive Democrats with phrases like “Help Charlie become Charlotte,” “Mother Nature is Racist” and “Violent Criminals Deserve Our Respect.”

“There’s an idea that a really good ad, or one delivered in just the right context to a targeted audience, can influence voters, but we found that political ads have consistently small persuasive effects across a range of characteristics,” mentioned Alexander Coppock, a co-author of a Yale examine on political promoting.

Despite the shortage of proof that advertisements sway voters, campaigns nonetheless spend tens of millions of {dollars} on promoting in print, mailers, TV and radio spots every cycle. 

How many seats do Republicans want to win the Senate?

The Senate consists of 100 lawmakers serving six-year phrases; each election 12 months about one-third of Senate seats are up for grabs. The Democrats presently maintain a razor-thin majority within the higher chamber with 50 seats of their celebration’s management. Remember that Democrats solely want 50 seats to retain energy, as a result of Vice President Kamala Harris casts the tie-breaking vote. In order to regain a majority within the Senate, Republicans will want to choose up two Senate seats.

Control of the Senate stays a toss-up. Fox News’ Power Rankings present 47 seats going to the Democrats and 49 to the Republicans, leaving 4 essential toss-up races to resolve management of the Senate: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. 

Arizona, Georgia and Nevada are all being defended by incumbent Democrats, whereas Pennsylvania is an open seat due to the retirement of longtime Republican Sen. Pat Toomey final 12 months.

Slavery on the poll as voters resolve whether or not to amend language to structure in 5 states

Residents in 5 states could have the chance to vote on amendments Tuesday that might take away language from their state structure that allows slavery as a type of punishment for convicted criminals, although not everybody helps the referendum.

Ratified in 1865, the thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in America, however it supplied leeway for the observe as punishment for people convicted of a criminal offense. Several state constitutions nonetheless have language reflecting that loophole permitting involuntary servitude for prisoners, however Tennessee, Louisiana, Oregon, Alabama, and Vermont are trying to change that this fall.

California election outcomes anticipated to be delayed for days, weeks in some areas, report says

With extra Californians participating in elections
 via vote by mail, the outcomes for a number of high-profile races within the Los Angeles space won’t be referred to as till days or perhaps weeks after Election Day, in accordance to a report.

That consists of the tightening race between Democratic Rep. Karen Bass, a longtime elected official in southeast LA, and billionaire developer Rick Caruso competing to change into mayor of the second-largest metropolis within the nation.

According to the Los Angeles Times, “Final results may take days or weeks in certain high-profile races, including a handful of nail-biter congressional contests around the state and a number of competitive Democrat-on-Democrat races in Los Angeles city and county, such as the hotly contested L.A. mayor’s race.”

“We no longer have election night. We have election season,” Mindy Romero, a political sociologist and director of the USC Center for Inclusive Democracy, advised the Times.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Danielle Wallace.

Top Voter Issues: Inflation

Inflation is top concern
 of voters within the 2022 midterms, persistently rating highest on voters’ listing of priorities all through the election cycle. Unlike most political points, inflation affects every single voter making it an particularly potent drive on this 12 months’s midterms.

Since hitting a 40-year excessive in June, inflation has remained stubbornly excessive with costs climbing 8.2% yearly in September, in accordance to the newest report from the Labor Department.

Despite efforts from the White House to tackle rising costs, President Joe Biden continues to ballot poorly on his dealing with of the economic system, in flip hurting voters’ notion of Democrats on financial points. Republicans have continued to ballot higher on inflation, with a majority of voters trusting the GOP over Democrats to greatest deal with the economic system.

Maricopa County officers say 20% of voting places experiencing ‘hiccups’ with tabulators

Arizona officers in Maricopa County on Tuesday mentioned that roughly 20% of their polling websites had been experiencing “issues” with tabulation machines simply hours after Election Day polls opened.

“Unfortunately we’ve had some hiccups with about 20% of these tabulators,” Chairman to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates advised Fox News.

Gates mentioned a problem has arisen when individuals try to run their ballots via the tabulator and are unable to efficiently accomplish that as their ballots are being spit again out at them.

Gates mentioned technicians had been working to clear up the issue as rapidly as potential.

“No one wins Arizona without Maricopa County,” mentioned Fox News Senior Correspondent Alicia Acuna.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Caitlin McFall.

Read extra about what Gates advised Fox News relating to the “hiccups” in voting in Maricopa County.

Where is abortion on the poll?

Following the Supreme Court’s resolution to overturn Roe v. Wade in June and provides the ability again to the states to place or raise restrictions on abortion, registered voters in six states could have the chance to vote on poll initiatives that can both amend or abolish their state’s present legislation on abortions.

