Monday, June 17, 2024

Four arrested for stealing 35 guns from Brooksville business

In Hernando County, Florida, 4 people at the moment are in police custody after stealing 35 guns from a Brooksville business in simply 3 mins. The workforce incorporated one guy and 3 youngsters, all of whom at the moment are going through fees for their involvement within the theft.

Hernando County Sheriff (*35*) Nienhuis famous that an nameless tipster performed a a very powerful position within the fast apprehension of the suspects. “This anonymous tipster basically said, hey, there are some young people in the area of downtown Brooksville. Looks like they may have guns,” he shared. Sheriff Nienhuis persisted, “Within a couple of hours, investigators recovered firearms in the woods and inside a vehicle that had backpacks full of guns and ammunition. Investigators said the suspects are gang affiliated.”

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The sheriff additionally defined that surveillance cameras printed the suspects getting into the focused business the day sooner than the robbery took place. “The individuals were actually seen in the victim business,” he stated, including that that they had been “casing the business and figuring out where the gun cases were and which guns were where.”

Thankfully, because of the quick and efficient efforts of legislation enforcement, the stolen guns had been recovered sooner than they may well be utilized in any violent crimes. Sheriff Nienhuis expressed worry for the protection of the group, remarking that “very likely one of these weapons could have been used to not just kill another gang member, which we don’t want to happen, but to kill an innocent adult or police officer or what really scares me to death is a young child.”

Members of the group expressed their reduction that the harmful guns had been taken off the streets briefly. “If those guns got in the wrong hands that wouldn’t be good at all,” stated native resident, Austin Legg.

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