Monday, June 3, 2024

Florida inmate pleads guilty to threatening to kill federal judge, family

JACKSONVILLE — A Florida state jail inmate faces up to 10 years in federal jail for threatening to kill a federal choose and his family.

Curtis Brown, 35, pleaded guilty Tuesday in Jacksonville federal courtroom to threatening to homicide a federal choose in retaliation for performing his official duties and mailing a threatening letter, in accordance to courtroom information.

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A sentencing date wasn’t instantly set.

According to courtroom paperwork, Brown was serving a sentence for drug trafficking within the Florida State Prison in Raiford in November 2021 when he despatched a handwritten letter to a federal choose’s chambers. The letter acknowledged that the choose’s “recent refusal to grant warranted relief” gave Brown no different alternative however to use his federal stimulus cash to pay for somebody to kill the choose.

The letter acknowledged that if Brown couldn’t get to the choose in time, then Brown would accept a member of the choose’s family, prosecutors mentioned. The letter was signed by Brown, and beneath his signature was a press release that the letter higher keep between them, or it might worsen.

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Brown was sentenced to jail in 2006 after being convicted of a number of drug fees. Florida Department of Corrections information present that he was supposed to be launched from state jail in 2034.

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