Kentucky voters will see an initiative on their ballots that if handed, would protect the state structure to not enable abortions or public abortion funding. In Kentucky, abortion is presently unlawful in the intervening time of fertilization, after a trigger-law that went into impact following Roe’s reversal allowed the state to place a direct ban on abortion.

Voters in Vermont will see Article 22 on their ballots this fall, which if handed would amend the state’s structure to proceed offering abortion entry with out limitations. “The State of Vermont recognizes the fundamental right of every individual who becomes pregnant to choose to carry a pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion,” Virginia’s abortion legislation reads, permitting no restrictions on abortion. 

In Montana, voters will see the “Born-Alive Infant Protection Act,” on the poll. If handed, the laws would acknowledge that infants born alive, together with these born alive after an abortion, are authorized individuals. The legislation would additionally penalize docs who don’t deal with them as a residing particular person and take the required, mandatory actions to “preserve the life of a born alive infant.”

Californians will see Proposition 1 on their ballots, an initiative that will amend the state’s structure to enable abortions with none interference from the state. In the Golden State
, abortion is presently authorized up till the purpose of fetal viability, the purpose at which the fetus can survive exterior the womb, or after within the case that it might defend the well being or lifetime of the mom.

Michigan voters will see Proposition 3 on their ballots, an initiative that will amend the state structure to enable to abortions up till fetal viability and permit the state “to regulate abortion after fetal viability, but not prohibit if medically needed to protect a patient’s life or physical or mental health.” In Michigan, it’s presently legal to get an abortion up till the purpose of fetal viability, which often falls across the twenty third week of being pregnant.

Louisiana strikes polling web site after college receives bomb menace for second time in beneath every week

A polling web site in a suburb of 
New Orleans was moved Tuesday
after it acquired a bomb menace for the second time in 5 days, police say.

The Kenner Police Department says it’s on scene investigating at Kenner Discovery School and “there were no children in school today due to elections.”

“It was not a menace to elections, voters or election workers,” John Tobler, a spokesman for the Louisiana secretary of state, advised Fox News Digital.

Kenner Police say they’re “trying to determine if this will be related to a bomb threat the school received on Thursday, Nov. 3.”

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Greg Norman.

CBS journalists shocked they ‘could not discover one’ Charlie Crist supporter in Florida Biden precints

“CBS This Morning” hosts had been shocked that they could not discover any supporters for Florida’s Democratic gubernatorial nominee in areas that voted for President Biden in 2020.

Charlie Crist is working in opposition to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis within the purple state that appears to be turning purple.

Co-host Tony Dokoupil shared meals with voters up and down the coast of the Sunshine State in areas he mentioned voted for Biden in 2020. Floridians praised their governor as a “beast” who “doesn’t BS around.”

Read extra about CBS’ surprise on its journey to Florida.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Kristine Parks.

New Hampshire Senate showdown: Hassan expenses Bolduc’s ‘casting doubt’ on election

NEWFIELDS, N.H. – Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan claims former Army Gen. Don Bolduc, her Republican challenger in battleground New Hampshire’s essential Senate race, has been “casting doubt” on the integrity of the election.

After the senator charged that Bolduc “doesn’t think he has to accept election results,” Fox News requested if she’s involved Bolduc might not concede if he loses by a razor-thin margin.

“He has been working to cast doubt on today’s election, which is an insult to the people of New Hampshire,” Hassan answered, after voting in her hometown of Newfields on Tuesday morning.

“We run some of the best elections in the country,” the senator mentioned. “That Don Bolduc is casting doubt on as we speak’s election integrity is basically disturbing. But we’re going to preserve standing up for the people of New Hampshire and standing up for democracy.”

Hassan has been focused by Republicans for shut to two years, as the previous governor seeks a second six-year time period within the Senate, and her race with Bolduc is amongst a handful throughout the nation that can doubtless decide if the GOP wins again the chamber’s majority within the midterm elections.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser.

Read extra concerning the New Hampshire Senate race between Hassan and Bolduc.

Election Day voters discuss crime, first-time gun purchaser surge

Americans are beginning to take private security into their very own palms and bringing their considerations over a nationwide crime surge to the polls on Election Day.

“There’s a lot of first-time gun buyers constantly,” FSS Armory proprietor Ross Osias advised FOX Business’ Stuart Varney in a voter panel Tuesday. “They’re all expressing some fear and this new wave of, ‘I need to protect myself.’”

In a city hall-style occasion on “Varney & Co.,” voters from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania defined how their experiences with crime are impacting their resolution within the 2022 midterms.

“The progressive[s] have unleashed chaos upon all of us,” Glenn Vile, brother-in-law of a murdered Goldman Sachs worker, mentioned. “It used to be fine when crime was bad in the 90s… after 8 o’clock, somebody got mugged. Now it’s some lady jogging at 11 in the morning, has neck bones broken, then it’s despicable.”

