Sunday, June 2, 2024

Exclusive: Border Patrol agent says urgent support needed at border | Texas

(The Center Square) – Within a short period of time of holding in custody over 27,000 illegal foreign nationals who’ve just arrived to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, a Border Patrol agent stationed there told The Center Square, “We are almost at ‘Broken Arrow.’”

“Of that 27,000, a little over 5,000 are processed waiting for their next phase in the process,” the agent said. “Every sector is near 150% capacity,” the agent said, referring to nine U.S. Customs and Border Protection sectors along the southwest border, five of which are in Texas.

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Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, he referred to the U.S. military code phrase used during the first major battle of the Vietnam War when U.S. Army troops were in danger of being obliterated. After two days of intense fighting during the 1965 Battle of la Drang, Lieutenant Colonel Harold G. Moore radioed the code word “Broken Arrow,” requesting urgent air support. His 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment was about to be overrun by three enemy regiments if help didn’t arrive.

Tactical airstrikes and heavy artillery arrived in time, enabling Moore and his men to hold the line. Reinforcements arrived but the 2nd Battalion, 7th Calvary Regiment was ambushed and lost 155 men with another 124 wounded. It was the biggest loss of U.S. forces in a single day during the entire Vietnam War.

The chaotic four-day battle resulting in 234 Americans dead and 250 wounded was described in a documentary and portrayed in a 2002 movie based on a famous book of a similar name, “We Were Soldiers.”

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The judges and commissioners of more than 40 Texas counties have declared an invasion, arguing Mexican cartels are bringing in drugs, terrorists and criminals through the southern border using “migrant warfare” and “nonconventional warfare” to do it. The amount of fentanyl being seized by law enforcement in vehicles over 100 miles from the border in Texas, Arizona and California is enough to kill entire populations of small cities and towns. The amount of fentanyl Texas Operation Lone Star officers have seized since March 2021 is enough to kill everyone in the United States.

Border Patrol agents don’t have reinforcements coming from the U.S. military other than to help process the release of illegal foreign nationals, not prohibit their entry, the White House has announced. Even as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday sent a tactical Texas National Guard unit of several hundred troops to El Paso and to the RGV border sector to block illegal entry, he said Texas “is being overrun by our own federal government.”

He also posted video of places where Texas troops have blocked entry near Brownsville.

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At least 13,000 people are expected to arrive a day at the southern border when the public health authority Title 42 ends Thursday. Assuming the numbers don’t fluctuate, another 4.6 million could arrive in one year’s time in response to Biden administration policies, border observers warn. That’s in addition to over 6 million who’ve already been apprehended or reported as gotaways since January 2021.

A day before Abbott’s announcement, Fox News published drone footage of foreign nationals arriving south of Brownsville seeking to enter the U.S. from all over the world, waiting in a line that appears to be over a mile long.

Under Biden administration policies, the Department of Homeland Security and State Department announced “sweeping measures with our regional partners,” including the governments of Mexico, Spain and Canada to “expand legal pathways” and “ensure safe, orderly, and efficient processing.” The federal government is also opening processing centers overseas and expanding access to the CBP OneApp to bring even more people into the country, it says.

This article First appeared in the center square

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