“If you want more of something, you tolerate it,” Vile continued. “And our administration, the mayor, the governor, [New York State Assembly Speaker] Carl Heastie, they’re all tolerating crime, and it’s chaos. It’s not fair.”

This replace was supplied by Fox Business’ Kristen Altus.

Read extra about Election Day voters’ concerns about rising crime.

How many seats are up for grabs in Congress?

On Election Day, voters throughout the nation will resolve who fills all 435 seats within the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 complete seats within the U.S. Senate.

Members of the House serve two-year phrases, that means each seat is up for grabs every two-year election cycle.

Members of the Senate serve six-year phrases, with one-third of the whole 100 seats up for grabs each two-year election cycle.

Of the 35 Senate elections happening on Tuesday, 33 are recurrently scheduled elections, whereas one extra race in California will resolve who fills the ultimate weeks of Vice President Kamala Harris
‘ six-year time period, and one other in Oklahoma will resolve who fills the remaining 4 years of Sen. Jim Inhofe’s seat following his introduced retirement earlier this 12 months.

Trump confirms he voted for Ron DeSantis, says election can be ‘thrilling day’ for Republicans

Former President Donald Trump confirmed that he forged a vote for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday, saying Election Day was going to be a “very exciting day” for Republicans.

Trump forged his vote in Palm Beach, Florida, alongside his spouse, Melania. He went on to say that he hopes Republicans can win Congress to begin tackling crime throughout the nation and “keep taxes low.” Republicans are broadly anticipated to take the House of Representatives, however management of the Senate stays a toss-up.

“I think we’re gonna have a great night. I think it’s gonna be great to the country. It’s an honor to be here. They’ve done a fantastic job, but I think we’re gonna have a very big night, and it’s gonna be very exciting,” Trump advised reporters gathered exterior the polling place.

Republicans throughout the nation centered their campaigns across the economic system, inflation and rising crime, main to a big benefit in polls simply earlier than Election Day.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom.

Read extra about how Trump’s potential 2024 run has induced an obvious rift between him and DeSantis.

NAACP launches new measure to cease voter intimidation as Americans head to the polls

The NAACP introduced Tuesday the rollout of a measure to struggle voter intimidation as Americans throughout the nation head to the polls. 

“As our democracy hangs in the balance – this election is too important to ignore,” NAACP CEO and president Derrick Johnson mentioned in an announcement. “For anyone who has not voted yet – this is the final day to get out and make sure your voice is heard.”

The NAACP mentioned “recruited and trained legal professionals” can be heading to the polls to observe any voter suppression studies by way of the Voter Incident Report Form. The group said they “encouraged” anybody experiencing points on the polls to fill out the shape. 

Reports issued by way of the shape can be reviewed by a staff of authorized professionals within the NAACP’s Office of General Counsel, who will then decide any subsequent steps. 

Read extra concerning the NAACP’s announced measure to struggle voter intimidation.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Haley Chi-Sing.

Top Voter Issues: Abortion

The Supreme Court’s June resolution to overturn Roe v. Wade
introduced abortion to the forefront of nationwide debate this summer season. Until that call, midterms messaging was centered virtually completely on the economic system and crime, however the Supreme Court leak and subsequent ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization thrust the social concern into the midterms dialog and gave new momentum to Democrats. 

Many Democrat candidates refocused their midterms messaging to abortion following the SCOTUS resolution. In reality, Planned Parenthood introduced a record-breaking midterm spending plan of $50 million in key races, Fox News Digital reported

Democrats noticed a bump in generic congressional polling and the midterms appeared extra aggressive for the primary time all cycle. 

Despite heightened curiosity in abortion, particularly amongst Democrat voters, some political commentators query the efficiency of the difficulty come election day, worrying that Democrat candidates is likely to be leaning too closely on the difficulty at a time when inflation and crime proceed to top concerns of key voter blocs

Biden avoids public Election Day look, taping radio interview and calling ‘lid’ earlier than midday

President Biden steered away from public appearances on Election Day, taping a single radio interview earlier than calling it a day early.

Biden, who has actively campaigned and rallied for Democrats in several races throughout a number of states, laid low on Tuesday besides for an interview taped earlier within the morning with the D.L. Hughley Show, which was anticipated to air later within the afternoon.

The president used the radio spot to inform Americans what the Biden-Harris Administration has delivered to the Black group in lower than two years in workplace.

The White House called a lid at 11:20 a.m. earlier than the midday pool name time with reporters.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Stephen Sorace.

Biden’s ultimate week of campaigning plagued with gaffes: ‘What’s his title?’

President Biden gaffed his approach throughout the marketing campaign path within the ultimate week main up to Election Day.

Biden, who turns 80 this month, appeared at an in depth listing of Democratic marketing campaign occasions over the previous week, the place he had a number of verbal stumbles. The president referred to General Motor CEO Mary Barra as “Amy Barrett,” who’s a Supreme Court justice. He referred to as Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D.-Fla., a “friend in the Senate.”

During his final campaign event Monday night time in Maryland, he appeared to overlook the title of the candidate he was there to endorse.

“And, of course, you got that next governor. What’s his name? Wes… Wes…,” Biden mentioned, which sparked the viewers to maintain up their “Wes Moore” indicators.

“Wes Moore!” Biden ultimately mentioned. “The guy’s the real deal, man.”

Biden’s struggles on the marketing campaign path included statements which are simply disproven. The president claimed to have spoken to the creator of insulin, who in actuality died earlier than he was born. He repeated his debunked declare to have traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi Jin Ping.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Patrick Hauf.

Read extra about a few of the troubling comments President Biden made as he stumped for Democratic candidates on the marketing campaign path.

Lifelong Georgia Democrat votes Republican for first time, says Biden ‘opened my eyes’

Americans throughout the nation are heading to the poll field to cast their vote, with inflation, crime, training and border safety as the highest considerations.

Some voters are turning to the GOP for the primary time due to the previous two years of Democratic management. 

“I’ve always voted Democrat, and as soon as [Biden] took office, I opened up my eyes,” one lifelong Democrat advised “Fox & Friends” enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones, citing crime, the border, training and the exit from Afghanistan.

“Enough is enough. I went this morning and I voted, and I voted all Republican.”

Read extra about this voter’s decision to vote Republican.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Madeline Coggins.

Residents of 1 Utah county could also be pressured to vote in particular person after poll mailing delays

Mailing delays in Iron County, Utah, might drive voters to forged their ballots in particular person, sparking concern over rural and aged residents who now should journey to polling facilities, in accordance to an area report.

Iron County Clerk Jon Whittaker advised FOX13 Salt Lake City that some county residents solely acquired their mail-in ballots the weekend earlier than Election Day.

“From what I understand, many — I don’t dare say most — many were delivered by last Saturday,” Whittaker mentioned.

The ballots had been printed and prepared to be mailed by Oct. 14, forward of the Oct. 18 deadline, however a packaging mishap resulted in them getting blended up with different mail, he advised the station.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Stephen Sorace.

Read extra about how mailing delays are impacting residents in a single county in Utah amid the midterm elections.

Stacey Abrams’ Election Day message: ‘I intend to be the subsequent governor’ of Georgia

Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has unequivocally declared her intention to defeat incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in an Election Day message.

“My name is Stacey Abrams and I intend to be the next governor of the great state of Georgia,” Abrams tweeted Tuesday, as voters head to the poll field. 

Abrams, who unsuccessfully ran in opposition to Kemp in 2018, has trailed the Republican governor within the polls regardless of document fundraising. Her marketing campaign has hauled in nearly $98 million
, in accordance to studies filed with the state election fee, whereas Kemp has raised greater than $69 million. 

Though she is polling behind Kemp, Abrams has argued she is going to win the election Tuesday if voters can overcome alleged voter suppression tactics she has accused state Republicans of enacting since her 2018 loss.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Chris Pandolfo.

Read extra on how Democrat Stacey Abrams has declared her spot as governor of Georgia.

Biden’s marketing campaign stops damage Dems and boosted Republicans, GOP operatives say

President Joe Biden’s presence on the marketing campaign path failed to resonate with voters, GOP strategists say, and ended up hurting his Democratic colleagues in what Biden himself has mentioned is “one of the most important elections in our lifetime.”

Biden performed it protected on the marketing campaign path over the previous week as he visited principally Democrat-heavy areas, however he already did harm to Democratic candidates with a number of appearances that failed to speak about points that voters care about. GOP strategists mentioned the shift in polling information towards Republicans in latest weeks may be attributed, a minimum of partially, to Biden’s lackluster performance on the marketing campaign path.

Brendan Steinhauser, a guide for GOP candidates, mentioned Biden failed to create a message that may attraction to reasonable voters.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Patrick Hauf.

Read extra concerning the impact of Biden’s presence on the marketing campaign path for Democrat voters

Pennsylvania poll struggle might drag on lengthy after Election Day; hundreds of votes in limbo

The authorized struggle in Pennsylvania over mail-in ballots with lacking or incorrect dates might drag on for weeks after Election Day, forcing courts to make the ultimate resolution on whether or not hundreds of votes may be counted.

The battle is taking part in out in each in state and federal courtroom in opposition to the backdrop of a really shut U.S. Senate race which will resolve management of the higher chamber. On one facet are Democrat officers and activist teams who need to enable mail-in votes to depend regardless of “minor errors.” On the opposite are state, local and national Republican committees
 insisting on strict adherence to state legislation on how to fill out these ballots.

“Past experience tells us these kinds of things can drag on for what seems like an eternity,” Pennsylvania Republican Party common counsel Tom King advised Fox News Digital.

“What we have going on is a mad scramble as we speak,” King added.

The most high-profile ongoing litigation is a federal lawsuit from the NAACP and different teams – represented by the ACLU – that seeks to drive officers to depend mail ballots with incorrect or lacking dates, regardless of a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling mandating they be sequestered. Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who’s working in opposition to Republican Mehmet Oz, later filed an analogous federal go well with.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Tyler Olson.

Biden DOJ sends election displays to 64 jurisdictions, a dramatic enhance over 2020

President Biden’s Justice Department despatched out election displays to 64 jurisdictions in 24 states to guarantee federal legal guidelines are adopted all through Election Day.

While it’s common observe for the DOJ to deploy election displays, the transfer represents a pointy enhance over 2020, when the DOJ sent out monitors
to simply 44 jurisdictions, in accordance to the Washington Post. The displays could have an outsized presence in a number of key battleground states, together with Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

“Since the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Division has regularly monitored elections in the field in jurisdictions around the country to protect the rights of voters. The Civil Rights Division will also take complaints from the public nationwide regarding possible violations of the federal voting rights laws through its call center,” the DOJ wrote in an announcement asserting the transfer.

Biden’s White House has warned that outcomes might not be clear on Election Day due to the method of counting mail-in ballots, which are sometimes tallied after the in-person ballots forged on Election Day.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom.

Midterm elections: All eyes on Virginia as Democrats try to maintain off GOP in House

All eyes are on Virginia Tuesday as Democrats look to maintain onto their management over the House of Representatives amid polls that means Republicans might sweep the decrease chamber.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats flipped any Virginia House seats in 2020, however the election of Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin in 2021 and tight races within the 2nd, seventh and tenth districts might spell bother for Democrats.

Incumbent Democrat Rep. Abigail Spanberger and her challenger Yesli Vega, a Republican presently serving on the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, is predicted to be the race to watch in Virginia’s struggle for the House. 

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Caitlin McFall.

Pennsylvania Senate candidates Oz, Fetterman vote in tight race

Republican Mehmet Oz and Democrat John Fetterman have cast their ballots Tuesday
in Pennsylvania’s hotly contested Senate race.

“I’m very proud of how I’ve run this campaign. Pennsylvanians are sending a very clear message to Washington — we want less radicalism, and more balance,” Oz told a group a reporters that had gathered Tuesday after he forged his poll at Bryn Athyn Borough Hall in Huntington Valley, north of Philadelphia.

“So I encourage everyone to vote, it’s your duty,” Oz added.

Fetterman, in the meantime, didn’t supply feedback after casting his vote
 on the New Hope Baptist Church in Braddock, a Pittsburgh suburb the place he used to function mayor.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Greg Norman.

DeSantis administration says federal ballot displays ‘not permitted’ at Florida polling websites

The DeSantis administration warned Biden’s Department of Justice late Monday that federal Election Day poll monitors are “not permitted” inside polling locations beneath Florida legislation, and mentioned Florida will ship its personal displays to “ensure there is no interference in the voting process.”

On Monday, the DOJ released a list of 64 jurisdictions inside 24 states wherein the division plans to ship attorneys to “monitor for compliance with federal voting rights laws” on Election Day. Included in that listing are Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties in Florida.

Brad McVay, common counsel to Florida’s Department of State, advised the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department in a Monday letter that the DOJ “seem[ed] to indicate” that these displays can be positioned inside polling places.
However, he mentioned that isn’t permitted.

“Section 102.031(3)(a) of the Florida Statutes lists the people who ‘may enter any polling room or polling place,'” McVay wrote. “Department of Justice personnel are not included on the list.”

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Brianna Herlihy

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel discusses potential vote counting delays

Ronna McDaniel is making a final push for GOP candidates in Pennsylvania on Election Day, which she says is when most Republicans plan to vote within the state.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman joined “Fox & Friends” with Pete Hegseth at Eagle Diner, exterior Philadelphia, to talk about Election Day and the way the RNC plans to guarantee election equity. McDaniel defined why she selected Bucks County to assist Dr. Mehmet Oz in his ultimate push to win a key Senate seat.

“This is a key county. It’s going to be key to Republican victories. And we have seen as we speak that Republicans vote on Election Day in Pennsylvania.
So we’re popping out and ensuring everyone will get out and votes as we speak,” McDaniel mentioned.

McDaniel defined that Democrats lead in absentee poll voting and Republicans will want to overcome the margin by turning out on Tuesday.

“I used to be at Oz’s rally final night time, I requested the viewers of over 1,000 individuals, what number of of you voted? Not a single hand went up, so we obtained to get all of it finished as we speak, she mentioned. He’s going to have to win by shut to 60%. I believe he’ll. But everybody has to get out and vote.”

Breaking News

Philadelphia imposes last-minute election change that will slow down vote count

Philadelphia officials voted Tuesday morning to impose a last-minute rule change that will draw out the vote-count process.

The city’s three-member elections board voted 2-1 in favor of imposing poll book reconciliation, a lengthy process intended to prevent double votes, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Tuesday. The reconciliation process would flag any mail-in ballots from voters who also cast ballots in person.

City commissioners made the eleventh-hour decision at a 7 a.m. meeting on Tuesday. The board is comprised of two Democrats and one Republican. The Republican voted in favor of the change, together with one of many Democrats, whereas the second Democrat objected.

This update was provided by Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom.

Winsome Sears: Democrats ‘starting to do damage control’ after moving to the left

A “Fox & Friends First” panel featuring Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and Fox News contributor David Webb discussed when election results – and which party will control the House and Senate — will be learned.

Huckabee believes that because of early voting, states will be able to count enough ballots so that the country will have answers before Election Day comes to an end.

“I think we absolutely will,” Huckabee. “I think we’re going to know who controls the governorships, the state legislatures, as well as the U.S. Senate. And it’s going to be the Republicans.”

Sears, a Republican, added that Democrats have “damaged their brand” by transferring extra to the left, placing Republicans in place to succeed.

One state that will not have all of its races selected Election Day is Georgia. The Peach State
could have a runoff election for Senate if neither Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock or Republican Herschel Walker garners a majority of the votes. The common election poll consists of Libertarian Chase Oliver. In the occasion of a runoff, solely the highest two candidates from the final election can be included. The runoff  will happen on December 6, if wanted.

Depending on how different states’ races go, management of the Senate might not be decided till then.

Voters in Florida, Washington talk about their key points on Election Day morning

‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ hosts Will Cain and Rachel Campos Duffy spoke to voters in Florida and Wisconsin on Election Day, listening to their considerations about issues like inflation and education.

Polls have opened in Florida and many citizens interviewed say they need “accountability” and provides their tackle who they are going to be voting for as we speak as they share breakfast with previous associates and strangers. They share their considerations and what they hope this election will accomplish.

Voters in Wisconsin share their tackle high points that can carry them to the polls. These voters are completely satisfied to take a break from their morning meals to share with Rachel Campos Duffy. The border, inflation, training, and “the children” are high considerations for voters as they line up at their polling places. One voter shares about her grocery purchasing expertise and the affect inflation has had on her life.

Zeldin: Voters ‘don’t need to be gaslit’ on crime, concern shouldn’t be ‘laughed off’

New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin inspired voters to exit to the polls Tuesday morning, slamming incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul and different Democrats for not addressing violent crime.

This is in response to Hochul claiming that Republicans are overplaying how dangerous crime is within the state.

Democrats spend a whole bunch of tens of millions all through election cycle campaigning on abortion

Democrats spent a whopping $320 million campaigning on abortion this cycle, whereas neglecting different urgent points corresponding to rising inflation, the tanking economic system, the disaster on the southern border and crime.

According to AdImpact, Democrats spent solely $140 million on advertisements associated to crime and $31 million on commercials addressing inflation, regardless of inflation hitting a 40-year-high and the economic system being of high significance to the vast majority of voters.

Several Democratic candidates have used the subject of abortion to drive their campaigns, working advertisements that try to smear their GOP opponent’s pro-life views, however wouldn’t specify their place on abortion and what limitations, if any, they supported.

Despite making abortion a midterm focus and investing a whole bunch of tens of millions of essential marketing campaign funds into the subject, a latest New York Times nationwide ballot discovered that solely 5% of registered voters imagine that abortion is an important concern going through our nation as we speak, whereas the vast majority of voters, 26%, imagine the economic system to be the highest concern.

The nationwide ballot additionally discovered that the difficulty of inflation was of high concern to 18% of respondents. The New York Times survey was carried out Oct. 9 to 12 with a margin of error of 4.0 proportion factors. 

What are the highest voter points within the midterms?

1. Growing Inflation

Inflation is top concern of voters within the 2022 midterms, persistently rating highest on voters’ listing of priorities all through the election cycle. Unlike most political points, inflation impacts each single voter making it an particularly potent drive on this 12 months’s midterms.

2. Crime and a spike in crime charges

Major cities throughout the U.S. in Red and Blue states have seen a surge in violent crime for the reason that pandemic, with homicides hitting historic highs in 2020 and 2021. 

3. Abortion and abortion rights

Many Democrat candidates refocused their midterms messaging to abortion following the SCOTUS resolution. In reality, Planned Parenthood introduced a record-breaking midterm spending plan of $50 million in key races, Fox News Digital reported

4. Immigration and border safety

The concern has remained a central theme all through the midterms, persistently polling excessive on the listing of voter considerations in accordance to nationwide polls.

5. Threats to Democracy

Threats to democracy has been a problem of high significance to Democrats within the midterms, topping out inflation and abortion in a number of nationwide polls. 

Trump-backed candidates look to defeat opposition in Tuesday midterm elections

Over the final 12 months, former President Trump issued a number of endorsements for candidates who’re featured on ballots on this 12 months’s midterm elections.

Trump issued a complete of 493 endorsements this 12 months, with 240 of these being major endorsements. Trump’s major endorsements had a 92% success fee. For the final election, Trump issued 253 endorsements.

GOP Senate candidates who’ve acquired Trump’s endorsement in key states embrace Blake Masters in Arizona, Kelly Tshibaka in Alaska, Herschel Walker in Georgia, Adam Laxalt in Nevada, JD Vance in Ohio, Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, Ron Johnson in Wisconsin, and Dan Bolduc in New Hampshire.

Trump’s endorsement within the 2022 elections had a significant impact on Republicans who beforehand voted to impeach him. Reps. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, Liz Cheney of Wyoming, Peter Meijer of Michigan, and Tom Rice of South Carolina all misplaced their major elections.

One of Trump’s most notable endorsements got here once we endorsed Cheney’s major challenger, Harriet Hageman, within the Wyoming U.S. House race. Cheney, who serves as vice chair of the House January 6 Committee, conceded to Hageman within the state’s August 16 election.

How will the midterms have an effect on the Biden presidency?

While the presidency is not on the ballot throughout midterm election years, the midterms typically function a litmus take a look at for the president’s reputation midway via his time period in workplace. 

The end result of the 2022 midterms will set the stage for the latter half of Biden’s time period in workplace, in addition to the 2024 presidential election. If the Democratic Party can maintain onto a majority in a single or each chambers, Biden ought to discover it comparatively simpler to obtain his political agenda with the assistance of a Democrat-controlled Congress. If Republicans achieve House and Senate majorities, Biden will discover it more and more harder to pull off important legislative victories, and can doubtless see Republican-led investigations launched into his presidency.

How many seats do Republicans want to win the House?

Democrats presently maintain a slim majority within the House with 222 seats, versus 213 seats in Republican management. This implies that Republicans want to choose up simply 5 seats so as to attain the 218 seats wanted to maintain a majority.

Republicans are favored to regain a majority within the House, in accordance to most race projections. Fox News’ Power Rankings forecast that Republicans will choose up 23 seats to maintain a 236 seat majority within the decrease chamber.

Historically, the president’s celebration loses 29 House seats, on common, in his first midterm election, in accordance to a Council on Foreign Relations report.

Each midterm election cycle, all 435 seats inside the House of Representatives are up for election, in contrast to about one-third of Senate seats. At the state degree, 36 states maintain elections for governor and different native officers in midterm years.

Elon Musk encourages individuals to vote Republican in midterms

Billionaire Twitter CEO Elon Musk
 endorsed Republicans for the midterm election cycle on Monday, telling voters to forged ballots for a Republican Congress.

Musk’s announcement comes months after he first introduced plans to vote Republican earlier this 12 months. He argued Monday that having a authorities break up between two events is good, and famous President Biden’s possession of the White House for Democrats earlier than saying Congress ought to go to Republicans.

“To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic,” Musk wrote.

Musk’s endorsement follows via on his vow to vote Republican in May.

This replace was supplied by Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom.

How will the midterms have an effect on the inventory market?

Regardless of who holds onto or good points energy from the midterm election, the outcome will affect investors and the stock market for weeks to come. Moreover, the rising price of residing and protracted inflation might speed up relying on the volatility of the inventory market’s response.

By definition, the United States is already in a recession. The most generally used definition of a recession is 2 straight quarters of falling gross home product. The U.S. GDP fell at a 0.9% annualized fee within the second quarter, following a 1.6% decline within the first quarter of 2022.

Not for the reason that midterm election in 1929 has a recession begun throughout a president’s third 12 months in workplace. To have a tough thought of how election outcomes will affect the stock market, we should consider previous midterm elections.

Top Voter Issues: Crime

Major cities throughout the U.S. in Red and Blue states have seen a surge in violent crime for the reason that pandemic, with homicides hitting historic highs in 2020 and 2021. 

According to figures from the Council on Criminal Justice, homicides in 2022 are nonetheless 39% greater than throughout the identical interval in 2019, with property crimes, violent crimes, and drug offenses additionally seeing will increase this 12 months.

As the celebration historically tied to legislation and order, Republicans have made crime a key a part of their midterms messaging, continuously calling out Democrat opponents who beforehand supported defunding the police within the aftermath of Black Lives Matter protests in 2020. 

Crime has continued to poll higher on voters’ concerns
within the ultimate weeks of the midterms, usually coming in second to inflation, with a majority of voters trusting Republicans over Democrats on crime by a 15 level margin, in accordance to a Fox News Poll. 

ELECTION DAY: What time do polls open and shut throughout the nation?

Here is Fox News Digital’s information to when polls close and open throughout the nation on Election Day.

A variety of states conduct their elections primarily by mail, nonetheless voters can nonetheless vote in particular person inside the timeframe polls are open in the event that they select to accomplish that.

Make positive to examine together with your native election officers for any adjustments to ballot opening and shutting instances, or for up to date voting location information or extra variations not listed.

Pennsylvania voters reveal how the Oz-Fetterman debate will affect their vote

Pennsylvania voters shared differing opinions on how closely the controversy between Dr. Mehmet Oz and Lt. Gov. John Fetterman influenced their vote forward of Tuesday’s midterm election.

“It did,” one girl, Yahneinpolor, advised Fox News. “Because when they asked Fetterman a question, he continued to just not say the right answer.”

But one other girl, Karen, mentioned “not at all.”

Biden says Democrats could have ‘robust’ time maintaining House majority

President Biden advised reporters on Monday that he was “optimistic” about Tuesday’s midterm elections, however admitted it might be a “tough” race for Democrats when it comes to maintaining management of the House.

“I’m feeling, feeling optimistic. But I’m always optimistic,” Biden mentioned as he arrived on the White House. He campaigned for Sen. Chris Van Hollen and Maryland gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore at Bowie State University earlier that day.

Biden responded much less enthusiastically when a reporter requested if Democrats might preserve their House majority.

“I think it’s going to be tough, but I think we can,” Biden replied.

“I think we’ll win the Senate. I think the House is tougher,” he added.

DEMOCRACY 2022: Voters head to the polls with congressional stability of energy on the road

President Biden predicts that Democrats will “surprise the living devil out of a lot of people” in Tuesday’s midterm elections, when roughly a 3rd of the Senate, all 435-members of the House of Representatives, and governors’ places of work in 36 of the 50 states are up for grabs.

But with Democrats going through historic headwinds — the celebration that wins the White House historically suffers main setbacks within the ensuing midterm elections — and a really tough political local weather fueled by document inflation, hovering crime and a disaster on the nation’s southern border, all accentuated by his personal rebounding however nonetheless underwater approval rankings, the president’s election eve forecast seems optimistic.

Republicans are aiming to regain majorities in each the House of Representatives and Senate in Tuesday’s contests, whereas sustaining and doubtlessly growing their present management of a majority of governorships and state legislative chambers.

What are the important thing toss-up Senate races?

The Senate stays a toss-up. Fox News’ Power Rankings present 47 seats going to the Democrats and 49 to the Republicans, leaving four crucial toss-up races
to resolve management of the Senate: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. 

Arizona: Blake Masters vs Sen. Mark Kelly

Tech enterprise capitalist and Republican nominee Blake Masters is difficult Democrat incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly, a retired astronaut, who has held the seat since defeating Martha McSally in a 2020 particular election. 

Georgia: Herschel Walker vs Sen. Raphael Warnock

Democratic incumbent and Baptist pastor Sen. Raphael Warnock, who was elected in a 2021 particular election, faces off in opposition to scandal-ridden, Trump-endorsed Herschel Walker on November 8.  

Nevada: Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto vs Adam Laxalt

In Nevada, Democrat incumbent Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto is going through Republican challenger Adam Laxalt in a race that many political pundits are saying will decide the bulk celebration within the Senate.

Pennsylvania: John Fetterman vs Oz

Pennsylvania is one other Senate race that has political analysts scratching their heads the place a pair of atypical candidates has garnered nationwide consideration. John Fetterman and Dr. OZ are on the poll this Tuesday.

Top Voter Issues: Threats to Democracy

Threats to democracy has been an issue of top importance to Democrats within the midterms, topping out inflation and abortion in a number of nationwide polls. 

President Joe Biden has referred to as consideration to the difficulty in latest marketing campaign speeches, denouncing “extreme MAGA Republicans” and the menace they pose to democracy. This level was central to Biden’s “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” speech in Pennsylvania the place he accused MAGA Republicans of waging an “assault on American democracy.”

In Congress, Democrats have tried to preserve this concern front-and-center forward of the midterms. The House Select Committee’s investigation into the January sixth Capitol riot has held quite a few public hearings trying to show former President Donald Trump undermined democracy within the aftermath of January sixth. Last week, House Majority Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina went so far as to say that the U.S. is “on track to repeat” Germany within the 1930’s, in a latest interview with Fox New Digital.

On the path, some Democrat candidates have pointed to their Republican opponents’ refusal to settle for the 2020 election outcomes as a key sticking level of their marketing campaign messaging, although some political analysts warn this technique will damage Democrats as they shift the main focus off financial points.

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